Things Heat up in the Gulf

NE 7x57

AH veteran
Apr 9, 2021
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Middle USA
It's possible that Iran is involved in a ship hijacking in the Gulf of Oman. This comes following a drone attack on a ship with Israeli ties on Thursday.

"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The British navy warned of a “potential hijack” of a ship off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman on Tuesday, though the circumstances remained unclear."

Washington Post
Weakness on our part encourages this type of thing. Iran is a malignancy that will eventually need to be dealt with. Negotiating with the thug clerics in Tehran is an exercise in futility. They are only interested in defeating the Great Satan. They have zero interest in win-win outcomes. We need to make it clear that our national policy is regime change. Back the Iranian people who are protesting against the regime. Support the countries in the Gulf region who oppose Iranian hegemony. Its past time for ending the charade.
Weakness on our part encourages this type of thing. Iran is a malignancy that will eventually need to be dealt with. Negotiating with the thug clerics in Tehran is an exercise in futility. They are only interested in defeating the Great Satan. They have zero interest in win-win outcomes. We need to make it clear that our national policy is regime change. Back the Iranian people who are protesting against the regime. Support the countries in the Gulf region who oppose Iranian hegemony. Its past time for ending the charade.
Not gonna happen with Joe Sippy Cup in office!
It's possible that Iran is involved in a ship hijacking in the Gulf of Oman.

You can track the ship, on any of AIS web tracking free sites. (until they switch off AIS system onboard). But at the moment AIS is operational

The vessel now, when I am typing, is in the middle of navigable waters, and appears drifting. If the vessel is hijacked, my firsst guess would be that they will take it to one of their ports, under full speed. And they would switch off AIS, to easier dissapper. Considering the media coverage, we will soon know what is hapening there.


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Funny, there has been very little about this on TV. Have only seen one reference to it, yesterday.
The thing about the Iranians is that they do everything as a form of bluster and stunt. They always like to flex, but never fully engage.

If this is Iranians, they are detaining/delaying the ship to get something for it. If they wanted to capture it, it would already be in port. Leaving it adrift in the gulf saves them some culpability.

Since the hijackers have now abandoned the ship per UK Navy, this theory makes sense. Start trouble and bail before you can be blamed.
We need to make it clear that our national policy is regime change.
I get the sentiment. But please no, we have enough refugees for now ;)
I get the sentiment. But please no, we have enough refugees for now ;)
There's no need to take any refugees from Iran. In fact, doing so would be counterproductive. We need all of the fed-up, disenfranchised, disaffected, and brutalized Iranians to STAY in Iran and overthrow the clerics.
There are reports that Iranians boarded the Asphalt Princess and tried to take it to Iran but the crew somehow sabotaged the engines so it would not move. Then when US and Omani warships arrived the Iranians left the ships, got into boats and headed home. No one was injured.

This report was attributed to UK government sources. I'm sure when additional information comes out this may or may not be confirmed. But you'll probably have to look for the information, as much of America's MSM is going to be reluctant to call out Iran since that goes against the narrative promoted by the Administration. ( it's ironic, when I saw the ship was adrift in the sea I thought of our country :confused:)
There are reports that Iranians boarded the Asphalt Princess and tried to take it to Iran but the crew somehow sabotaged the engines so it would not move. Then when US and Omani warships arrived the Iranians left the ships, got into boats and headed home. No one was injured.
This should be standard contingency plan and security procedure, for well trained crew and serious ship operator, in case of piracy attack.
In case this is so, then good job by master and crew!

Generally reccomended practise in case of piracy attack on merchant vessel is:
- Send the emergency message (to owner, menagment, supporting navy, flag state)
- sabotage the engine
- block all inner doors, accesses and watertight door, lock everything
- escape to one predetermined area (citadel) and all crew keep locked inside
- wait for rescue.
All this should be done in a matter of minutes from the ship crew
As a brit can someone explain the sippy cup thing to me please? Is it because you guys call coffee a hot cup of joe??
I'm not sure if this is the "correct" interpretation but BABYS drink from sippy-cups to limit and or prevent spills.

That is my take on it as well.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.