Years ago when I was getting ready for my first safari (2013) I was given some good advice
Pro/con of Africa vs US taxidermy.
Africa the taxidermists know how the animals are supposed to look and correct proportion etc. However do your research as there are some great shops and some crappy ones.
US you better make sure that your taxidermist knows what African animals are supposed to look like IE if all the y normally do is whitetail deer and elk do you want your Kudu to look like a elk with spiral horns. There are US taxidermists that are some of the best in the world at all the worlds animals. DO your research!!!!
In most cases the African taxidermy will be completed quicker as most all the shops do their own tanning. in the US there are only 3-4 tannery's and they do ALL the hides, cow leather etc for all of the US. It will take a year or longer for your US based taxidermist to get the hides back. then into their work schedule.
Dip and pack in Africa will be cheaper than a full shipment. So budget for that.
The US your can have the animals mounted on a timeline that makes it easier to pay for the work.
If you have a problem with completed work it is much easier to get a fix in the US or where ever you live vs having to work with the taxidermist in Africa.
In most cases the US work will be more expensive but in 2025 the costs will be similar when shipping is factored in. Your just have to decide if you want good mounts sooner or good-very good mounts that take a year or two longer to be on the wall.
He also said when you tour a taxidermy facility look at everything for style and different poses to form an idea in your head what you want. Then go look at the cats. Cats are the hardest to get right!!!, and a shop that can do cats well can do everything else in their sleep.
I have had most of my work done in Africa, choosing good and quicker. I have had
@gizmo do my leopard and the rest of my Namibia safari animals. There are some other shops here in the US that I would use but he is a sponsor here and will get all the work I have done in the US.
So do your research and budget for the taxidermy you want done.