Terms I am tired of hearing

@Bert the Turtle
I don't understand the use of either term.
One is brake = to slow down. It doesn't slow the bullet down and it doesn't break the bullet either.
We should just call it a recoil moderator.

I think it is supposed to brake (slow down) the rearward motion of the gun (after all, these things were used on actual guns (artillery) before people decided to put them on rifles) and the device is located at the muzzle end as opposed to being part of the hydro-pneumatic recoil system located at the rear of the gun. But that is speculation on my part. At least recoil moderator would be spelled correctly more often!
Some posts in this thread is are enough to make one "loose" their composure. :whistle::p:D
@Bert the Turtle
I don't understand the use of either term.
One is brake = to slow down. It doesn't slow the bullet down and it doesn't break the bullet either.
We should just call it a recoil moderator.

Same deal with a silencer, now it's a can, bloop tube, supressor, moderator or some other fancy, PC term. I still call it a silencer.
"Impact" or "Impacted" The media, politicians, management, celebrities...everybody, misuses the word "impact", when they actually should use the word "effect", or "affect".
How to use "impacted" in a sentence:


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And I'm tired of hearing that "African animals are tough". Far as I can tell, that is just what you say so that a person who can't shoot worth a damn is able to feel good enough about himself to keep spending money.

I'll admit that buffalo do seem to take a disproportionate amount of killing, but if the rest of them are any tougher than any other animal of similar size, I've sure as hell not noticed.

African animals are tough, if cooked too long. ;)
Same deal with a silencer, now it's a can, bloop tube, supressor, moderator or some other fancy, PC term. I still call it a silencer.

I should have added "silencer" to the list of terms I'm tired of hearing. In fact, consider it done.

Up here in the Great White (relax people, that's a reference to snow, not skin colour!) North where silencers are illegal, people actually believe that they are only for hit men, because they silence the sound of a shot. I have to try to explain to these people that in fact they don't silence much of anything. You can still hear a gun with a silencer fire. It has very little to do with hit men and everything to do with reducing (but not eliminating) the effect of shooting on animals (other than the target of course!) and most importantly, the ears of the shooter. I think silencer is a term preferred by politicians and anti-gun activists who don't know what they're talking about, or have an agenda to pursue.

So I vote for suppressor.
Calling every new cartridge a "Game Changer". Like "the 6.5 Valkyrie Creedmore Magnum is a game changer!"

Naming whitetail deer stupid things like "Mr McNasty" or "Big Skinny", etc. Makes me want to break out a bull whip....
I had the misfortune of managing to pull off a shot that was “a bit high” on my trip to England to hunt Roe Deer.
This incredible feat was performed at under 60 yards off of a nice steady pair of sticks at a standing animal.
No big rush, just an absolute failure to follow fundamentals. Don’t yank the trigger, this is not a laser gun you are shooting.
Thankfully, after checking for blood we were able to determine my “bit high” was an out and out ultra embarrassing miss.
Thankfully, my pride was the only thing wounded that day.

No excuses, I just sucked.

LMAO been there done that.
I should have added "silencer" to the list of terms I'm tired of hearing. In fact, consider it done.

Up here in the Great White (relax people, that's a reference to snow, not skin colour!) North where silencers are illegal, people actually believe that they are only for hit men, because they silence the sound of a shot. I have to try to explain to these people that in fact they don't silence much of anything. You can still hear a gun with a silencer fire. It has very little to do with hit men and everything to do with reducing (but not eliminating) the effect of shooting on animals (other than the target of course!) and most importantly, the ears of the shooter. I think silencer is a term preferred by politicians and anti-gun activists who don't know what they're talking about, or have an agenda to pursue.

So I vote for suppressor.
Funny thing is, it was called a silencer to begin with, or at least Hiram Percy Maxim's design was:
https://www.forgottenweapons.com/wp-content/uploads/Maxim silencer/Maxim Silencer brochure.pdf

It wasn't called a suppressor until later.


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Woke :mad:
Wasn't that a line from the brilliant movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" Dennis working in a muddy field calling out "help I'm being suppressed!" Or is it Repressed, Regressed, Depressed, or was it undressed? Whatever he said was funny then and still is now and is a term I am not yet tired of hearing\watching!
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So a recoil moderator will brake the velocity and extent of the muzzle in both lift and rearward movement so calling it a muzzle brake may in fact be accurate. :whistle::whistle::whistle:
I may add that I am not a fan
@Von Gruff
Gary I get slightly higher velocity with the brake than without it. I do definitely get less muzzle rise and lass recoil. It moderates the jet effect of the bullet leaving the muzzle by directing the gasses in a different direction so it breaks up the gasses. Not brake the velocity.
One side effect is noise.
@Von Gruff
Gary I get slightly higher velocity with the brake than without it. I do definitely get less muzzle rise and lass recoil. It moderates the jet effect of the bullet leaving the muzzle by directing the gasses in a different direction so it breaks up the gasses. Not brake the velocity.
One side effect is noise.
My post says "brake the velocity and extent of the muzzle in both lift and rearward movement" I mean the velocity of the muzzle in both upward and rearward motion which reduces the recoil effect so no mention of the bullet which I assume you mean by higher velocity.
The brake must be of good design as well with one on a friends 338 LM being of almost no effect EXCEPT to increase sound levels to almost unbearable. Would rather put a dozen shots through my 404J on the bench than a couple through his 338LM

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.