I am 58. I am considering getting my first tattoo(s). Frankly, I think it's a done deal but for the decision making.
Probably this won't happen until early summer. I have a surgery to go through first, and any tattooing would have to happen in Anchorage, so I actually have to travel to get it done.
My bestest hunting buddy has a bunch, and has been trying to talk me into it for years. My recently divorced ex was not a fan so I held off. Now? I think I am ready to take the plunge.
I do plan for whatever I get to be in locations I can cover - these are being done for me, not for a general viewing public. I have nothing against ones that can be seen; that's just not me.
I have ideas: my college mascot with a "Class of" attached to it... a number of hunting related ones, many tied to Africa and my hunting life in Alaska. And maybe a Bible verse and a possible quote. I want whatever I put on me to have meaning to me. For example, my college? I have been a proud Tiger for 35+ years and I will go to my grave a proud Tiger.
Those of you who have tattoos... can you relate to me your experiences? Things you like? Things you'd do different? Advice to a late-in-life first timer?
Thanks in advance.
I’ve got a fair number of tattoos and a brand - 2 full sleeves, chest, entire ribcage and about 1/2 of my back.
1) pick your artist carefully - The good ones aren’t cheap, and they’re typically booked out 6+ mo in advance. If you’re a good customer and close they’ll often call you about last minute cancellations.
2) look at their style and previous work - different artists have different styles of tattooing. Some do portraits well, others do black and white, some do color well.
3) use the same artist - once you start a piece, it’s bad form to have another artist do work on it and many won’t touch another artists work except for a cover-up. If you have a different piece it’s fine to switch artists and this comes into play more when talking about big multi session pieces or something like a sleeve.
4) pain - you know your pain tolerance. I personally don’t think they hurt and have even managed to take some great naps when having my back or ribs done. Typically areas right on bone and soft sensitive skin hurt. For me my ribs, elbows, spine, and wrist bones weren’t bad BUT getting into the armpit and chest were the worst for me. There are some numbing creams/sprays you can use (I never have) and some people will take a pain med before (again never have)
5) alcohol and some prescription meds - these thin your blood. Avoid these a day or so before a session. Not because you’ll bleed out but because it’s a little more messy for the artist requiring them to wipe/clean the area more and harder to see as they’re working. Not sure how true it is, but I’ve also been told your skin stretches and reacts differently. My artist could always tell when I was out the night before.
6) aftercare - follow your artists directions. Sunlight can fade them (especially color). Every artist has different stuff the recommend, i personally don’t use the expensive after tattoo type creams
7) hygiene - kinda self explanatory but make sure you shower before going. The artist is going to wash/disinfect and shave the area to be tattooed before working.
8) communication - talk to your artist, bounce ideas off them, see what they come up with to make the piece unique. They’ll do a stencil and put it on you so you can see how it looks. Don’t be afraid to ask for changes, it to be moved, turned, etc
9) Size - the more detail the bigger it needs to be. It’s very hard to do a lot of fine detail in a small piece because of how the skin stretches and moves.
10) tip - just like hunting or food, if you’re happy with the service tip them
I’m sure i forgot some stuff but these are some things I’d suggest someone think about