Our last day was pretty low key. We were now just looking for an eland. We found a couple large herds of buffalo which we enjoyed watching for a while. Saw a fair number of other plains game but the only eland we saw were a few cows. For only the 3rd time in 16 days, we enjoyed lunch back at camp. In the late afternoon we went for a ride in a different area but still didn’t see the eland bull we were looking for. We got back to camp a bit after dark and we’re done. All in all, it had been a fantastic safari despite my failure on the buffalo.
The next morning Alan and I boarded the Cessna Caravan that took us to DAR. Alan was heading home to Zimbabwe to be with his family for a couple weeks before starting his last safari of the season with his long time client from Dubai that hunts with him every single year. That hunt started yesterday and his client shot a good, old Dugga Boy…. At 3 yards!
I boarded the afternoon Emirates flight for home. Emirates business class is definitely a better way to fly!