Professional Hunter - USD 50 to USD 100 per day
Tracker - USD 15 per day (One tracker per client)
Skinning shed and Skinners - USD 15 per day (This take care of the complete skinning shed personal)
Chefs and camp Staff - USD 50 per day
It boils down to the following per safari:
7 Day Safari - USD 910 to USD 1 260
10 Day Safari - USD1 270 to USD 1 620
14 Day Safari - USD 1 750 to USD 2 100
Sorry, gentleman.
This is an "payment", not an "tipp".
I dont think, that an native (and this is no offence, not an bad word, pp.) african un-learnd "worker" geht 15 US dollar per day as an income.
You can do what you want to do with your money.
But I dont think, that you help the countrys in africa with this.
Best wishes.
The "B.