Wyatt Smith
AH legend
Thanks!Speer has the 285 grain .375 Grand Slams for $14.99 per box of 50 with free shipping on $99 purchase.
Thanks!Speer has the 285 grain .375 Grand Slams for $14.99 per box of 50 with free shipping on $99 purchase.
I fired 75 grains of StaBall today. It worked out alright at 50 yards. POI was higher than the 300 grain Sierras. Kept knocking the gong off the chain. I am going to try 77.5 grains next and then 80 grains. Rain delays today.View attachment 346287
From the Speer manual @Forrest Halley. Might I suggest 77 grains of IMR 4350. The bullet sits right on top of the powder, and gives me good accuracy and 2500fps
Anything I’ve shot with them dropped no complaints on performance.
I knew I had a photo burred on my phone of the .308 180gr Grand Slams I mentioned in my earlier post. To recap. These were the only 3 that were recovered from two culling trips to Botswana and Namibia/Botswana. Just me on the first trip was impala, and blue w/b. Second trip was two of us and culling hartmann's mountain zebra in Namibia and impala and blue w/b again in Botswana. 40+ total head taken and only these three recovered from Texas heart shots on impala that missed the spines and just followed along the spines ruining the back strap and stopping in the shoulders. We used 30/06's. I don't remember the velocity off the top of my head, but I remember the powder charge was 47gr of IMR 4895.
That packaging is typical of the second generation Speer Grand Slam bullets, with two different composition lead cores and a partial internal ring of jacket material at the front of the rear core, with the front core installed by the Hot-Cor process.Digging in the back of my reloading boxes I have found these 140gr Grand Slams.
I will be loading them for my mate with the 6.5x57 and we will take them hunting and see.
What "generation" would these be?
I must have bought these more than 15 years ago.
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