New to the group. Avid bow hunter and looking to do some international hunting.
Hello ParkerD29,
Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.
Since I have not practiced anything you’d call archery in perhaps more than 50 years now, I probably cannot hit the ground with an arrow.
Therefore, in all fairness to the animals, I do not bow hunt.
However, one of my sons is a serious archer and has taken a decent pile of game, including but not limited to, N. American deer, black bear, Polynesian boar and African “plains game” with arrows he has assembled.
He sometimes writes here within the world’s greatest forum, under the screen name of DoubleLunger .
On Sept 13, 2017 he submitted a hunting report on his experiences bow hunting in Namibia.
No surprise that since I work for Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris, he selected them to guide him for his first African experience.
When you get a few spare minutes, have a peep at that report.
Best Regards,
Velo Dog.