That sorta paints with a broad brush…
I’ve got 8… collectively they probably cover 2 square feet of my body…
Other than a wedding ring tattoo that’s about 1/4” wide, that is completely covered by my actual wedding ring, none are outside of the t-shirt line or are on any part of my body that you can view unless I specifically choose for you to see them…
I’d hardly qualify that as a look at me request… if anything it affirms they are very personal in nature and probably mean something…
I’d go further and ask, what do people do with their that doesn’t make a statement about who they are and ask you to evaluate them?
What clothes someone wears… their choice in watches.. their haircut… whether or not they wear earrings (both men and women), their footwear, etc etc all have some measure of “look at me” in them…
Otherwise we’d all look exactly the same, wear exactly the same clothes, get our hair cut the same way, etc etc…