SOUTH AFRICA: Tootabi Hunting Safaris What Is The Wounded Policy And Billing Issues

This guys friend were big meanies for taking this picture!!!!!


Ok ok I'm done now!
I guess I read it to literally , a little different wording and I wouldn't have misunderstood. Thanks for clearing it up.

Here's a little different wording in Afrikaans. Hope it helps. :)

die kliënt moet nie ongemaklike oproepe of besluite te neem - PH is daar om hom te verlig stres, nie by te voeg.

Here's a little different wording in Afrikaans. Hope it helps. :)

die kliënt moet nie ongemaklike oproepe of besluite te neem - PH is daar om hom te verlig stres, nie by te voeg.
Your Afrikaans is picking my friend!
I don't get it,honestly I don't. Is the hunting industry the only one were we accept poor service delivery as the norm.From the post and replies on here it seems that way. It pains me to think that hunting clients have come to accept that there will be a issue with a Safari somewhere along the way and that they just need to take it in their stride and sort it out. I am sure 90% of the Outfitters and PH's on here feel the same, a Safari that is well planned and prepared should have no issues,except maybe a puncture or two.
In March I had 5 guns shoot 193+ animals in 4 days. Keeping count of who shot what and what was wounded is no easy task when the bullets start flying at that rate. Not one shooter had a issue on his bill,clean and settled on the spot. What is more all of them paid me directly by request instead of paying the facilitating Outfitter. So I booked their flight tickets,hotels and just about everything else including transferring their money to the Outfitter. The bill was completed including a breakdown of exchange rate at the time and bank charges for the transfers. Doing it for one person is not a problem,doing it for five becomes work on both sides. I have rebooked this group for March 2016 and I like to believe it's due to service and delivery on both my side and the Outfitter side.

Close the thread don't close it,accept poor service delivery as the norm or don't,but remember that every time you accept poor service delivery you contribute to threads like these because they could have been avoided if someone spoke up sooner and helped others to not fall into the same trap.
Royal,sure this wasn't easy and sure you had to bite your lip a few times to not jump on someone here. Thanks for the post and thanks for educating others,that in the end is what AH is for (my opinion).
It seems that the issue should have been between Loodt and the landowner, not Loodt and his client.
Every day the PH puts the client's physical well being ahead of his own. If someone's going home with a new zipper in his hide most PH's would say that's their job, not the client's. Seems like the same philosophy would apply here with the client's wallet. Landowner probably had expectation of payment for the Duiker. Loodt knew he was going to have to eat it. In the heat of the moment Royal agreed to bear the cost. Problem solved... Well, not really. On the other hand if the landowner was NOT demanding payment, no way in hell Loodt should have accepted payment. Either way, PH should have been going to the mat for his client. Mister landowner my client missed. If you disagree, show me the blood or a dead animal. It may have been in Loodt's interest to just pay the landowner if it was going to result in a battle and hard feelings. As a business owner sometimes you have to eat it for the greater good of your future prosperity.
The press release doesn't play well with me. Two or three quick comments relayed through friends here would have made this whole thing a complete non-event.
Just my take on the whole unfortunate circumstance.
Jaco you have something more to tell us about that picture. Sizing the pictures up it could almost be taken as you or your twin sister.

O bill you'd love to see my sister.... ;)
O bill you'd love to see my sister.... ;)

I am a single guy you know. LOL I do know my limits though and see maybe more then I can handle. She would be good to be around on a buff hunt though as see could jump out and tackle a buff and keep me safe. (y)
I think we know that this is not my sister... :) the scary thought though Bill is the fact that you seem to be able to identify those legs and thighs as female.......

I guess it's all about what you have been exposed to hey?!!
I think we know that this is not my sister... :) the scary thought though Bill is the fact that you seem to be able to identify those legs and thighs as female.......

I guess it's all about what you have been exposed to hey?!!

Haha You saying I like them thick or fluffy. I was not sure if male or female really that why I said you or your twin.

My hats off to you taking that picture.( the one with makeup on) I am sure it was around your daughters and made there day that there dad could have fun like that with them. We may have words sometimes but after meeting you a few times now I know your one of the good guys.
All I know is:

1. If I'm pretty sure I wounded an animal, I'm paying, period. I've been big game hunting for 43 years...strange things happen.
2. I will not, and have not ever left a hunting camp without everyone being satisfied with regards to billing/payments.
3. A "press release" is a bad idea.
Johnny, you have just proceeded to confuse Beans with Loodt in this post!

Details, man. It's all in the details. o_O

Beans of Tootabi Valley Safaris has ZERO to do with this scenario, beyond having his name egregiously confused for something he has not done.
I apologize(n) for the error.
All I know is:

1. If I'm pretty sure I wounded an animal, I'm paying, period. I've been big game hunting for 43 years...strange things happen.
2. I will not, and have not ever left a hunting camp without everyone being satisfied with regards to billing/payments.
3. A "press release" is a bad idea.
Royal wasn't sure he hit it.... That call should have been made positively by the PH. Specially since the dog's found nothing and no blood.
This whole scenario reminds me of when 911 happened. Our airways all got 1000% safer to travel on. Loodt has has a tragedy happen, and now I believe he will be 1000% better for it. I would hazard an educated guess, and say Loodt, will make up for this, many times over, to reestablish his trust level here. In my opinion, there probably will never be a better time to book a hunt with this outfitter. Kevin
Woods, I like your 911 scenario, I guess if it had be a lion,elephant or some big game animal we could call it the apocalypse. I believe 1000% nothing will change. The day I shoot an albino leopard is the day I will believe it.
Woods, I like your 911 scenario, I guess if it had be a lion,elephant or some big game animal we could call it the apocalypse. I believe 1000% nothing will change. The day I shoot an albino leopard is the day I will believe it.

With all these different colored animals the South African game farm industry is churning out, it wouldn't surprise me if you were available to hunt a blue leopard at some point.
@TMS your positive energy exposed above is truly encouraging, and shows a tremendous amount of character.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
Roald Dahl

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
