I read the posts above and am in the "no gimmicks" camp.
Less gimmicks=less to go wrong.
WRT muzzle rise? If the rifle can rotate around the shoulder joint/arm pit, guess where the muzzle goes? And the recoil? Yep, that too.
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Consider the curved metal butt plate a bearing surface that rotates around the upper arm or top of shoulder and the rising of the full octagon barrel absorbs the recoil. Thousands of rounds over the years and the ONLY time recoil was felt was the first couple of shots BEFORE I figured out the mechanics of the situation. Never any cuts or bruises. Even with African loads of 450 grain NF bullets at 2150 fps MV. FYI, they shoot through ele heads and Cape Buff, water buff, bison etc.
My hearing protection is the 26 inch full octagon barrel and recoil protection as just explained.
I agree that the less gimmicks on the rifle, the better the rifle for combat with unfriendly game.