Taking the wife along...


AH elite
May 14, 2009
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Kansas City Metro
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Just simple curiosity here. How many of you have taken the wife (or husband) along on safari? What did they do on the trip? Did they enjoy the trip?
My wife is a killer...........hunts, fishes, ties flies and has been a licenced guide for about 18 years now. She hates malls and likes cabins and wall tents. It is great.:D

The downside is that when you are just average people scraping by it makes saving for a safari, or any guided hunt for that matter, a tough go.
Though my wife is not into hunting, she would not let me go to Africa without her. She came along with us the whole time. Every step and bumpy road of the way. She LOVED every minute of it. The shooting of the game did not bother her either. Of course we made 1 shot kills and did not attempt to wound animals and try to provolk charges :)
My wife and I went to Tanzania together and had the time of our lives.

I went to Zimbabwe without her (she had neck surgery 8 weeks before I left). I will hopefully never go again without her. There was a thousand times I thought about what she would say or how she would react to different situations.
"To wife or not to wife..."

Of course we made 1 shot kills and did not attempt to wound animals and try to provoke charges :)

Oh that's fun... Isn't there already another thread about that topic?

To the wife question, I am not married, although time away for hunting is largely responsible for ending an engagement. Perhaps relationship longevity is increased by traveling and hunting with your mate.

On the flip side, I once was on safari with a guy who flew his fiancé to meet us in Tanzania. They had a great trip and loved Africa. About a month later, when their wedding was supposed to take place, it was called off just days before the nuptials. Coincidence? Perhaps, perhaps not...
Oh that's fun... Isn't there already another thread about that topic?

Sorry about that, I was just feeling silly !!! :)
I went to Wyoming in 2008 Antelope hunting. When I got home, my wife started crying. She was sure I was going to stay there. Now my wife goes on all my hunts to make sure I come home.:D

She is a good travel companion and loves to see the magical sights that you can only while hunting.
I took my wife with me to RSA last year. She hunted 7 of the 9 days and took two animals.

One of the days she didn't hunt, she visited the coast and went shopping with the PH's mother. The other day she visited a game reserve with the PH's father (also a PH).

For the last couple days of hunting, my wife insisted on riding up top on the bench seat with our Tracker and Skinner because "they are showing me more animals than you guys are..."

On the way home, she told me 9 days was not enough time in Africa. We'd need to stay at least 14 days next time. She now refers to my 7mm Rem Mag that she used as "hers".

... take your wife along!

- browningbbr
bbr............odd, that is how I lost my .338. She used it and it was then hers.

I think it has something to do with that saying about, " What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine." Her dog is like that too. :D
Kelly - you are also a lucky man!

A wife that keeps a gun, but let's you go hunting in Africa (as long as you take her along) is a good woman indeed!

It's kind of like the reverse of the old joke: "I got a gun for my wife, nice trade!

WE got a wife and hunting partner in exchange for a gun - an even better trade!

- browningbbr
well my wife picked Africa for our 25th anniversary , told me to book a ten day safari and 12 days of sightseeing . she does not want to hunt, but wants to go out every day and take pics .Me I am not asking any questions just booked the dam thing before she changed her mind. OH did I mention she is paying for the hunting part . Not sure how the carma thing is going to bite me but I am willing to take the chance :)
You all sound like you have some exceptionally complimentary women... lucky buggers.
My wife has only been on one trip with me and all I heard about was how hungry, tired and cold she was the whole time. :eyecrazy:
Now I just send her to the spa for a weekend when it is time to get out and kill something. Opposites attract though I suppose, 10 years of marriage and going strong.
My wife went on my only trip to Africa. Went out each day we hunted and took LOTS of pictures. We were in Namibia and had a great time. Extra day in Windhoek to look around. All in all a great time. Looking to go to RSA in 2011. She isn't planning to come although that could change. Not sure why. My wife is very understanding and sends me off fishing and hunting all the time. I consider myself VERY lucky. Its about the time of year I start going to Idaho steelhead fishing[ similar to salmon]. Last year I spent 14 days fishing in 3 different trips plus the travel days. Like I said she is very understanding. We have had 30 years to train each other. Back to original question. Take your wife if she will go. Its a great experience.
Take your wife along. I always encourge my clients to take their wives along. They always come back thrilled and happy they went. In a lot of cases the wife also ends up hunting and shooting their first animal. My wife is not a hunter and loves it over there. I will caution you though that once they go you won't be able to go without them. Good insurance that you will get to go back.
My better half has joined me on 3 Safaris and had a marvelous time on each trip. She's a non-hunter, so I always make sure there are things to keep her busy. I'll usually set up several days to a week of sight seeing to take in as much of the local culture as we can. When in RSA, that of course means touring the wine country.
I took my wife to Namibia. She enjoyed the trip. During the hunting part she rode along on the truck and participated on the stalks. We also rented a car and toured around for ten, she really enjoyed that (so did I).

My wife has accompanied me on both of my trips to South Africa to hunt with Chris Troskie Safaris. Patty is not a hunter and had planned on going the 1st time only for the life experience but loved it so much that I won't be able to go back without her! This is okay with me as I enjoy her company and enjoyed sharing this with her. It has been wonderful to travel and hunt in Africa (a long time dream of mine) and more so having my wife with me! As a wonderful bonus, she and Sabina Troskie (Chris' wife) get along well and have formed a strong friendship! Take your wife!

Patty accompanied me on about half of the hunting days each trip. We also planned tourist side trips. On the 1st trip, we rode elephants, visited Lasedi Cultural Village, and went touring through Cape Town, the coast, and vineyards, and then on the 2nd trip, went through the Greater Kruger and Kruger Park including auto, horseback and hot air ballon rides! What a wonderful time! It is a big and diverse country with a lot to offer and to see! We call barely wait to save $$ for another trip! Plus MORE other countries to see (and to hunt!)!


My wife has accompanyed me on three of my four safaris. The first time, a 24day hunt in the Deka Safari Area, she went out with us quite a few days and generally had a blast. She got chased up a tree by a buffalo bull, had the wits scared out of her when a Black Rhino chased our truck down the road, with us backing in reverse, for more than a lkilometer. and did her own 5-day hunt, taking a nice kudu and 40" sable. The next time was a 15 day hunt in Charara and Matetsi, and she was along though she mostly stayed in camp as we were mainly lion hunting. She did make a couple trips to Kariba to shop and relax while we were hunting, enjoyed it a lot. On that trip, she did accompany me to within 100 yards of an elephant bull, and was good right up until I handed her my .470 and suggested she go with Roy Vincent and shoot the bull. Any hope of having an aspiring elephant hunter for a wife vanished in a split second. She couldn't give me that double back fast enough, and went back to the truck to wait while we finished up our business.

Last year, we took a family vacation to South Africa, and brought our children along with us. My wife only went out hunting one day, but did spot the Nyala that I ended up shooting. She LOVED Kruger Park and Monwana Lodge, in the Thornybush Game Reserve.

I'd take my wife along nearly every time, unless I were hunting in a rougher hunt. Any of the southern African hunts should be easy for the wife.

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's