A number of rambling thoughts, questions and opinions, bear with me it's only Tuesday evening and I'm really wishing it were already Friday.
1) Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's wrong.
2) The issue of hunting is not a two sided coin. It is not black and white. There's a crap load of grey that at least for the time being I believe outnumbers the black and white. The grey is representative of the average non-hunter who really is ignorant to hunting and for the most part doesn't cross their mind.
3) It is the grey for which we must center our efforts. Do you think the anti's think for one moment that they're going to change the minds of us hunters anymore than we think we'll change their minds? My answer to that question is of course not. So who are they then targeting to side with them?
4) Unity amongst hunters is certainly important. However I reject the thinking of "you're either with us or against us." That if you take a position that isn't in line with the majority that you're now obviously one of "them."
5) If we don't police ourselves, who will?
6) I take no issue with controversial threads provided the facts supporting it are present. I don't believe fearing the anti's is a reason to avoid such subjects. In fact I believe quite the opposite. If we're willing to discuss those subjects openly and to work to correct bad situations, it goes to show those in the grey mentioned above that we are policing ourselves and do not need their help.
7) I think of AH as a place where we can discuss more than the latest PG trophy or CRF vs PF. Forums like this provide the opportunity to not just speak about local issues or national issues but also global issues regarding hunting. Hunting is supposed to be fun and I have no problem with the more lighthearted discussions. But unfortunately as we know not all matters hunting are fun. If we can't discuss such issues here, then where can we?
8) Don't make it personal! If you're in one of the more controversial threads and you turn it personal, you've already lost your argument. If a comment was directed at you that is insulting, don't return the insult as you've also now lost your argument. Making it personal is what leads to hunter disunity, not the subject. We chose the words we use and we chose how we react to others words. Choose wisely.
Enough of my dissertation for the night, sorry if you've made this far.