Actually, I think there are lot of people to blame for this event, and the poachers and Asians are but two in a long chain of people who should bear responsibility for unnecessary human deaths and the poaching of these animals. In order of importance, in my opinion:
1. CITES, which, against all evidence that bans don't work, continues to insist on a ban in the trade in Rhino horn. This is the causa sine qua non (I never get to use Latin!) of the rhino crisis today.
2. Poaching syndicates, who take advantage of poverty and otherwise criminal people to make enormous amounts of money for themselves with almost no risk.
3. Governments in Africa which also continue to insist on bans and won't allocate the resources to properly protect those animals which they refuse to give a value to, even though it would be a simple matter to de-horn rhino and sell the horns.
4. Governments around the world, particularly the US, which continue to support failed wildlife management strategies for emotional (or political, which is often the same thing), rather than logical, reasons (gee, it's working so well for elephants, let's copy that experience with rhino . . .oh wait, it isn't working there either).
5. Anti-hunting organizations, which have no incentive to stop the rhino poaching, and every incentive to have it continue, since every animal death - and the more brutal the better - results in more opportunities for fund raising, almost none of which is ever spent to help animals or those who live with them.
6. Poachers, most of whom are nothing more than common criminals. Even having said that, we don't believe that the penalty for poaching an animal in North America should be death, yet we seem to think that poaching an animal in Africa should be death.
7. Poverty, which might drive some of the poachers to risk their lives for these animals (I say might because many, if not most, are just criminals), but most importantly, results in local populations believing that the world values the lives of animals more than their lives or the lives of their children (Cecil, anyone?) and thus makes them more receptive to the existence of poaching.
8. Asians, who create a market for this essentially useless product. I put them last, not because they aren't culpable, but because there are lots of essentially useless products for sale in the world today, and we let those sales go on. Making money on the backs of misguided people is just fine, so long as it doesn't involve an animal we might want to save. If you thought that buying a rhino horn would cure your loved one of cancer, what would you do? We see this every day with fake cancer cures in North America, and we don't criminalize the people who believe in such nonsense. We don't call them "idiots." We call them "vulnerable.' But I guess it's different when it's Asians who believe in this nonsense.
Yes, as hunters we bear a special responsibility in the fight against poaching. But with respect Mr. Melcher, the laws you speak of haven't worked in the past. We don't need more. We need different.
6. Poachers, most of whom are nothing more than common criminals. Even having said that, we don't believe that the penalty for poaching an animal in North America should be death, yet we seem to think that poaching an animal in Africa should be death. ...............
Agree 100% Brickburn. Once you open fire, you should expect the full force of those you are shooting at to descend upon you. And if you end up dead, then you have no one to blame but yourself.Only when the boys start shooting first. (As they did in this case.)
The Poacher starts shooting first here (at home) I have zero qualms with the Officers protecting themselves and shooting to kill.
No offense, but I would rather celebrate the death of two POS than mourn the loss of two rangers. There was an exchange of gunfire, they got what they deserved...I find it distasteful to celebrate the death of a human being.
I do agree we all should respect & honor human life. However, there is no denying that some deaths are warranted (i.e. Hitler, Bin Laden, Sadam, etc.)..... that list goes on & on.... Rapist, murderers.... You can bet their victims/loved ones, felt closure & justification upon their deaths. Doesn't mean you "celebrate" it.
Then obviously you have not ever seen what a child molester has done to his victims before he murders them. And obviously you have not seen the other end of a firearm being fired at you in hopes of ending your life. And obviously you did not have any friends or family that were killed on 9/11 in NYC. I do celebrate the death of all the above, they get their just deserves. I am not judging them.......thats Gods job. I just arrange the meeting.I find it distasteful to celebrate the death of a human being.
Then obviously you have not ever seen what a child molester has done to his victims before he murders them. And obviously you have not seen the other end of a firearm being fired at you in hopes of ending your life. And obviously you did not have any friends or family that were killed on 9/11 in NYC. I do celebrate the death of all the above, they get their just deserves. I am not judging them.......thats Gods job. I just arrange the meeting.
You are entitled to your opinion, just don't expect others to support your views all the time and then get angry when they dont. You don't have to like me........but when the Boogey man comes for will scream for men like me to clean up after you. Thats ok......some are leaders.....and some are SHEEP !!!! That's why there will always be men like me who do what others do not have the stomach for. Good luck in your life as well Scott wishes.You do not know anything about me ... but I know enough about you that I don't want to know anything more about you or your opinions. Good luck in your life.
You are entitled to your opinion, just don't expect others to support your views all the time and then get angry when they dont. You don't have to like me........but when the Boogey man comes for will scream for men like me to clean up after you. Thats ok......some are leaders.....and some are SHEEP !!!! That's why there will always be men like me who do what others do not have the stomach for. Good luck in your life as well Scott wishes.