I respectfully disagree with some of your points . I respectfully do agree that each has the free right to choose his or her standards of low quality cheap mounts or high quality mounts that do reflect slightly higher prices and look realistic. Each has he right to spend their hard earned money with anyone to support the employees and the business they choose. Your "rubber that meets the road" slips when it comes to the taxidermy industry tho' . I truly want to be informed by you, more than my 11 safari's in africa and having traveled it extensively many times in my 30 years visiting 8 different countries and visiting many taxidermy studios in Africa, please explain the African taxidermy dollar going back into hunting. Most are owned by white's and the majority of the employees, the vast majority are blacks that aren't paid enough to hunt and influx their money into hunting resources that governments tax and charge fees for to the run the programs. Most locals working in taxidermy studios in Africa , the blacks, aren't making in a month what a taxidermist makes in a week here in the states.
I do fail, from your post, to see that taxidermy dollars are going to any kind of anti-poaching, game management, wildlife conservancies, nature conservation, ammo taxes and fees for government to continue wildlife programs , license fees that do the same, gun taxes, hunting licenses that fund wildlife programs, and the money the majority of the employees of any taxidermy studio are spending to recycle that money into the hunting industry and government programs paid by tax dollars to support your claim.
I don't know of any taxidermy employee in the U S that is not spending quite a bit of their wages for these above mentioned fees and taxes and putting it back into hunting and contributing to the industry as a whole. The companies in the US mostly buy their supplies from taxidermy supply companies, Africa companies make a lot of their own forms in house. These suppliers , that are supplying taxidermy studios in the U S have employees that hunt and they spend their wages on the pursuit of hunting and pay more taxes and fees to support hunting. Yes they even support Africa by going to hunt and supporting PH's and Outfitter there. It's the cycle of Hunters supporting Hunters that adds strength to the industry and conservation as a whole.
I guess my mindset is all wrong, according to some. But I make sure my doctor, dentist, mechanic, plumber, painter, owners of the local hardware and mom and pop stores I shop at, my builder, my heating and cooling guy, Even my VET that sees my dogs, I make sure they HUNT, I ask. If they don't I find ones that do. I spend hunter money ( Mine ) with other hunters.
YES, I agree with you if you are satisfied with the service of a studio and wish to work with them or anyone to support them and the employees for wages and growth then you can be free to choose that.
YES, again I agree, when it comes to PH's and Outfitters in Africa I spend every dime I can with them as you state they are the ones that truly help the hunting in Africa!