I received a new scope for my .375 yesterday.
I chose a Steiner Ranger 2-8x42 illuminated. Long eye relief and a compact design.
While I acknowledge that Swarovski make a good scope I will never own one because I believe that there are many equally good makers out there who produce a scope that is just as good as a Swarovski for less than half the price.
I have also talked to the rep in the UK who deals with Blaser, Sauer, Swarovski and the high end makes.
He was telling me about the advertising, the glossy magazine spreads and pamphlets and posters, and all the things that catch your eye when you see a Swarovski display etc.
Now call me cynical but I wonder how much of the cost of a scope is set aside for all of this advertising?
I would rather spend half the money on an equally good scope than blow thousands on a Swarovski and fund a glossy poster campaign.
I have a Meopta on one of my rifles and my Swarovski mad friend looked through it and said it was actually better than his all singing, all dancing Swarovski.....
Yes, Swarovski make a damn good shooting aid but so do many other manufacturers for a lot less money.
Look around and if you have the money and absolutely have to have the name on your kit then you get the Swarovski.
If it's not that important to you and you just want a quality scope that you can mount on your rifle and get out there shooting, you will find just what you are looking for and still have cash to spend on a kudu hunt.