Tipping is a very difficult subject and as far as the base rule goes we handle it this way.
We do not except to be tipped and work as hard as we should tipping is a bonus and that is what it should be seen as, not expected.
I'm not against tipping but the tip should be something special a reward for hard work or something unusual.
I will be more than happy if the client uses that tip money to bag another animal after all if you did your job well you will have return business. This is my take on the subject and I went into this business not too become a millionaire but too have a rich enjoyable life. If your in the business for $$$ your in the wrong place. That is my few cents of tipping money worth
Jerome great article and guidelines.
This is the sort of PH I would enjoy going hunting with and I probably also would tip him well too because I am sure he will put in his best efforts for me having a great time hunting.
All depending on how tight my budget is of course

And he will do it because of the love and pride of his job, not depending on how much or little tip he gets
I really don't like this expected minimum tip that several agents/outfitters operates with at all.
I have myself worked as a waiter for some years and even if I always did my best for all my guests, I never expected any tips at all.
When people chose to spend their money in the restaurant I worked instead of eating home, it was my obligation to give them the best experience I could.
Totally disregarding how much they tipped.
Restaurant guest and a hunting clients can be very different. Some have plenty of money and can go out eating or go on a hunting trip whenever they want, and they can afford to tip well.
Others are saving up money for a long time for this special occasion and can just afford to pay for the dinner or the hunt and don't have extra money to tip.
I think it is totally unfair to expect from them that they should save up money for even longer so they can afford to tip as well.
In my opinion is a returning guest the best acknowledgement for your work you can get.
I totally understands well that staff in hunting camps/ranches often are underpayed, but that is seriously their employers responsibility, not the hunters.
I will tip them if I am happy with my stay, but don't expect me to.
People that don't have pride in what they do, but only care about how much money they earn, don't deserve a cent in tip in my opinion.
I promise you that most of the asian employees are underpayed, but I guess most people don't care about that when they buy all the products made there.