Now this is going waay back in time guys! This old beauty followed me home the other day from the LGS.
How old it is I am not yet sure but around 100 years. It is an LSA sporter, or London Small Arms Lee Enfield. These were purpose built commercial sporters meant primarily for the India and Africa hunter. .303 British of course!
Nice checkered walnut stock in good shape, dings and scrapes and scratches. Can't find any cracks. 3-leaf Express sights with a flip up ladder sight as well to really reach out!
Huge front sight base that is integral with the barrel, not banded or screwed on. Barrel swivel attachment of the old style. Early Lee Enfield receiver with dust cover. Probably the wrong magazine as from what I read it should have a 5- round mag, and this is 10, but it has an unusual feature. At top right front, is a lever that rotates in and out of position and appears to be designed to grab the follower, or not. Rifle also has the magazine cut-off, so perhaps its meant to work in conjunction with that. Barrel has numerous scratches and wear spots, bore appears excellent especially for its age. It is 5 groove Enfield rifling, not Metford. Oh and of course buffalo horn forend tip and pistol grip cap, eh wot?! All matching too of the numbers I can find.
I am hopefull that someone on here will be able to shed more light on this fine old rifle.
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