The Return to ....

And maybe being in the USA? I feel for you :-) Remember-
The memory lingers long after the price is forgotten!
Once you're over there all this %^&* will be forgotten.
When I was working (airline pilot) I got crap thrown at me every flight (you can't imagine how much ^&&** goes on) but I treated it like a game of baseball. They were going to throw me curves at every turn and I was going to catch each and every one of them and win. It kept me sane for a lot of years.
Cliffy, this is just part of it. S**T happens.
This is just the start of the training to roll with the punches.

Just an issue with points being able to be used for part of it and not for other parts of the trip.
Travel agent moving offices to another branch, who knew.
A Press Release coming out 5 days after I booked my flight.

I just went to the Air Namibia website to investigate.

I managed to hit the perfect storm.

Because I decided to move my dates up a week I was impacted by an issue with Air Namibia and a Maintenance cycle of aircraft retirement. I moved the departure date within the scheduled maintenance dates. Who knew? No one here or in their ticketing office apparently!

Just in case anyone is planning a trip using Air Namibia and going to FRANKFURT.
They will be taking the other plane out for scheduled Maintenance at some point. Heads up. :)

JAN 27 2013 TO JUNE 24 2013
Windhoek-10 January 2013. This serves to notify all the esteemed and key stakeholders of Air Namibia that, the Lease Agreements for the two Airbus A340-300 aircraft used by the airline to service the Windhoek Frankfurt route will come to an end in mid-2013.
Air Namibia further wishes to advise that as per industry practice, the airline is obliged to execute heavy maintenance work on these aircraft in order to meet the return conditions of the aircraft lease agreements. This implies that, the aircraft will be withdrawn from service one at a time, to facilitate the stated maintenance activities.
The retiring Airbus A340-300 will be replaced by brand new State of the Art Airbus A330-200 aircraft expected to enter the airlines fleet from October 2013, in line with national carriers fleet renewal programme.
The above has therefore resulted in the following changes to be effected to the Frankfurt flight schedule;
Effective 27 January 2013 to 24 June 2013,
One aircraft in operation on the route,
The frequencies will be reduced from 7 to 4 frequencies per week as follows:
Effective 25 June 2013 to 30 November 2013, the schedule of 7 frequencies per week will be restored. From 1 December 2013 to 24 June 2014, the number of frequencies will be 6 per week.
You can contact any nearest Air Namibia reservation/ticketing office offices for further details:
Issued by:
Paulus Homateni Nakawa
Head: Corporate Communications
Tel: +264 61 299 6298/6216/6215
25 Minutes on hold.
One seat left on the flight the day before.
The airline is so busy that they confirmed the seat but, will be unable to send the ticket for a couple of days.

Does that sound like a disaster waiting to happen?!

I am not confirming the Air Namibia side for a couple more days until I have the email eticket in my hands.

Just what you would need, a whole bunch of expensive junk paper in your hands for flights that are useless.

I'm learning...
When you get it all figured out-It'll change again! This is just the first test in your travel agency education. :-)
They are correct in that they have to do heavy maint to the airplane before it goes back to the owner. In the business it's usually called a "heavy check" and involves basically dis-assembly of the entire airplane. "Most" airlines plan ahead a little bit better than this though.
Repeat after me- "The campfire in the boma is lit, my wine glass is full, I'm watching another spectacular African sunset, all is good with the world!" Unless of course you drink Single Malt !
When you get it all figured out-It'll change again! This is just the first test in your travel agency education. :-)
They are correct in that they have to do heavy maint to the airplane before it goes back to the owner. In the business it's usually called a "heavy check" and involves basically dis-assembly of the entire airplane. "Most" airlines plan ahead a little bit better than this though.
Repeat after me- "The campfire in the boma is lit, my wine glass is full, I'm watching another spectacular African sunset, all is good with the world!" Unless of course you drink Single Malt !

That's what those sunset pictures are for. Every time I go by them int his thread I will remember what this is all about.
I decided this time I would share the "full body experience" from start to finish.

Klippies and Coke, Klippies and Coke! :)
Got a gift this morning.

Export Controls sent my approved Export permit for my Firearms.
No issues with extra authorizations.


Waiting on the rebooking of the flights still.
Flights are rebooked. One seat left! The hunting gods are with me.

Export controls emailed me my approved Export permit for my Scopes and Bullets today.
It took a while longer of them; Who would have thought.

German Firearms application was emailed the other day.
I'll give it another week before I email and followup. Not worried at all.

The bank screwed up a deposit yesterday.
Even after informing them of the full details and amounts the day before.
The excuse- The request came from the US. "Do they have a head office?"
"You're kidding right?"

Another half hour on the phone waiting for the representative to investigate with a supervisor.
An apology and offer of points and promises of "100% surety that it will go through now".
It's done now and confirmed by the outfitter. Giving people money is hard work.

Preparatory work for the local cell phones has started.
Have to wait for arrival in Namibia. MTC, wants me to show up with the old SIM to get account info and then set up the prepaid account again.
Here comes Windhoek.

Lining up the SIM with Vodacom at ORTambo in RSA. They were good last time.

A few steps at a time.
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Brick's sounds like you got it all sorted out but you know you are an African addict don't you:heh:.

Have fun Boss after all this planning your trip can only be a massive success.

Best Regards
Louis van Bergen
Brick's sounds like you got it all sorted out but you know you are an African addict don't you:heh:.

Have fun Boss after all this planning your trip can only be a massive success.

Best Regards
Louis van Bergen

One day at a time! :)
The update on the progress....

I sent the firearms permit app to the folks in Germany.
Today I got a reply. Two weeks plus later from my first email. (busy folks)
I am hoping this person is correct and has sent me the proper form.

Suffice to say there have been some changes.
I was provided two WORD docs, fillable. Nothing in English nor any instructions to properly complete it or where to find the technical terms suggested, etc.
With the previous application I saw no mention of requiring export permits or import permits from other countries. Now they are required.
I used me Canadian Export permits and my invitation letter for the import side.

There is a NEW EMAIL ADDRESS to send your apps to.

Given the general address of the reply, everybody must have received this general email.
My favourite parts are Noted in bold.

"Ladies and genlemen,
please fill out the attached application completely and make use of the technical terms for weapons and ammunition according to the german weapons law (Waffengesetz).
Send the application back to me with all the required documents (Export permit of the consigners country respectively the import permit of the importers country).
Please send E-Mails only to the address:
E-Mails are processed according to the respective date of receipt. The processing period is approximately 4 weeks. Please do not send reminders via E-Mail or call during this period."

Here is a copy of the new form I was sent.
As a fillable form in several places it does not allow for the full size of numbers for permits.
be careful.

German Firearm Application blank.jpg

I'll send the new forms to J for inclusion in the instructions in the reference section.

I have seen some rumours about the German folks charging money for these permits. NOT TRUE.

Being tenacious I found this:


lfd Nr., or "laufende Nummer" just means the item no. on a list (1./2./3. and so on)

Now, "Kategorie" is a bit more complicated... apart from the weapons law there is a sort of guideline which categorizes weapons from A to D.
I'll try to translate the descriptions, I hope to find the proper English terms.

1. Category A (banned)
1.1 assault weapons,
1.2 full-auto weapons,
1.3 disguised weapons and
1.4 expansion-bullets (exept the wearer/owner has a special permission for sports or hunting)

2. Category B (license obligatory)
2.1 semi-auto handguns and short lever-action guns or rifles
2.2 short single-shot weapons with center-fire ammunition
2.3 short single-shot weapons with rimfire ammo and shorter than 28 cm (all-over length)
2.4 semi-auto long weapons with more than 3 rounds capacity of chamber and magazine
2.5 semi-auto long weapons with no more than 3 rounds capacity of chamber and changeable magazine or which can possibly be easily converted (means: with common tools) to more than 3 rounds
2.6 long lever-action or semi-auto weapons with unrifled barrel (barrel no longer than 60cm)
2.7 civil semi-auto weapons which look like assault-weapons

3. Category C (subject to registration)
3.1 long, lever-action weapons other than 2.6
3.2 long, single-shot weapons with rifled barrel(s)
3.3 long, semi-autos other than 2.4-2.7
3.4 short, single-shot weapons with rimfire, longer than 28 cm overall

4. Category D (other weapons)
4.1 long, single-shot weapons with unrifled barrel(s)

and this is just a small excerpt from the German world of rules and laws.... I hope I got al the technical terms right and didn't confuse you even more :)
Zabi, thank you. Awesome start to my education.

Now I know my form is going to get sent back for correction unless they are feeling gracious the day it gets processed.

Ok I can do the item numbering now.

I'll ask your further help.

Your best guess which kategorie my rifles would fit into. I just don't see it in what you have described.
Possibly it could be a language issue with the word "Lever".

Lever Action

Bolt Action

The firearms I am taking:
1. Bolt action rifle with an integral magazine that holds 5 bullets, plus one in chamber. .270 Win
2. Bolt Action rifle with an integral magazine that holds 3 bullets, plus one in chamber. .300 Win Mag

Zabi, whats your best guess? Please and thankyou.
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Zabi was kind enough to start the process of translation to assist me in completing this form properly.
Great to have help here on AH.
Thankfully as I attempted to find my way through the weapons act I remembered "Jagd". It helped sort through the chaff.

This may perhaps help: German Weapons Law.

Looked through the interpretation and there are no categories translated.

So I want to the legislation itself and translated and it appears Zabi is on the money.

I am going to go with "C 3.1"

This is the version of the German Weapons Act I could find and translate.
Weapons Act (Weapons Act)
Weapons Act
Issue Date: 11.10.2002

Section 3:
Classification of firearms or ammunition into categories A to D according to the weapons policy

First Category A
War firearms of the numbers 29 and 30 of the War Weapons List (Appendix to ァ 1 section 1 of the Act on
War Weapons Control)
A service of the Federal Ministry of Justice in Cooperation with juris GmbH - juris - Das Rechtsportal
fully automatic firearms,
Firearms disguised as other objects,
Pistol and revolver ammunition with expanding projectiles and the projectiles for such ammunition, except
those for hunting and sporting guns from people who are authorized to use these weapons.
armor piercing ammunition, ammunition with explosive or incendiary with tracer ammunition and sets, as well
Projectiles for such ammunition, unless the ammunition or projectiles not of the Law on the Control captured weapons of war are.

Second Category B
semi-automatic or repeating short firearms and firearms,
single-shot short firearms with center-fire ammunition for firing,
single-shot short firearms with rimfire ammunition for a total length of less than 28
Semi-automatic long firearms whose magazine and chamber more than three rounds
Semi-automatic long firearms whose magazine and chamber can not be more than three rounds
can and its loading device is removable or where it is not certain that they are with general
not ordinary tools, into firearms whose magazine and chamber more than three rounds
can absorb, can be converted,
Repeating long guns and semi-automatic firearms with smooth-bore barrels not longer than
60 cm,
civilian semi-automatic firearms that look like weapons with automatic.

Third Category C
Repeating long firearms other than those referred to in section 2.6,
single-shot long firearms with rifled barrel / rifled barrels,

other semi-automatic long firearms listed as the under points 2.4 to 2.7,
single-shot short firearms with rimfire ammunition for, from a total length of 28 cm.

4th Category D
single-shot long firearms with smooth-bore / bore barrels.
Being chased around the Monkey Bush! An exercise in frustration and two days wasted.

My spidey senses were tingling and I thought I would send a follow up email using bold capitalized font to see if I was on the wrong track. You know, the form just did not have all the same questions on it.

I got an email reply from Sabrina:

"if you are a hunter you have to fill up the new attached form.

Kind regards"

I'll try and post the NEW form provided in todays reply later.

Erlaubnis nach ァ 32 Abs. 1 WaffG. zur Mitnahmevon Schusswaffen/Munition in die, durch die oder aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
(Artikel 11(2) der Richtlinie 91 / 477 / EWG; Artikel 10(2) der Richtlinie 93 / 15 / EWG)

Permit pursuant to ァ 32 para 1 Weapons Act. Mitnahmevon for firearms / ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany
(Article 11 (2) of Directive 91/477 / EEC, Article 10 (2) of Directive 93/15 / EEC)

Now this appears to have some of the right words in it.

Here below is the form in a pdf format...

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The form was completed and I am now awaiting the reply.

Going onward to Botswana: Transiting Namibia versus South Africa.

Namibia is certainly the easy route.
Road transfer from Windhoek VS an overnight stay, another airline flight and then a road transfer.

Firearms wise, Namibia is also the easy route.
Wow, what a read. my trip is in 72 days as well. My routing is Edmonton, Calgary, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, East London. Then back via East London, Johannesburg, Frankfurt, Toronto, Edmonton.

Now my Lay over in Frankfurt is around 8hrs, I would not be leaving the airport, nor collecting luggage. Any word on if this form would be required for that?
Wow, what a read. my trip is in 72 days as well. My routing is Edmonton, Calgary, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, East London. Then back via East London, Johannesburg, Frankfurt, Toronto, Edmonton.

Now my Lay over in Frankfurt is around 8hrs, I would not be leaving the airport, nor collecting luggage. Any word on if this form would be required for that?

If the airline you fly on does NOT have an "interline baggage agreement" you will be moving your luggage to the new carrier.
This form is ONLY about firearms that you will take possession of, in my understanding. (There are some other threads on this topic)

If your airline has an agreement Check your baggage to final destination and never touch them.
You are heading to Joburg so you are likely on a "partner" airline and won't have any issues.
ie. Star Alliance.

Take your passport and head out and get some Schnitzel in town, its eight hours.
(There are some links on AH that will give you some ideas.)

The sooner you start staying awake in the time zone the quicker you'll acclimatize.

Have fun. I look forward to your hunt report.
Thanks, I will check with the booking agent to make sure...

My first trip, so a whole bunch of unknowns it seems.
Thanks, I will check with the booking agent to make sure...

My first trip, so a whole bunch of unknowns it seems.

Exactly why I am going to post each step of this trip so anyone can see what could be entailed in a trip like this.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID