Day Six:
This would be the last day of hunting with Bossie. We decided we were going to look a little mre seriously for a Kudu. Right before we sat in the badger blind the day before a nice bull had run across the road we looked quickly and only spent about 10 minutes. Today we went back in earnest and began tracking a bull, probably the same one.
After maybe two hours we founf him. we were at the bottom and he was all the way up at the top of the mountain. The shot was about 400 yards and I shot low the first time. I hadn't held high enough and dust kicked just under and behind the bull. the second shot I held just over his back and was on height wise this time, but I pulled the shot....

And when I say I pulled it I pulled it good. I broke his back leg.... The shooting wows continued. That bull bleeed like a stuck pig, but had plenty of fight left in him. And we tracked him for miles.
We finally got a dog and some more help. Bossie's idea was for us to try and get out in front of him while tracker and dog pushed. We were now running out of light too.... We were set up at a likely place looking t a hillside and at one point thought we were going to see him cross the road behind us, but he had turned again. then Bossie yelled he saw him. bossie and I had talked and I had told him that this was shoot as soon as you see. I didn't care if I had help on this bull. He deserved better. so at any rate, I get my rifle but on the bull and have him in the scope when Bossie's 416 Rigby goes off. I just watch the bull crumple. It was a roughly 300 yard shot, offhand, with the Rigby. Bossie hit it in the head! Luck? Sure. but it takes some skill to get that lucky! It was an amazing shot....
i made Bossie take the first picture with the bull because I thought it was the right thing to do and that's the picture I'll post here.
It was a hell of a day with highs and lows. I'm just happy we got the bull down.
That night we didn't eat til almost midnight after having to get the bull cut up and off the mountain. That kudu liver sure was good though. It's my favorite, although I hear Eland liver is even better.
This was the end of hunting with Bossie. I had a blast! And the night critters are a lot of fun and very little sleep. We averaged four hours, tops, and several nights that time was split. I knew I didn't have enough time to get everything, unless I got lucky.
@Hank2211 said in his report that you should have at least ten days and I agree. Genet for example, I bet we saw 15-20 Genet, but never got a shot (could have shot one on badger bait first night and chose not to for obvious reasons). I'm not done with the night critters for sure. I see why Bossie is so passionate about them.