The Art Of Hunting The Royal Bengal Tiger: A Comprehensive Guide

Field Dressing The Royal Bengal Tiger

I do not know if the modern sports man in developed countries does his own field dressing and taxidermy. However , l believe that the following may interest some of my dear readers.

When we used to guide clients for shikar in many of those far off regions of South India , finding a good taxidermist was some times a chore in an of itself . Therefore , all of the professional shikarees working in Allwyn Cooper Limited were taught by our lead shikaree , Mr. Rao Naidu how to carry out basic taxidermy .
Allow me to teach you all some rudimentary taxidermy , in case it is of interest to anyone .
With a pair of scissors, a sharp ( preferably carbon steel ) knife, pliers, salt or alum with ash, one can dabble in some amateur skinning. To those who are interested from an academic perspective, this is how it is done : The first and foremost thing is to measure the animal, as quite often after it has been skinned and stretched, the resulting specimen is often larger than the original, and some shikarees actually prefer it this way . 1stly , with charcoal, spots on the animal must be marked out, after turning it on its back. Starting from the lower lip, all the way to the tail, the next cuts are from the inside of the fore and hind legs, through its pads. Now the skin can be taken off, although around the head, extreme care must be taken. It’s not for the squeamish and many a time I have had friends who vommitted, seeing such a sight .
Carnivora take a longer time to decompose but also give off an offensive odour and hence it is always better to have your nose and mouth covered with a handkerchief. The skin is cleaned to remove blood and then stretched out, with pegs if one has carried them, over a carpet of dried grass, and liberally mixed with ash. There should be extra support under the head and the ears must be turned inside out. It is then treated with an equal amount of salt and ash, to get the moisture out. This has to be repeated multiple times for the next 48 hours, after which it is ready to be mounted by your taxidermist. This is, of course, how my Nana taught me, and he was always passionate for this sort of thing. In south India, there is always moisture in the air, hence parts of the skin, which do not feel the effects of the preservative at the time, will simply decompose taking the hair along with it, leaving unsightly bald patches on the skin. In places where the skin is thick, it must be thinned down with a sharp knife so that the curing agent reaches the roots of the hair and hardens the whole skin.

This is a photograph of the skin of a royal Bengal tiger , field dressed by Kawshik , his late girl friend , Antora , his late professional shikaree partner , Karim Chowdhury and Kawshik's late father , Mr. Rahman ( Senior ) .

Coming up next ... " General Remarks " .
General Remarks
A good friend of mine , Dr. Khayrul Amin proposed a theory to me once why man eating royal Bengal tigers and panthers are so common in India , as opposed to Africa , where the man eating lion or panther ( referred to , as a " leopard " in Africa )
is comparatively rare . The theory is as follows :
In India , roughly 60 to 70 % of the population are unfortunately vegetarian . As such , the heat signatures of these people are different from those who eat meat . It may entirely be possible that the great cats can sense the heat signatures of other animals . When they sense the heat signatures of these people , they associate them with the herbivorous animals which they normally eat ( such as sambhur deer , cheetal deer or 4 horned buck ) .
In order to reinforce this theory , the good Doctor gave me a book named " The man eaters of Tsavo " written by 1 Colonel Patterson . The book revolves around 2 man eating lions in Africa which were terrorizing rail road workers in the early 1900s. The Doctor showed me that the rail road workers were all brought over from India ( and were all predominantly vegetarian as they were Jain Hindu ) and that the lions did not actually start molesting humans until the Indian workers started working on the rail road tracks . I do not know how sound the Doctor's theory is , as l am not a Doctor myself . However , his theory certainly does seem rather well thought out and reasonable to me .

When going out to hunt royal Bengal tigers , always be certain to wash your clothes for at least an hour in kerosene ( or a similarly strong smelling agent which can help mask your scent from the brute . ) Royal Bengal tigers have a terrifyingly keep sense of smell out to 50 yards . For most shikarees who use rifles , this is of no consequence . However , since l always used a shot gun , l always had to get to within less than 30 yards of the royal Bengal tiger . Thus , masking my scent was a crucial task for me. The kerosene which l would use was of the most common sort , used for all hurricane lamps in India , during my youth.

The irony is that until the disgusting ban placed on hunting by Indira Gandhi's government in 1972 , the populations of royal Bengal tigers were never really threatened ( contrary to what Indian media will tell you. ) It was only after the so called Wild Life Protection Act of 1972 , that the poaching of royal Bengal tigers became rancid.

Poachers went after Indian wild life indiscriminately with locally made muzzle loading smooth bore guns ( named " Jinjalls " ) and home made hand grenades ( named " Potka " which translates into English as " country bombs " ) . Folidol was a commonly available chemical compound found on the shelves of every grocery store in Indian villages . This disgusting poison killed more royal Bengal tigers than all the fire arms of us local shikarees and foreign client shikarees combined . It gave no pungent odor whatsoever , and royal Bengal tigers would cluelessly eat any meat tainted with Folidol , which the poachers would leave behind , to entice them. The number of royal Bengal tigers which fell to this poison is staggering , to say the least. I would estimate the total number of be a 4 figure sum at the very least.

Tell me something , dear readers . Why is it justified to kill thousands of male , female and cub royal Bengal tigers indiscriminately by using poison , yet shooting a single fully mature male royal Bengal tiger once a year ( and for many client shikarees , once in a life time ) causes everyone to label you as a " psychopath " ? Where is the logic in that ? I fail to see any .

Corrupt forest department officials indiscriminately hunted down male , female and immature royal Bengal tigers from the backs of jeeps with powerful spot lights , armed with 7.62 calibre AK 47 automatic rifles . In the mean time , Indian media kept on placing the blame on all licensed hunters who were hunting prior to 1972 . We ( licensed hunters ) bore the brunt of the Indian media's blame game. We , who always adhered to the rules and never shot more than 1 royal Bengal tiger a season . We , who shot them with double barreled shot guns or double barreled rifles or bolt rifles by pursuing them on foot . We became the villains .
The corrupt forest department officials sold the hides of the royal Bengal tigers to China , alone with the bones of these poor beasts ( which the Chinese believe , is a powerful ingredient for herbal medicine . ) . If the American Prohibition Era has proven anything to us , then it is this :
Banning something only creates an illegal black market for it . During the American Prohibition Era , liquor was banned by a group of religious fanatics . What happened ? Gangsters like Al Capone and Lucky Luciano came into the scene and commenced " Boot legging . " Rather than letting a black market for something be created ( which cannot be controlled in any manner ) , l firmly believe that it would be far better to create a legal controlled market for something .

Today , the largest number of human - wild life conflicts between human beings and wild life ( Including royal Bengal tigers ; the subject of today's article ) occur on the borders of India's wild life reserves . Would not legalizing controlled hunting reduce the number of these conflicts greatly ? Indeed , it would .
However , it is unlikely . The vegan , monkey worshipping and cow urine drinking filth that runs India now , would never prioritize human interests over their precious " animal friends ".
Every Indian film which features a hunter , ALWAYS ( without exception ) portrays the hunter as a psychopathic villain and a rapist , who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder .

Indian books , written by so called " intellectuals " like Vidya Gandhi and Gauri Malulekhi always look for some way to link hunting with serial killers .
This is the world we live in now.

I hope that this article has proven enjoyable. I apologise sincerely for not answering any of the comments of my dear readers till now. I always refrain from replying to any comments on any of my articles , until I have completed the entire article . This allows my article to maintain a sort of chronological order .

I shall now commence replying to all of my dear readers shortly .

My next article , which l shall write 3 days later will be titled " The Art Of Hunting The Indian Gaur : A Comprehensive Guide ".

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Poton, this article was interesting and very educational. You brought back the hunting practices of the day in a matter of fact way. Articles like yours are necessary to preserve the truth. Thank you for writing them.
Thank you Major for your comprehensive approach. I will never have an opportunity to hunt the Royal Bengal Tiger, but I am confident that Your article will give me the next best experience!
Why , thank you , Gesch ! I hope that you enjoy my full article. It is complete now
Thank you for sharing your deep knowledge and experience in this great article. I'll be watching intently for any future articles posted by yourself!
Major..this is a bit off topic, but I found this on Youtube..

After Your article is finished...could you please tell us about the hunt for asiatic lion in India..?

I knew about pig sticking as sport for British officers….but hunting leopard With Spears is pretty hilarious…:eek: They must have been very bored for doing something like that.. :Pompus:
It will be my pleasure , Pondoro. Unfortunately , Asiatic lions were a protected species since prior to 1947 . As such , l never shot 1. I do have a friend who shot and killed several of them in the mid 1960s ( illegally ) , because they were killing his live stock . If you would like , l can provide you with his e mail address in a private message . You may send him an e mail .

Those British officers were a fool Hardy bunch , weren't they ! ? To my knowledge , the last person to have ever conducted a panther shikar with Spears , would be His Royal Excellence , the Maharaja of Bhopal . It is bad enough that l had to go after panthers and royal Bengal tigers with a shot gun . But a spear ? It is as if they were looking for new ways to get themselves killed.
Thank you Poton for sharing these details, though they are very disturbing.
It just disturbs me even to write about it , Ryan. It makes me remember all of the horrible things which we had to do , to put down a royal Bengal tiger which had turned man eater. Imagine a man trying to writing a hunting article and then ending up writing about disembowelling human corpses and coolies who practice necrophilia ? It is crazy !
It just disturbs me even to write about it , Ryan. It makes me remember all of the horrible things which we had to do , to put down a royal Bengal tiger which had turned man eater. Imagine a man trying to writing a hunting article and then ending up writing about disembowelling human corpses and coolies who practice necrophilia ? It is crazy !

Major, kudos to you for telling it as it really was..
@Major Khan i wonder if the person or persons whom troubled our good friend @Kawshik Rahman are still lurking about. If they are I should like to have harsh words with them.

There is a saying my farther was fond of, "illigetimi non carborundum" it is a slang Latin term. It was originally attributable to British intelligence officers during world war 2. Roughly translates to " don't let the bastards grind you down" I believe it would be good advice for our dear friend. I know many of us where very fond of the articles he posted and I will be the first to say any whom attacked his character where of the lowest sort.

I agree and will emphatically say that I would happily join @Skinnersblade (and I am sure MANY others on this forum) in defending you gentlemen from fools. I had not realized this had happened and if these morons have caused stress to my friend Kawshik and robbed us of more of his wonderful stories, then I hope these idiots have been banned. I have enjoyed every article from you gentlemen and very much like talking to you on this forum. Forums (and the internet in general) can be a terrific source for knowledge, making friends and so many other great things, however, they are also a place where fools, liars and asshats in general can harass fine people with few consequences.
I had not realized this had happened and if these morons have caused stress to my friend Kawshik and robbed us of more of his wonderful stories, then I hope these idiots have been banned
Several of us, managed to isolate the troll, which finally ended up banned. WHat I understand he was banned later at some other Inidan forums as well. He was teenager, a kid.
It was great spontanous action, by bullhunter, red leg, myself, and few others to isolate the troll. But member bullhunter provided the best and clear evidence, opposite to what the troll claimed.

Funny thing is that, in that discussion the troll actually became agitated on fact that practise of cow urine drinking still remain in some local commnities, and he was very eager to explain he does not do that.
And in same time was heavily trying to discredit mr Rahman.

Cow urine drinking phenomena got me interested, and I made interenet search to get my self educated abot something that I have never heard about before.
Bottom line, whatever he tried to proove actually it was very counterproductive.

If the subject was not mentioned, if he did not react, i would never give it a second thought to that... hmm... local practise, and I would remain unaware of it. Now I am aware of this local practise, and other forum members as well. One learn something every day.
Friend Ponton
Drastic times call for drastic measures. It is a part of life that has been relegated to the the annals of history. Without these facts your story would lose out on the history of the time. Yes these things happened in the past so did a lot of other horrific things. They may not be nice but I'm sure the method of baiting back then saved countless lives.
Thank you for you accurate account of life in that eara and not letting political correctness influence your story on the royal Bengal tiger.
Cheers friend Ponton
Thank you so much for being such an understanding friend , Bob. I was initially extremely hesitant to write the entry about human corpses being used as bait for man eating royal Bengal tigers , due to the grisly and graphical nature of the topic . The part about sexually deviant coolies certainly did not make things any easier. However , l figured that rather than give all of you gentlemen the condensed version of my article , l should give you all the entire true , unabridged information about how man eating royal Bengal tigers were baited in India in the 1960s. You are 100 % correct. We are not politically correct people , not should we be . We need about history the way things were actually done and not the way we WISH things should have been done.
I have a question. Specifically for man eating tiger. Is it still possoble to hunt maneating tiger by beating, or by waiting above waterhole?
Of course , it is possible Mark Hunter. Most man eating royal Bengal tigers in Bangladesh are shot by baiting these days. However , fortunately there is no need to use human corpses these days. Instead raw meat is stuffed into a dummy and the ethyl formaldehyde from hospital morgues used for preserving corpses , is poured over the dummy . Beats have greatly lost popularity these days , due to the labor intensive nature of conducting beats ( you need at least 4 dozen volunteers ! ) . Labor used to be much cheaper in the 1960s than it is now . These days , few men are willing to march through a forest in a single row while loudly blowing musical instruments to flush out a 500 pound man eating royal Bengal tiger towards the direction of the shooters. You can obviously set up a macchan over a water hole or a stream , which you KNOW keeps getting visited by the royal Bengal tiger . It is an extremely efficient method for ambushing man eating royal Bengal tigers.
@Major Khan i wonder if the person or persons whom troubled our good friend @Kawshik Rahman are still lurking about. If they are I should like to have harsh words with them.

There is a saying my farther was fond of, "illigetimi non carborundum" it is a slang Latin term. It was originally attributable to British intelligence officers during world war 2. Roughly translates to " don't let the bastards grind you down" I believe it would be good advice for our dear friend. I know many of us where very fond of the articles he posted and I will be the first to say any whom attacked his character where of the lowest sort.
The most pathetic thing , @Skinnersblade is that once they realized that Kawshik actually DID kill all those royal Bengal tigers and panthers ( and other things ! ) , they started implying that Kawshik killed those royal Bengal tigers illegally . They claimed that in all parts of India , there was a rule which prohibited the hunting of royal Bengal tigers with anything smaller than a .375 Holland & Holland magnum calibre rifle and that Kawshik broke the law by using a shot gun . Tell me this .
How many LOCAL Indian citizens do you know who owns a .375 Holland & Holland magnum calibre rifle ? The answer is 0.00
in modern times . Prior to 1972 , the answer would be 1 in 100 ( at most . ) . These people would be those who owned a .375 Holland & Holland magnum calibre rifle which had been brought into India prior to 1947 ( during the era of the British rule. ) . No new imported fire arms were brought into India since India's Independence in 1947 . And after 1972 , a law was created effectively banning the possession of all of these already existing imported weapons .
Here is a photograph taken by myself of some double barreled rifles at a local police station which were confiscated from a local Zamindaar's ( land lord's ) house in 1972 , when Indira Gandhi stripped all of the local Maharajas and land lords of their power and titles . These beautiful double barreled rifles ( like most other imported fire arms ) were sadly destroyed and reduced to scrap metal .

Most local Indian shikarees who would hunt until the 1972 ban on hunting , used 12 Bore Indian Ordinance Factories side by side shot guns or .315 Bore Indian Ordinance Factories bolt rifles ( for lack of having anything better . ) .
Yes , in 13 States of India , there used to be a law stipulating that foreign client shikarees had to use a minimum calibre of .375 Nitro Express to dispatch royal Bengal tigers , water buffalo and gaur. However this law did not apply in the other 17 states of India and it NEVER applied to local shikarees at all ( How could it ? Virtually none of us had any .375 Nitro Express calibre rifles or ammunition in our possession at all. )
Kawshik felt the most insulted when they were accusing him of killing the royal Bengal tigers illegally.

Kawshik is an extremely fearless hunter , a kind and generous human being , an intelligent man and an extremely talented business man ( and a war veteran ) . However , out of all of us , he is also the most simple minded . He comes from a family where he was taught since childhood that 1 should never lie .
Many of us former Indian shikarees found many illegal ways to avoid having to surrender our imported fire arms in 1972. However , Kawshik honestly surrendered his father's Isaac Hollis 12 Bore side by side shot gun to the authorities ( albeit very reluctantly ) when they came to his house . For 7 years until 1979 , he remained in India holding on to the slim hope that the ban on hunting would be overturned . Finally , he came to his senses and realized that you cannot expect rational behavior and decency from some people. So , he moved to Bangladesh to join those of us former Indians who could not imagine a life without hunting .

Kawshik felt extremely insulted when they were inferring that he poached those royal Bengal tigers . It is the 1 accusation which Kawshik can never stand.
Friend Ponton
Woodleigh Australia manufacturer premium soft nose and solids for use in big game calibers from a 240 grain 30 cal projectile up to massive 600 cal projectile for the 600 nitro express. These bullets are renowned world wide. Federal loads them as well as Hornaday in their DG cartridges.
Woodleigh ! Oh , yes . I do read a great deal about them , Bob. Apparently , they replicate the bullets used by the original ICI Kynoch cartridges , but with improvements in construction and a sturdier build . You Australian gentlemen definitely know how to make a good big game bullet , that is for sure !
Question: are scopes a hindrance when dealing with a charging Royal Bengal Tiger? It seems to me it would be difficult to acquire the target in this situation? Thanks again Major for your writing this article.
Here is how l feel on the matter , Gesch :

I do not recommend using a ‘scope with a short range dangerous game rifle intended for stopping charges in the thickets . Open iron sights with a wide V back sight and a bead foresight are the best for close, quick shooting; they
do not go out of setting when bumped, like scopes do.
You can ( of course ) use a scope for making the initial ( and hopefully ONLY ) shot on a royal Bengal tiger. However , when pursuing a wounded royal Bengal tiger into the thickets , l highly recommend removing your scope .
Poton, this article was interesting and very educational. You brought back the hunting practices of the day in a matter of fact way. Articles like yours are necessary to preserve the truth. Thank you for writing them.
It is because of good friends such as yourself , Shootist43 that l feel confident that l can write the raw truth on these forums without any of you gentlemen ever passing judgement over me . Thank you so much for being an appreciative reader and friend as always.
I wrote another article recently , titled " Guiding the Governor of New Mexico ". I do believe that you shall find it enjoyable.
Thank you for sharing your deep knowledge and experience in this great article. I'll be watching intently for any future articles posted by yourself!
Thank you so much for your kind words , WizzyH . I am glad that l have been privileged with such an appreciative reader , such as yourself.
Thanks for the article Major, you don’t find many guides on Royal Bengal Tiger hunting these days. I would have thought that the smell of kerosene would spook the Tiger.
Thank you so much , Master Smith. You see . Kerosene is an extremely strong smelling compound . It prevents the royal Bengal tiger from becoming aware of the fact that there is a shikaree lying in wait nearby . The smell of kerosene will not cause a royal Bengal tiger to get alert. The smell of a human being whom the royal Bengal tiger cannot see , is what makes it alert that something is not right.
I agree and will emphatically say that I would happily join @Skinnersblade (and I am sure MANY others on this forum) in defending you gentlemen from fools. I had not realized this had happened and if these morons have caused stress to my friend Kawshik and robbed us of more of his wonderful stories, then I hope these idiots have been banned. I have enjoyed every article from you gentlemen and very much like talking to you on this forum. Forums (and the internet in general) can be a terrific source for knowledge, making friends and so many other great things, however, they are also a place where fools, liars and asshats in general can harass fine people with few consequences.
What felt the most undignified to Kawshik , Ryan , was that they were accusing him of ILLEGALLY killing the royal Bengal tigers . All his life , Kawshik has been an outspoken fighter against poaching . To be called a poacher felt very insulting to him.

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Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you
Bighorn191 wrote on Mtn_Infantry's profile.
Booked with Harold Grinde - Gana River - they sure kill some good ones - who'd you get set up with?
85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!