You have a valid point here....but I think a person would tire while carrying a 11 pound 500 NE too, so the difference might not be so big..?
While debating this subject I presume we think the usual setup, ie a hunter backed by a PH. In such a setting I too believe a 11 pound 500 NE to be the pinnacle..
My reason for picking the .577 NE is that what little elephant hunting I have done and see myself doing in the forseeable future have been and will be shooting problem animals on game farm(s) in Botswana. I do not have the funds to hunt trophy ele with the current prices..
There may be occations when I am out by myself looking for ele without backup. In that setting I want the biggest stopper I can manage if an attack should occur.
Thank you for the reply and you have some points worth thinking about.
That said I have owned two 577NE doubles, and have carried them in heat and what I found was at 14 pounds for one and 16 pounds for the other combined with the recoil of a double tap made the re-loading to be very slow.
As you say if you are accompanied by a PH his shots will help in this but if being alone, I prefer to have the speed in my favor, and the 500NE at 11 pounds makes the re-load if needed lightening fast. With my 11.3 pound 470NE double I can get four shots off on target in less than 5 seconds, and that rifle has extractors.
I have always recommended client hunter to never rely on a PH to drag your butt out of the fire, he may be the first one hit and to approach a charge as if you were alone, and as long as the buffalo, or elephant is on his feet keep shooting till he is down or out of sight. That may require a very quick re-loading of your double.
Some of this is simply a personal choice, but I simply do not like the 577NE doubles and much prefer the 470NE or even better the 500NE double especially with ejectors. I simply shoot the 470NE or the 500NE
more accurately and faster, hence my choice! With an elephant a big non-lethal slap in the face will often turn him, but on a buffalo that has launched a determined charge will not usually turn, so accuracy to brain him is critical.
.................................Good hunting! Mac