The perfect man room?

Astounding........hopefully one day, but definitely not some of the animals in there. Even if I had the cash I probably wouldn't spend it for some of those. I would rather have 10 kudu than 1 animal of the same equivalent price. But those are AMAZING!
Found this on the could possibly be the perfect man room. Your thoughts?


My guess? . . A German hunter's trophy room. And WAOW! . . . those are some spectacular Warthogs!!! . . . . Waidmanns Heil!
Hey Spike....I got a bar in mine!!!!


  • 11-9-10 Bar 3.jpg
    11-9-10 Bar 3.jpg
    379.7 KB · Views: 119
  • 11-9-10 Trophy Room 7.jpg
    11-9-10 Trophy Room 7.jpg
    443.5 KB · Views: 133
Hey Spike....I got a bar in mine!!!!

now that is what i call a PROPER man room. i will have to invite myself round if i am ever in your neck of the woods!! and you are welcome to try my watering hole out if you ever make it this side of the water. :draught::beer:
now that is what i call a PROPER man room. i will have to invite myself round if i am ever in your neck of the woods!! and you are welcome to try my watering hole out if you ever make it this side of the water. :draught::beer:

Hey Spike,
Standing invite for anyone with AH! I could always use some "new blood" to listen to my stories! Are you in Bulawayo?

A friend of mine's wife painted the Hippo picture, Christina Speers. I fell in love with it when I saw it. My bar is affectionately known as the "Hippo Bar" (No reference to the women that attend!). If I ever get my hippo out of Moz and back here it will be placed above the painting.
Hey Spike,
Standing invite for anyone with AH! I could always use some "new blood" to listen to my stories! Are you in Bulawayo?

A friend of mine's wife painted the Hippo picture, Christina Speers. I fell in love with it when I saw it. My bar is affectionately known as the "Hippo Bar" (No reference to the women that attend!). If I ever get my hippo out of Moz and back here it will be placed above the painting.

no i am in jersey uk at the moment. my bar was known as the bra bar as there were quite a few hanging from the bell behind it!! but the wife and me had a falling out one time and she took my donated collection outside and burnt them!! :crying:

i asked about the painting as i have a similar one but in pencil. it was by an artist called keri young from zambia who went to university in little rock. i have seven of her pencil and charcoal drawings including one which is our company logo in zambia. unfortunately she was killed in a car crash in jan 2011 aged 27. i got the email about her accident at the show in reno that year. she was brilliant , her pencil drawings were more like black and white prints they are that finely done. she would have definately gone on to greater things... here is a photo i just took with my phone so its not too good.

no i am in jersey uk at the moment. my bar was known as the bra bar as there were quite a few hanging from the bell behind it!! but the wife and me had a falling out one time and she took my donated collection outside and burnt them!! :crying:

i asked about the painting as i have a similar one but in pencil. it was by an artist called keri young from zambia who went to university in little rock. i have seven of her pencil and charcoal drawings including one which is our company logo in zambia. unfortunately she was killed in a car crash in jan 2011 aged 27. i got the email about her accident at the show in reno that year. she was brilliant , her pencil drawings were more like black and white prints they are that finely done. she would have definately gone on to greater things... here is a photo i just took with my phone so its not too good.

View attachment 16287

Wives sometimes don't have the same sense of humor we have.......LOL

Great picture. She was very talented! What a shame! I'm sure she would have had a bright future!
Wives sometimes don't have the same sense of humor we have.......LOL

you are correct on that!!

Great picture. She was very talented! What a shame! I'm sure she would have had a bright future!

i think she would have.

as i said a PROPER drinking establishment you have there, def good for some good bullsh-ting :beer:
i think she would have.

as i said a PROPER drinking establishment you have there, def good for some good bullsh-ting :beer:

Most than come to drink know to wear their rubber boots.....the bulls_it gets pretty deep..:draught:

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Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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