I like the idea; but it is just not possible....
I am writing this on a keyboard-made in China, I can see what I write on the screen, made in China, both are connected to a laptop, made in China, via a docking station-made in China.
I am wearing normal standard bigstore clothing, at least 50% of it was made in China. I go out with my dog and put on my Norwegian top brand Goretex jacket, label inside says made in China. Doggys gear are also probably made in China.
Most of the parts in my british car was made in China.
I am having fish for lunch, frozzen cod. Processed in China
I need something for my headace (who woulndt get one from thinking of this China-stuff??); guess what? 80% of the ingridients of worlds pharmachuticals are made in China.
The western world is very set on destroying it self.
And as a bonus; China is treated as a developing country. We are actually paying to get fu...d by them..