Six and planning seven. A good friend is on twenty four and still planning.
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here".
Best of luck and don’t forget us at AH! Please report and post pictures!After trying last year to break the habit, I have relapsed again. Flying out May 4th to begin trip number four.
Will try to do a better job of getting a better report posted this year.
This trip will not include buffalo, only plains game. Concentrating on Sable, Roan, Nyala, Tessebee, Red Lechwe and Bushbuck this time around. A few of the smaller varieties are also a possibility. Will be hunting in the Free State & Kwazulu-Natal, with 12 hunting days.
Sounds like a nice plan to me. Which Outfitter are you going with? What rifle(s) will you be using?