AH legend
my wife and i worked for 40 and 43 years for the same company,we never received any tips.if the wage we received wasnt enough ,work some place else.its up to the individual to give a good days work for a good days wage.i hate the mandatory tip process,your told tips are up to you but also how much you are expected to give.in some cases,2000.00 is considered skimpy.id rather the outfitter include the tip in the price ,and see how much he hands out when the hunt is over.i want to tip who i think deserves it.not be told who and how much im expected to pay.it seems the definition of tips has been lost somewhere.im well aware of the difference in the economy,but i didnt create it and i cant fix it.we worked our ass off for what we have and im not going to give it away.i also wont apollogize for my beliefs.