The U.N's Latest Farce

I'm not worried. RSA has ignored UN economic sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Can't believe they would give this foolishness much heed.
This is where you might be wrong. The population of South Africa is largely in step with you and I. Unfortunately the GOVT of South Africa is the most woke you'll find. They will do anything to curry favour with the prevailing flavour of the day. Think Russia, Hamas, El Bashir, China, et al... if it is communist or terrorist orientated they are all for it.

Believe me they will be on this like shit on stink.... BUT the only saving grace is that it will affect their back pocket. So there may be hope yet.
Children can’t bring a rifle to Namibia, which is why when I traveled with my wife and son, she needed only her 30-06 but for some reason I needed my 30-06 and “my” youth-stocked 243.

No reason for RSA to fuss about this when they can have their cake and eat it too. The anti-hunters can celebrate their “victory” and the rest of us can go about our lives unchanged.
But they may be exposed to permanent psychological and physical alterations to their bodies, accompanied by pain, which is encouraged in the domestic and social environment by means of changing gender…
Exactly my thought, that Okay but teaching keeps to depends on themselve and survival skills is illegal.
The UN can stick their gay blue hats right up their asses! Had my fill of them once upon a time. Wish we would remove ourselves from the UN and Remove them from our country.
They obviously have ignored what’s happening in Africa.
Have a read of this. Keep in mind that without the next generation Africa will lose its animals to the population explosion that is happening.
If it pays it stays.
They obviously have ignored what’s happening in Africa.
Have a read of this. Keep in mind that without the next generation Africa will lose its animals to the population explosion that is happening.
If it pays it stays.

It’s not a matter of ignoring…

It’s a matter of genuinely not caring…

Leftist agenda is the priority.. no matter the consequence.. they know what’s best for the world and for the local African communities… the rest of us unenlightened need to just shut up and sit down and watch them do their magic..

Haven’t you heard… Greta flew all the way to South Africa once on her private jet to lecture on the horrors of fossil fuels!

The UN lost any value it was bringing the world more than 50 years ago.. I sincerely don’t understand why developed nations remain members..
But letting people become vegans before 18 that they will allow as . With breakdown of will and general health fatigues wearing down r the people’s determination and psychological abilities .
Alright guys these kind of stories always get it going because the story Author is a TROLL.

Can you please do a little verification before you just decide to fall into the trap and do your best impression of or wear your "I love Greta T-Shirt".
Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 09.02.03.png

1. LOOK AT THE AUTHOR - Can you imagine someone more willing to put SPIN on anything for their own BS purposes.

Louise van dere Merwe
Managing Trustee The Humane Education Trust


Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 08.49.22.png

Director Nature Based Education Cape Town South Africa
Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 08.50.32.png

SA Representative Compassion in World Farming, South Africa

Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 08.47.02.png

2. Did anyone actually read the report themselves? Source it?
Have a look at the CONTEXT of the comment.

In the light of its general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence and targets 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to: (SOUTH AFRICA)

Abuse and neglect, including sexual exploitation and abuse
25. The Committee welcomes the operationalisation of the Child Protection Register and the equipment of Courts and police stations with the child-friendly rooms. It however remains deeply concerned about:
(a) The high prevalence of violence against children, particularly sexual exploitation and abuse, domestic violence and attacks against children with albinism;
(b) The weak implementation of legislation, policy and programmes;
(c) The high prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly in schools and online;
(d) Lack of resources for the implementation of child protection programmes and services;
(e) The low levels of reporting and prosecution and the high level of impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse of children, particularly of teachers.
26. In the light of its general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence and targets 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Strengthen measures to eradicate all forms of violence against children, particularly sexual and gender-based violence, domestic violence and violence against children with albinism;
(b) Address the root causes of violence and abuse, such as social and gender norms, unequal allocation of resources between rural and urban areas and underfunding of protection programmes;
(c) Provide adequate resources for the implementation of the National Child Care and Protection Policy, the GBVF National Strategic Plan 2020-2030, the National Integrated Prevention Strategy on Femicide Emergency Response Plan, the SOP for the Employers of Educators protocol, and other programmes and initiatives aimed at protecting children from all forms of violence, abuse and neglect;
(d) Review and update the School Safety Framework and strictly investigate all cases of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence at schools and ensure that perpetrators are duly sanctioned;
(e) Respond to all manifestations of child sexual exploitation and abuse online, including by strengthening professional capacity and software tools to detect and investigate such abuse, promoting training for parents and teachers about risks online and the risks associated with sexting, ensuring and promoting accessible, confidential, child-friendly and effective channels for reporting all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse and encouraging children to make use thereof;
(f) Ensure that all cases of the abuse of children, including sexual abuse, are promptly reported and investigated, applying a child-friendly and multisectoral approach with the aim of avoiding the revictimization of the child, that perpetrators are prosecuted and duly sanctioned and that reparations are provided to victims, as appropriate;
(g) Ensure the allocation of adequate human, technical and financial resources to strengthen the prevention and early intervention services, including the community-based services for orphans and vulnerable children such as Risiha programme.

Harmful practices
27. The Committee remains concerned about the harmful practices carried out on children in the State party, including the abduction of girls for the purpose of forced marriage (ukuthwala), child and forced marriage, so-called “virginity testing”, witchcraft, violent or harmful initiation rites, and female genital mutilation. Recalling CRC/C/ZAF/CO/3-6 joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2019) on harmful practices, and taking note of target 5.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recalls its previous recommendations11 and urges the State party to:
(a) Expedite the finalisation and passing of the Amendment Marriage Bill and the Children’s Amendment Bill to remove all exceptions that allow marriage for those under 18 years of age and take all necessary measures to eliminate child marriages;
(b) Expedite the adoption of legislation that criminalizes harmful practices against and girls, such as ukuthwala;
(c) Develop awareness-raising campaigns and programmes on the harmful effects of child and forced marriage on the physical and mental health and well-being of girls, targeting households, local authorities, religious leaders and judges and prosecutors;
(d) Explicitly prohibit and eradicate virginity testing for girls, irrespective of their age, and design and implement effective education campaigns to combat traditional and family pressures on girls and women in favour of this practice;
(e) Strengthen the implementation of the regulation of the male customary initiations, by stringent selection and accreditation or licensing criteria for initiation schools, pre-admission medical examinations for prospective initiates, strict enforcement of prescribed age limits for initiates, accurate record keeping of enrolled initiates from entry to completion, and compliance with strict monitoring and oversight requirements by authorized government agencies; also protect children from the vicarious effects of exposure to violence inflicted on animals such as during Trophy Hunting;

The authors used trophy hunting as an example "such as". Ill informed obviously, but it does not really present any form or substance in the report.

But the TROLL sure got you all spun out!

Have a great weekend.

I know this is true. It's was in print!

Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 08.57.28.png
Alright guys these kind of stories always get it going because the story Author is a TROLL.

Can you please do a little verification before you just decide to fall into the trap and do your best impression of or wear your "I love Greta T-Shirt".View attachment 587880

1. LOOK AT THE AUTHOR - Can you imagine someone more willing to put SPIN on anything for their own BS purposes.

Louise van dere Merwe
Managing Trustee The Humane Education Trust


View attachment 587876

Director Nature Based Education Cape Town South Africa
View attachment 587877
SA Representative Compassion in World Farming, South Africa

View attachment 587875

2. Did anyone actually read the report themselves? Source it?
Have a look at the CONTEXT of the comment.

In the light of its general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence and targets 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to: (SOUTH AFRICA)

Abuse and neglect, including sexual exploitation and abuse
25. The Committee welcomes the operationalisation of the Child Protection Register and the equipment of Courts and police stations with the child-friendly rooms. It however remains deeply concerned about:
(a) The high prevalence of violence against children, particularly sexual exploitation and abuse, domestic violence and attacks against children with albinism;
(b) The weak implementation of legislation, policy and programmes;
(c) The high prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly in schools and online;
(d) Lack of resources for the implementation of child protection programmes and services;
(e) The low levels of reporting and prosecution and the high level of impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse of children, particularly of teachers.
26. In the light of its general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence and targets 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Strengthen measures to eradicate all forms of violence against children, particularly sexual and gender-based violence, domestic violence and violence against children with albinism;
(b) Address the root causes of violence and abuse, such as social and gender norms, unequal allocation of resources between rural and urban areas and underfunding of protection programmes;
(c) Provide adequate resources for the implementation of the National Child Care and Protection Policy, the GBVF National Strategic Plan 2020-2030, the National Integrated Prevention Strategy on Femicide Emergency Response Plan, the SOP for the Employers of Educators protocol, and other programmes and initiatives aimed at protecting children from all forms of violence, abuse and neglect;
(d) Review and update the School Safety Framework and strictly investigate all cases of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence at schools and ensure that perpetrators are duly sanctioned;
(e) Respond to all manifestations of child sexual exploitation and abuse online, including by strengthening professional capacity and software tools to detect and investigate such abuse, promoting training for parents and teachers about risks online and the risks associated with sexting, ensuring and promoting accessible, confidential, child-friendly and effective channels for reporting all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse and encouraging children to make use thereof;
(f) Ensure that all cases of the abuse of children, including sexual abuse, are promptly reported and investigated, applying a child-friendly and multisectoral approach with the aim of avoiding the revictimization of the child, that perpetrators are prosecuted and duly sanctioned and that reparations are provided to victims, as appropriate;
(g) Ensure the allocation of adequate human, technical and financial resources to strengthen the prevention and early intervention services, including the community-based services for orphans and vulnerable children such as Risiha programme.

Harmful practices
27. The Committee remains concerned about the harmful practices carried out on children in the State party, including the abduction of girls for the purpose of forced marriage (ukuthwala), child and forced marriage, so-called “virginity testing”, witchcraft, violent or harmful initiation rites, and female genital mutilation. Recalling CRC/C/ZAF/CO/3-6 joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2019) on harmful practices, and taking note of target 5.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recalls its previous recommendations11 and urges the State party to:
(a) Expedite the finalisation and passing of the Amendment Marriage Bill and the Children’s Amendment Bill to remove all exceptions that allow marriage for those under 18 years of age and take all necessary measures to eliminate child marriages;
(b) Expedite the adoption of legislation that criminalizes harmful practices against and girls, such as ukuthwala;
(c) Develop awareness-raising campaigns and programmes on the harmful effects of child and forced marriage on the physical and mental health and well-being of girls, targeting households, local authorities, religious leaders and judges and prosecutors;
(d) Explicitly prohibit and eradicate virginity testing for girls, irrespective of their age, and design and implement effective education campaigns to combat traditional and family pressures on girls and women in favour of this practice;
(e) Strengthen the implementation of the regulation of the male customary initiations, by stringent selection and accreditation or licensing criteria for initiation schools, pre-admission medical examinations for prospective initiates, strict enforcement of prescribed age limits for initiates, accurate record keeping of enrolled initiates from entry to completion, and compliance with strict monitoring and oversight requirements by authorized government agencies; also protect children from the vicarious effects of exposure to violence inflicted on animals such as during Trophy Hunting;

The authors used trophy hunting as an example "such as". Ill informed obviously, but it does not really present any form or substance in the report.

But the TROLL sure got you all spun out!

Have a great weekend.

I know this is true. It's was in print!

View attachment 587878
Thanks for taking the time to put this in its proper context.
U.N= Uneducated NutcasesView attachment 587683
Well, that explains a lot. Now we know why kids that grow up hunting with adults become violent criminals. Kids that grow up in cities and never hunt animals grow up to be kind, gentle people that would never become gang members who kill people. Wait...what?

Kind of makes you wonder how the educated, U.N. thinkers could be so incredibly blind to the obvious.
Let me get this straight. :unsure:

According to the U.N., a child to young to sign legal documents can have their genitalia cut off, permanently changing their life, but cannot participate in an activity humans have engaged in for millions of years?

Got it. :cautious:
How is it the kids would describe this thread? Cringe???

This is like the Filson sale thread a couple weeks ago. If something seems off it probably is. Do your due diligence before getting suckered.
Well this makes a lot more sense. Should have tried to look it up but did not
Alright guys these kind of stories always get it going because the story Author is a TROLL.

Can you please do a little verification before you just decide to fall into the trap and do your best impression of or wear your "I love Greta T-Shirt".View attachment 587880

1. LOOK AT THE AUTHOR - Can you imagine someone more willing to put SPIN on anything for their own BS purposes.

Louise van dere Merwe
Managing Trustee The Humane Education Trust


View attachment 587876

Director Nature Based Education Cape Town South Africa
View attachment 587877
SA Representative Compassion in World Farming, South Africa

View attachment 587875

2. Did anyone actually read the report themselves? Source it?
Have a look at the CONTEXT of the comment.

In the light of its general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence and targets 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to: (SOUTH AFRICA)

Abuse and neglect, including sexual exploitation and abuse
25. The Committee welcomes the operationalisation of the Child Protection Register and the equipment of Courts and police stations with the child-friendly rooms. It however remains deeply concerned about:
(a) The high prevalence of violence against children, particularly sexual exploitation and abuse, domestic violence and attacks against children with albinism;
(b) The weak implementation of legislation, policy and programmes;
(c) The high prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly in schools and online;
(d) Lack of resources for the implementation of child protection programmes and services;
(e) The low levels of reporting and prosecution and the high level of impunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse of children, particularly of teachers.
26. In the light of its general comment No. 13 (2011) on the right of the child to freedom from all forms of violence and targets 5.2, 16.1 and 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Strengthen measures to eradicate all forms of violence against children, particularly sexual and gender-based violence, domestic violence and violence against children with albinism;
(b) Address the root causes of violence and abuse, such as social and gender norms, unequal allocation of resources between rural and urban areas and underfunding of protection programmes;
(c) Provide adequate resources for the implementation of the National Child Care and Protection Policy, the GBVF National Strategic Plan 2020-2030, the National Integrated Prevention Strategy on Femicide Emergency Response Plan, the SOP for the Employers of Educators protocol, and other programmes and initiatives aimed at protecting children from all forms of violence, abuse and neglect;
(d) Review and update the School Safety Framework and strictly investigate all cases of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence at schools and ensure that perpetrators are duly sanctioned;
(e) Respond to all manifestations of child sexual exploitation and abuse online, including by strengthening professional capacity and software tools to detect and investigate such abuse, promoting training for parents and teachers about risks online and the risks associated with sexting, ensuring and promoting accessible, confidential, child-friendly and effective channels for reporting all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse and encouraging children to make use thereof;
(f) Ensure that all cases of the abuse of children, including sexual abuse, are promptly reported and investigated, applying a child-friendly and multisectoral approach with the aim of avoiding the revictimization of the child, that perpetrators are prosecuted and duly sanctioned and that reparations are provided to victims, as appropriate;
(g) Ensure the allocation of adequate human, technical and financial resources to strengthen the prevention and early intervention services, including the community-based services for orphans and vulnerable children such as Risiha programme.

Harmful practices
27. The Committee remains concerned about the harmful practices carried out on children in the State party, including the abduction of girls for the purpose of forced marriage (ukuthwala), child and forced marriage, so-called “virginity testing”, witchcraft, violent or harmful initiation rites, and female genital mutilation. Recalling CRC/C/ZAF/CO/3-6 joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2019) on harmful practices, and taking note of target 5.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recalls its previous recommendations11 and urges the State party to:
(a) Expedite the finalisation and passing of the Amendment Marriage Bill and the Children’s Amendment Bill to remove all exceptions that allow marriage for those under 18 years of age and take all necessary measures to eliminate child marriages;
(b) Expedite the adoption of legislation that criminalizes harmful practices against and girls, such as ukuthwala;
(c) Develop awareness-raising campaigns and programmes on the harmful effects of child and forced marriage on the physical and mental health and well-being of girls, targeting households, local authorities, religious leaders and judges and prosecutors;
(d) Explicitly prohibit and eradicate virginity testing for girls, irrespective of their age, and design and implement effective education campaigns to combat traditional and family pressures on girls and women in favour of this practice;
(e) Strengthen the implementation of the regulation of the male customary initiations, by stringent selection and accreditation or licensing criteria for initiation schools, pre-admission medical examinations for prospective initiates, strict enforcement of prescribed age limits for initiates, accurate record keeping of enrolled initiates from entry to completion, and compliance with strict monitoring and oversight requirements by authorized government agencies; also protect children from the vicarious effects of exposure to violence inflicted on animals such as during Trophy Hunting;

The authors used trophy hunting as an example "such as". Ill informed obviously, but it does not really present any form or substance in the report.

But the TROLL sure got you all spun out!

Have a great weekend.

I know this is true. It's was in print!

View attachment 587878
Okay, so the news is not as grim as the reporter would have us believe. Make no mistake, however, that just the fact that the exposure to hunting is seen as violence against children does show that the members of this U.N. committee have an agenda. They look to paint "trophy hunting" in a negative light. They would like hunting banned "for the children."

So this committee has no authority to enforce their agenda yet, it does not mean that they are not trying to impose their will on any country that can be swayed. We.must remain on guard to protect the freedom that we still have.
Last edited:
Don't get me wrong, some muppet slid "trophy hunting" into a document and an Anti is happy about it in SOUTH AFRICA.

If magically, the RSA government could keep the power on long enough to have a discussion with the lights on, which children do you think the government of RSA is going to stop from being involved in trophy hunting or being "exposed to it"?

RSA population:
Black Africans remain the dominant population group at 81,4%, followed by the coloured population at 8,2%. The white population percentage declined to 7,3%

A national hunting survey in RSA conducted 2007,
Can you imagine the demographic changing lately?

Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 17.41.12.png

Not a big surprise who the hunters are in RSA. It appears to be older white males.

I think the children of South Africa are already structurally protected from the purported and delusional negative impacts of hunting.

I'll avoid the international hunter stats. When do international hunters expose children in RSA to trophy hunting? Show up at a school with a load of meat, SCI bags. What
I doubt the photo albums on the hunters phone are coming out to share with the class.

Anyone but me taken a local kid-young person hunting in South Africa?
I have no clue if the young man I helped kept the trophy. After the young mans hunt I delivered the entire warthog to the family home to be consumed as they saw fit. All, I heard was: Thank you!

Just for giggles:

"Protect children from the vicarious effects of exposure to violence inflicted on animals"

As an example: The notions are already present in current Washington State Law and I have no doubt some Anti could try to make some kind of case against hunting:
:A Stars:

RCW 16.52.205 Animal cruelty in the first degree.

(1) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when, except as authorized in law, he or she intentionally (a) inflicts substantial pain on, (b) causes physical injury to, or (c) kills an animal by a means causing undue suffering or while manifesting an extreme indifference to life, or forces a minor to inflict unnecessary pain, injury, or death on an animal.

RCW 26.44.020 Definitions.

(1) "Abuse or neglect" means sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation as defined in RCW 18.130.460, or injury of a child by any person under circumstances which cause harm to the child's health, welfare, or safety,

Research on the subject:
Little research exists on how exposure to animal cruelty can be a traumatic experience, with cascading negative consequences for child witnesses.

The most comprehensive review to date
of studies examining the relationship between childhood witnessing of animal cruelty and negative emotionality and behavior is Gullone’s 2012 review on the role of exposure to domestic violence, animal cruelty, and media violence in the commission of subsequent animal cruelty. The key assessments from Gullone’s review include: 1. Childhood witnessing of violence and aggression towards people and animals is one of the prime risk factors for the perpetration of animal cruelty and violent acts in general, 2: Youth exposed at an early age to hurting or angry aggression towards animals are more likely to commit animal cruelty and to do so more frequently than youth exposed to such cruelty at older ages, 3: Witnessing of cruelty is not only a potential pathway for animal cruelty, but also for bullying and other forms of human aggression, 4: Children who witness significant others, such as parents or older siblings, committing violence towards humans and/or animals are more likely to report committing animal cruelty and aggression towards others.

Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale
"Overall, the results showed that individuals who had hurt, tortured, or killed an animal did, indeed, score higher on the PPTS than their non-abusing counterparts. More importantly, a history of abusing animals was a significant predictor of PPTS score. "


Do we need to be mindful, sure.

Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 18.14.14.png
Don't get me wrong, some muppet slid "trophy hunting" into a document and an Anti is happy about it in SOUTH AFRICA.

If magically, the RSA government could keep the power on long enough to have a discussion with the lights on, which children do you think the government of RSA is going to stop from being involved in trophy hunting or being "exposed to it"?

RSA population:
Black Africans remain the dominant population group at 81,4%, followed by the coloured population at 8,2%. The white population percentage declined to 7,3%

A national hunting survey in RSA conducted 2007,
Can you imagine the demographic changing lately?

View attachment 587994

Not a big surprise who the hunters are in RSA. It appears to be older white males.

I think the children of South Africa are already structurally protected from the purported and delusional negative impacts of hunting.

I'll avoid the international hunter stats. When do international hunters expose children in RSA to trophy hunting? Show up at a school with a load of meat, SCI bags. What
I doubt the photo albums on the hunters phone are coming out to share with the class.

Anyone but me taken a local kid-young person hunting in South Africa?
I have no clue if the young man I helped kept the trophy. After the young mans hunt I delivered the entire warthog to the family home to be consumed as they saw fit. All, I heard was: Thank you!

Just for giggles:

"Protect children from the vicarious effects of exposure to violence inflicted on animals"

As an example: The notions are already present in current Washington State Law and I have no doubt some Anti could try to make some kind of case against hunting:
:A Stars:

RCW 16.52.205 Animal cruelty in the first degree.

(1) A person is guilty of animal cruelty in the first degree when, except as authorized in law, he or she intentionally (a) inflicts substantial pain on, (b) causes physical injury to, or (c) kills an animal by a means causing undue suffering or while manifesting an extreme indifference to life, or forces a minor to inflict unnecessary pain, injury, or death on an animal.

RCW 26.44.020 Definitions.

(1) "Abuse or neglect" means sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation as defined in RCW 18.130.460, or injury of a child by any person under circumstances which cause harm to the child's health, welfare, or safety,

Research on the subject:
Little research exists on how exposure to animal cruelty can be a traumatic experience, with cascading negative consequences for child witnesses.

The most comprehensive review to date
of studies examining the relationship between childhood witnessing of animal cruelty and negative emotionality and behavior is Gullone’s 2012 review on the role of exposure to domestic violence, animal cruelty, and media violence in the commission of subsequent animal cruelty. The key assessments from Gullone’s review include: 1. Childhood witnessing of violence and aggression towards people and animals is one of the prime risk factors for the perpetration of animal cruelty and violent acts in general, 2: Youth exposed at an early age to hurting or angry aggression towards animals are more likely to commit animal cruelty and to do so more frequently than youth exposed to such cruelty at older ages, 3: Witnessing of cruelty is not only a potential pathway for animal cruelty, but also for bullying and other forms of human aggression, 4: Children who witness significant others, such as parents or older siblings, committing violence towards humans and/or animals are more likely to report committing animal cruelty and aggression towards others.

Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale
"Overall, the results showed that individuals who had hurt, tortured, or killed an animal did, indeed, score higher on the PPTS than their non-abusing counterparts. More importantly, a history of abusing animals was a significant predictor of PPTS score. "


Do we need to be mindful, sure.

View attachment 588008
I am aware of these studies. I have a degree in Social and Behavioral Science and spent 22 years working in the Washington prison system. I can tell you from dealing with felons that those that torture and kill animals as minors are likely to torture and kill humans as adults. Many, of not most, serial killers tortured animals as they developed their sociopathic characteristics. The desire to cause needless suffering appears to be the result of a desire for powere.These facts are well established.

As hunters we understand that none of us enjoy inflicting pain on animals. Hunting is not about causing pain or a need for power. The problem is that anti hunters and many non hunters do not understand the difference. The statements that were issued by the U.N. committee shows that many, including those in a position to negatively influence our way of life, do not understand and we.must be watchful.
Was going to add this but time expired....there is also a mention of they are the world governing body for football/soccer depending on what you call it...says they mustn't give permission to hold things like world Cup etc to countries who don't meet the agendas in this that means in retrospect SA should never have held the world Cup due to not the hunting part but a large amounts of the other items stated...also I doubt the gulf states would pass this the very popular AFCON football tournament that has recently taken place also wouldn't have taken place, as I would think a vast majority of African countries would also not get a pass under these rules.....think how popular football/soccer is world wide and how many countries where it takes place infringe on some or a lot of what is in this document......want to see shit happen...just wait till they dare to try and enforce this......doubt they will....
We must stop funding the UN. Scandal after scandal. Retarded.

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell