Taking a kid on Safari

That's a potential possible approach in Africa, different culture. In America, its kill or be killed, and an emotionally fragile child unwilling to take on new things with confidence will be destroyed. Our society will eat that kid.

Those are the kids that become marxists and live at home until they are 30 years old because they couldn't cut it at ten-twelve-fourteen years old.

You have to realize in America children are very soft and the real world is very competitive. A generation isn't making the cut and its sending ripples across society as they try to rewrite the rules to suit their bad habits. (pay me more, let me work less, I don't want to be talented/dedicated, etc.)

I'm getting a bit sociological here, but the point is that a weak kid becomes a weak adult. We live in the only generation in history where this weakness is viewed as virtue. Kids are so maladjusted as to their talents/skills/abilities they fail at life when they realize just how underwhelming they are in virtually every facet. A select few of those realize they'll never be famous and choose to become infamous as a close proxy.

Africa is a great catalyst for an honest appraisal of self, empathy for the hardship of others, and realignment of one's personal values.
I couldn't agree more with you.
My son was 15 yrs old and 2 paces behind me on an elephant hunt. My daughter was 17 and farther back on a hippo-on-land hunt in that same trip.
I agree with @rookhawk about the importance of putting our kids through the paces in life. I have moments when I think about my parenting, then I remember that I grew up with even more freedom and minimal supervision.
If you can afford to bring a kid on a safari, definitely do it. This June I return to Namibia with my daughter, my sister and my good friend’s son. I want to see this trip through their eyes.
Took my son to Namibia at 10YO. He had the time of his life. He told me he was the happiest kid in the world after he shot an old warthog. Started him on backcountry mule deer hunts when he was 5 and I may have been too successful in mentoring him as a hunter. He is now 25 YO and is a full time itinerant hunting/fishing guide. Hope he starts thinking of a more stable career soon.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt