Sportmen for Trump

Not my first choice at all Edward. As Conservatives we don't get to start the race from the starting line. Remember all the Czars Obama appointed with all the encumbering buracery
20 reasons that Ted Nugent says we should vote Trump

Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro’s are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump

These are excellent indicators.
Food for thought…

“You can’t get the water to clear up until you get the pigs out of the creek”. – West Virginia saying.

It doesn’t matter if you love or hate Trump, the following is just logic and partially explains his popularity. I didn’t write this and am not saying I necessarily agree with it, but the core of his popularity is because of this.
The establishment is petrified of him, both sides. If he were to actually get elected, the gravy train would abruptly stop for a lot of insiders. Does it scare you that he would have his finger on “the button”? Maybe, but it will also scare the crap out of our enemies.
When was the last time you could vote for the ideal candidate? I’m old, and I always voted. I can’t remember ever thinking any were ideal. We always have two choices, usually Tweedledee and Tweedledum. If you didn’t vote for Tweedledee you got Tweedledum. That’s the way it is folks.
Now consider this……An interesting analogy. You've been on vacation for two weeks, you come home, and your basement is infested with raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean, raccoons have overtaken your basement. You want them gone immediately, so you hire a guy. A pro.
You don't care if the guy smells, you need those raccoons gone pronto and he's the guy to do it! You don't care if the guy swears, you don't care if he's an alcoholic, you don't care how many times he's been married, you don't care if he has plumber's crack... you simply want those raccoons gone! You want your problem fixed! He's the guy. He's the best. Period.
That's why Trump…. Yes, he's a bit of an ass. Yes, he's an egomaniac, but you don't care. The country is a mess because politicians are playing games and we are all sick and tired of useless people!
The Democrats are killing us, the Republican Party is gutless, liberals don’t have a clue, and illegals are everywhere. You want it all fixed!
You don't care that Trump is crude, you don't care that he insults people, you don't care that he once had been friendly with Hillary, you don't care that he's been married 3 times, you don't care that he fights with Megyn Kelly or Rosie O'Donnell, you don't care that he doesn't know the name of some Muslim terrorist,...this country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hamid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in; “AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED”.
Trump is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want. You're sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and sick of illegals. You just want this thing fixed.
Trump may not be a saint, but no person or company he has ever done business with has come forward and called him corrupt, or hard to do business with. He doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him, and he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him.
All you know is that he has been well educated at the university of Pennsylvania business school, seems to have boundless energy, has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, and he's not a cowardly, deceitful, professional, politician. And he says he'll fix it.
You don't care if the guy has bad hair. You just want those raccoons gone. Out of your house!. Now!!!!

Sure, I agree that some of the problems Trump has pointed out i.e. illegal immigration, debt and Islamist terrorism are serious concerns/issues that need to be addressed. The problem is that while Trump has highlighted these issues he has not really provided any tangible or realistic solutions to these problems.

Take stopping illegal immigration for example. I highly doubt that Trump will be able to or even attempt to deport the roughly 12 million or so illegal immigrants in the US. This would be an extremely difficult thing to do and I don't think either the Republican or Democrat party is for the most part interested in doing this. There is little political will for it and not to mention the enormous cost. Same applies to his idea to build a wall on the border (questions of effectiveness aside).
Trump is a Teflon idol, and the scary thing is he might actually win the election.

His prior womanizing, which makes Bill Clinton look like a choir-boy. Why is nobody investigating those Olympian days? Surely there must be an angry or disappointed Trump young woman out there who would be willing to talk. Where is the outrage from seeing this man condemn the wife--the victim-- of a philanderer-- while being a bigger philanderer himself? If you have no shame, Mr. Trump, then we should be ashamed if we support you.

His tax returns. . . where are they? Every other candidate since Nixon has released their tax returns. He's under audit? So what!? The IRS isn't telling him he can't release them. Trump hasn't offered whether he's being audited for all prior years, or just a single year; nor has he described the scope of this alleged audit. The excuse of being audited doesn't fly (not even so much as a crippled kite ) except for the years and matters being audited. The audit results aren't important anyway, what's important is what Trump CLAIMED he owed Uncle Sam. Is that claim supported by good evidence, or does it look more like Trump was committing tax fraud. Or maybe he's afraid of the American public seeing how little he actually gives to charity. Yet he's getting away with concealing his returns from the American voter. I may be speculating a bit here, but speculation thrives when starved by lack of information.

The Presidency of the United States of America is the highest office in the world. We Americans have the privilege, right, and responsibility that comes from being citizens in the greatest country on earth, the relative few who pick our president. This Trump character, this candidate for the highest office in the world, has been getting a free pass in the presidency interview process. The people really don't know much about him, except that's he's a charismatic speaker with a powerful, but deceptive delivery. I've seen that shuck and jive, and I ain't buying it.

Who knows what this man would do as the occupant of the Oval Office? Personally, I believe he'll do or try to do whatever he wants to. Give nuclear weapons to South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Sure, why not. While you're at it, hand out half a dozen to Saudi Arabia and UAE too.

The man is a megalomaniac and narcissist extraordinaire. When he inevitably breaks his campaign promises ("Wall? What wall?), he'll just claim that he was running for office when he made those promises, so they don't count. Hell, he's used that routine before and it worked.
Trump is a Teflon idol, and the scary thing is he might actually win the election.

His prior womanizing, which makes Bill Clinton look like a choir-boy. Why is nobody investigating those Olympian days? Surely there must be an angry or disappointed Trump young woman out there who would be willing to talk. Where is the outrage from seeing this man condemn the wife--the victim-- of a philanderer-- while being a bigger philanderer himself? If you have no shame, Mr. Trump, then we should be ashamed if we support you.

His tax returns. . . where are they? Every other candidate since Nixon has released their tax returns. He's under audit? So what!? The IRS isn't telling him he can't release them. Trump hasn't offered whether he's being audited for all prior years, or just a single year; nor has he described the scope of this alleged audit. The excuse of being audited doesn't fly (not even so much as a crippled kite ) except for the years and matters being audited. The audit results aren't important anyway, what's important is what Trump CLAIMED he owed Uncle Sam. Is that claim supported by good evidence, or does it look more like Trump was committing tax fraud. Or maybe he's afraid of the American public seeing how little he actually gives to charity. Yet he's getting away with concealing his returns from the American voter. I may be speculating a bit here, but speculation thrives when starved by lack of information.

The Presidency of the United States of America is the highest office in the world. We Americans have the privilege, right, and responsibility that comes from being citizens in the greatest country on earth, the relative few who pick our president. This Trump character, this candidate for the highest office in the world, has been getting a free pass in the presidency interview process. The people really don't know much about him, except that's he's a charismatic speaker with a powerful, but deceptive delivery. I've seen that shuck and jive, and I ain't buying it.

Who knows what this man would do as the occupant of the Oval Office? Personally, I believe he'll do or try to do whatever he wants to. Give nuclear weapons to South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Sure, why not. While you're at it, hand out half a dozen to Saudi Arabia and UAE too.

The man is a megalomaniac and narcissist extraordinaire. When he inevitably breaks his campaign promises ("Wall? What wall?), he'll just claim that he was running for office when he made those promises, so they don't count. Hell, he's used that routine before and it worked.

You may be right, but can you tell me why Hillary would be a better choice? Some of your concerns as you say are based on speculation. Nothing about the concerns I have about Hillary are speculation, she's proven time and time again through many scandals that she thinks we have no right to know anything about her public "service."
Sure, I agree that some of the problems Trump has pointed out i.e. illegal immigration, debt and Islamist terrorism are serious concerns/issues that need to be addressed. The problem is that while Trump has highlighted these issues he has not really provided any tangible or realistic solutions to these problems.

Take stopping illegal immigration for example. I highly doubt that Trump will be able to or even attempt to deport the roughly 12 million or so illegal immigrants in the US. This would be an extremely difficult thing to do and I don't think either the Republican or Democrat party is for the most part interested in doing this. There is little political will for it and not to mention the enormous cost. Same applies to his idea to build a wall on the border (questions of effectiveness aside).
Stop the money , food stamps, and all other entitlements and they will LEAVE...... Problem solved !!!!!!!
Trump is a Teflon idol, and the scary thing is he might actually win the election.

His prior womanizing, which makes Bill Clinton look like a choir-boy. Why is nobody investigating those Olympian days? Surely there must be an angry or disappointed Trump young woman out there who would be willing to talk. Where is the outrage from seeing this man condemn the wife--the victim-- of a philanderer-- while being a bigger philanderer himself? If you have no shame, Mr. Trump, then we should be ashamed if we support you.

His tax returns. . . where are they? Every other candidate since Nixon has released their tax returns. He's under audit? So what!? The IRS isn't telling him he can't release them. Trump hasn't offered whether he's being audited for all prior years, or just a single year; nor has he described the scope of this alleged audit. The excuse of being audited doesn't fly (not even so much as a crippled kite ) except for the years and matters being audited. The audit results aren't important anyway, what's important is what Trump CLAIMED he owed Uncle Sam. Is that claim supported by good evidence, or does it look more like Trump was committing tax fraud. Or maybe he's afraid of the American public seeing how little he actually gives to charity. Yet he's getting away with concealing his returns from the American voter. I may be speculating a bit here, but speculation thrives when starved by lack of information.

The Presidency of the United States of America is the highest office in the world. We Americans have the privilege, right, and responsibility that comes from being citizens in the greatest country on earth, the relative few who pick our president. This Trump character, this candidate for the highest office in the world, has been getting a free pass in the presidency interview process. The people really don't know much about him, except that's he's a charismatic speaker with a powerful, but deceptive delivery. I've seen that shuck and jive, and I ain't buying it.

Who knows what this man would do as the occupant of the Oval Office? Personally, I believe he'll do or try to do whatever he wants to. Give nuclear weapons to South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Sure, why not. While you're at it, hand out half a dozen to Saudi Arabia and UAE too.

The man is a megalomaniac and narcissist extraordinaire. When he inevitably breaks his campaign promises ("Wall? What wall?), he'll just claim that he was running for office when he made those promises, so they don't count. Hell, he's used that routine before and it worked.
You really don't get it do you? Its not that Trump is a known wonder President, its that Hillary IS a known useless liar and a fool! There is a chance Trump will do good things and is likely more on our side of the aisle. We KNOW that Hideous Hillary is NOT on our side of ANYTHING!!! Wise the hell up will you?!?!?!?
Trump is a Teflon idol, and the scary thing is he might actually win the election.

His prior womanizing, which makes Bill Clinton look like a choir-boy. Why is nobody investigating those Olympian days? Surely there must be an angry or disappointed Trump young woman out there who would be willing to talk. Where is the outrage from seeing this man condemn the wife--the victim-- of a philanderer-- while being a bigger philanderer himself? If you have no shame, Mr. Trump, then we should be ashamed if we support you.

His tax returns. . . where are they? Every other candidate since Nixon has released their tax returns. He's under audit? So what!? The IRS isn't telling him he can't release them. Trump hasn't offered whether he's being audited for all prior years, or just a single year; nor has he described the scope of this alleged audit. The excuse of being audited doesn't fly (not even so much as a crippled kite ) except for the years and matters being audited. The audit results aren't important anyway, what's important is what Trump CLAIMED he owed Uncle Sam. Is that claim supported by good evidence, or does it look more like Trump was committing tax fraud. Or maybe he's afraid of the American public seeing how little he actually gives to charity. Yet he's getting away with concealing his returns from the American voter. I may be speculating a bit here, but speculation thrives when starved by lack of information.

The Presidency of the United States of America is the highest office in the world. We Americans have the privilege, right, and responsibility that comes from being citizens in the greatest country on earth, the relative few who pick our president. This Trump character, this candidate for the highest office in the world, has been getting a free pass in the presidency interview process. The people really don't know much about him, except that's he's a charismatic speaker with a powerful, but deceptive delivery. I've seen that shuck and jive, and I ain't buying it.

Who knows what this man would do as the occupant of the Oval Office? Personally, I believe he'll do or try to do whatever he wants to. Give nuclear weapons to South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Sure, why not. While you're at it, hand out half a dozen to Saudi Arabia and UAE too.

The man is a megalomaniac and narcissist extraordinaire. When he inevitably breaks his campaign promises ("Wall? What wall?), he'll just claim that he was running for office when he made those promises, so they don't count. Hell, he's used that routine before and it worked.
I guess your name said it all ......
As far as I now there have never been any rape allegations against Trump. Slick Willie cannot make the same claim can he? I begin to think we have a pro Hillary troll loose here.
I guess your name said it all ......
Whoa... Ease up on the personal attacks. You guys dont have to agree with Roland but he is entitled to voice his opinions ON A PUBLIC FORUM even if we don't want to hear them....which is what democracy is supposed to be about....He makes some valid points, just like everyone else. We can't all agree all he time, but we can be respectful of others.
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No one said he couldn't voice his silly half baked notions did they? This being a membership only forum, not sure that qualifies as public.
Whoa... Ease up on the personal attacks. You guys dont have to agree with Roland but he is entitled to voice his opinions ON A PUBLIC FORUM even if we don't want to hear them....which is what democracy is supposed to be about....He makes some valid points, just like everyone else. We can't all agree all he time, but we can be respectful of others.
@Mekaniks Thank you for that. is a community of hunters and outdoor enthusiasts dedicated to sharing their love of nature, wildlife and hunting in Africa and the rest of the world. This is a friendly community based on mutual respect. Our focus is to inform and enhanced the enjoyment within the hunting safari community by encouraging the mutual exchange of experiences, ideas and opinions.
I consider myself to be a democrat and I have been a strong supporter of the Clintons in the past. However, I find Hillary's recent flip-flopping on many of the issues that I used to find so appealing about her has led me to support Trump for this election.
Whoa... Ease up on the personal attacks. You guys dont have to agree with Roland but he is entitled to voice his opinions ON A PUBLIC FORUM even if we don't want to hear them....which is what democracy is supposed to be about....He makes some valid points, just like everyone else. We can't all agree all he time, but we can be respectful of others.

Hunting ... and especially hunting Africa - the subject of this forum ... is a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL sport/endeavor. It attracts people of ALL genders, ALL races, ALL geographies, ALL demographies, ALL socioeconomic levels, and ALL political views/philosophies/traditions. To expect every hunter to be like you ... to think like you ... to vote like you ... to support Trump like you ... is a mathematical impossibility. With the size of the International community, there are probably more people who don't understand the argument than agree with you ... no matter your opinion.
I say this with due respect for all here: politics is something that should be debated respectfully and without personal attacks. I don't intend to reciprocate in personal attacks. I will neither be baited into a flame-war or bullied into silence. Too much is at stake in this election for either.

I admit, this discussion would be more interesting if someone bothered to refute my silly half-baked notions. (Silly half-baked notions being so easy to refute, how could you resist?) Sure, what is in Trump's tax returns is speculative, but that's because of Trump's choice. He could clear it all up in a minute, by releasing his returns, instead of spinning the BS about audits. And make no mistake, it IS BS. Trump has not been sufficiently vetted, that is interviewed, to hire him for the job of president.

BILL Clinton was accused of sexual harassment, and deserves our scorn for taking advantage of a twenty-year-old intern. But blaming Hillary is blaming one of the victims of Bill's philandering. It is in Trump's true character to make such accusations, but the more interesting question is whether it's in ours to listen.

Consider me part of the "Never Trump" movement. Never, ever. I would have voted for any of the other GOP contenders, and would do so now. In fact I may write in a name on my ballot. Or will vote Libertarian. I have too much reverence for my vote to "sit this one out" as someone suggested.

Basically, I'm looking for someone to lead us out of the darkness of either Trump or Hildebeest.
Wonderful. Be all that as it may, the title of the thread was...wait for it. SPORSTMEN FOR TRUMP! Operative word is FOR. Not against, not how much I hate Trump, but FOR TRUMP. Now that's not to say that other opinions cannot be offered but honestly. No one here is blaming Hideous Hillary for Bills philandering, that's not the point. She is the biggest liar in politics and for those too young to remember or who have selective memories, Hillary ran interference for Bill during the "bimbo eruptions" with the loopy ragin Cajun James Carville. It was all an attempt to try to blame the "vast right wing conspiracy" as Hillary put it, to "discredit my husband". She threw all those women under the bus for her and Bills own political gain, no more, no less. SHE COULD NOT CARE LESS about those women or womens rights. As far as "accused of sexual harassment"? It is to laugh! He was an acknowledged groper and stalker of women and there was at least one serious allegation of rape. Lets not try to downplay this too much. These people are evil! Bill and Hillary both. Kick me off the forum if you want, I feel strongly about this. Anyone on our side who votes for Hillary over Trump or anyone else is a FOOL! I am done with this., I will read it but will not reply to it again.
@RolandtheHeadless, a fair and respectful reply. One must follow their principles else why have them? I can't imagine a 3rd party candidate having any reasonable chance at winning whatsoever. Thus I would see a vote for that candiate as useless. But if thats what you feel you must do to stand by your principles, you'll get no argument from me.
I say this with due respect for all here: politics is something that should be debated respectfully and without personal attacks. I don't intend to reciprocate in personal attacks. I will neither be baited into a flame-war or bullied into silence. Too much is at stake in this election for either.

I couldn't agree more.

Anyone on our side who votes for Hillary over Trump or anyone else is a FOOL!

Or perhaps they are more than a one issue voter and the other issues in their mind outweigh sporting issues? I won't be voting for Hillary I assure you. I'm not however; a big enough fool to think I'm always right or that there can't possibly be another way to look at the world at large other than mine.
On word, Benghazi. Our men left to be butchered, and you're worried about auditing his tax return. Way to take the moral high ground.
@RolandtheHeadless, if you would be so kind, what exactly about Trump's platform (not his personal life) do you specifically disagree with? I would very much enjoy discussing his policy with you to better understand why you are so strongly anti-Trump.
I don't object to Trump's personal life, I just think it's hypocritical for him to keep bringing up Clinton's womanizing. Mainly, I object to his demeanor and the reckless things he says. Recklessness is not a trait to be sought in someone with the nuclear button at hand. And I don't take his policies seriously, because I think they're whatever he wants them to be at the moment he's speaking.

But I will mention a few of his policy positions that I think demonstrate his unsuitability for the job. It's by no means an exhaustive list. Remember, you asked for it. I hope you realize that I'm ignoring the guy who only wants Trump cheerleaders in this thread to do so.

Build a thousand-mile wall? And have Mexico pay for it? This proposal barely merits adult discussion. Mexico won't pay for the wall, Congress would never approve the billions it would take to build it, and a wall wouldn't be effective anyway.

Deport 12 million illegals? Just by a snap of the fingers? With what resources? Billions in new spending? Keep in mind that each of these illegals is entitled to a hearing before being deported. Yes, we should crack down on illegals, but Trump's simplistic solution cannot be take seriously.

Default and renegotiate the national debt? Sure, and how would the US ever market its bonds in the future? Keep in mind that most of the existing bond-holders are Americans, many of whom have invested their retirement savings in US bonds. But Trump wants to renegotiate the value of these accounts.

Ban Muslims from entering the US? Blatant discrimination. Maybe we should round up the Muslims who are already here and put them in camps. Most terrorist suspects are caught by tips from the lawful Muslim majority; isn't Trump concerned about losing their cooperation?

Seriously, can you believe some of the words that come from this guy's mouth?

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Monster Free range Common Reedbuck!!
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