Anxiously , I was waiting inside that hole in the ground . I was constantly keeping watch on the corpse . By now , I was beginning to lose hope . Would the man eater show up , at all ?
At around 3 AM at night , I saw some thing ... A dark mammalian form slowly creeping towards the direction of the well . It was the forest panther. I knew that if I was seeing the man eater , then my grand father and Ponual were seeing it as well . The brute drew closer and stopped near a banyan tree . It began to clean it’s claws on the bark of the banyan tree ... An act which forest panthers are always wont to do , right before attacking their prey . I smiled in satisfaction . Yes . The brute would soon be mine . The brute drew closer and closer . When it would come with in 30 feet , I was to do what I had mastered by now - Leap up , flick on the pencil torch light which was attached to the fore end of my “ Old Belgian “ ( With the aid of masking tape ) , shine the beam on the brute’s head and then , shoot him right between the eyes as he turned to look at me . Every thing was going according to plan and I fully expected every thing to be perfectly routine . Unfortunately , when hunting dangerous game , no matter how well 1 takes preparation ... Things some times go awry , no matter what .
The brute suddenly stopped in its tracks . It stared at the corpse ... And began to bound AWAY from the bait ! Panicking , I leapt up from the hole , while simultaneously flicking on the pencil torch and shouldering my shot gun . I gave it a quick left and right , in the hind quarters . It roared in agonizing pain , as a 3rd bullet ripped into it's side from above . Grand father had taken a shot at the brute from the roof , with his .405 Winchester Model 1895 lever rifle ... As well . The resilient forest panther still managed to make it in to the thickets .
I shouted to my grand father and Ponual that I was going to spoor the wounded man eater , through the thickets . I opened the breech of my “ Old Belgian “ and turned it up side down , in order to dump out the empty cartridges ... On to the ground . I hastily slipped 2 fresh Eley 2.5 inch spherical ball cartridges in to the chambers of the shotgun and closed it shut . Then , I rushed after the brute . I was using the illumination from the pencil torch light to follow the blood trail of the wounded forest panther . It had sustained considerable injuries . The blood trail was thick , and was indicative of some serious wounds . I pressed on , leery of being ambushed by the brute at the most unexpected moment .
Suddenly , it occurred to me that the blood trail had ceased . The man eater had to be some where , nearby . I looked around , cautiously . And then , I had heard it . A low guttural growl of rage . It was coming from the left of me . Instinctively, I swirled to my left , snapping the shotgun up to my shoulder in a single swift motion . The enraged brute charged , right at me ... it’s fangs bared and it’s claws poised . I pulled my left trigger , just as the man eater was with in a mere 2 feet away from the muzzles of my “ Old Belgian “ . “ Boom ! “ went the left barrel of the grand old gun , as the 1 ounce spherical ball of hardened ball blew clean in to the region right between the brute’s 2 eyes ... smashing right through the skull an in to the creature’s brain . And that was that . The slain brute lay at my feet ... It’s life permanently extinguished . Now , it was time to conduct a post mortem .
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The slain Man Eater Of Kanpur . Photograph taken by local police constable .