An interesting thread, for sure. I might as well keep it alive and add my experience.
My general stance is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I can also guarantee that, as evidenced through a great number of the previous 700 posts, you will never have everyone agree on the subject. MANY variables include the concept of what is fair, what is expected, perceived value or rating of performance, personal wealth and ability/willingness to share it, and so much more.
I went to Africa in August for my first ever safari, and also happens to be my first "guided" trip. Therefore, I had absolutely no frame of reference, relevant or not, for what was expected or considered fair. I did some online reading, including the original post here, asked a friend who had been to Africa (though not to RSA), and even asked the outfitter for a recommendation. The answers varied so much, I still had almost no idea of what to do.
Ultimately, I decided that the outfitter would know best what is fair for their operations, so that was my baseline. I took a little extra along, allowing myself to adjust for over the top service, but also knowing that subpar efforts would not be rewarded. I also brought along some candies and snacks that I freely shared throughout the stay, but was not considered part of my gratuities in my mind. I also left behind the remaining extras at trips end, less a little for my plane ride home.
At the end of the stay, I had thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. We had 2 PHs for 3 hunters, both of which spent time 1x1 and 2x1. 7 total animals were shot under the guide of PH1, and 4 under PH2. Each PH had a combo tracker/skinner, and the camp had 1 cook, 1 house maid, and 1 camp hand. As a group, we pooled our tips (though we equally contributed) and handed what we felt fair to each individual, along with a handshake and thank you. We did not base it off total cost, number of animals, or any percentage type analysis. The only part we asked our PHs about was the splitting of the combined total we had put in for PHs. I explained that I hoped we weren't putting them in a hard spot to answer, but we wanted to be fair to them on a perhaps unusual sharing of their time and services among odd number of hunters in camp. We offered to split the tip evenly, split it based on # of animals taken each, or to put it on the table and walk away for them to split how they saw fit without us present. They took an equal split, and I have no idea if they discussed it amongst themselves later, and dont care.
I feel we were fair, perhaps a little on the above average side, and I felt each one genuinely appreciated the personal delivery and handshake. I felt no dirty looks or hostility from that point through the rest of the time we spent with the various individuals (a couple hours in camp, the whole day with PH that took us to HQ for final paperwork, then curios, then airport).
Based purely on my single experience, I would say that getting a baseline idea from the Outfitter will be my way of doing it from here forward, and then adjust based on my feelings of the effort and service. I hope this helps others who find themselves in the position I was, but encourage you to do what you think is right.