SOUTH AFRICA: Tootabi Hunting Safaris What Is The Wounded Policy And Billing Issues

Glad we could lighten the mood!
A little over three days seems to me like a quick resolution to the issue. His statements in the release seem fair and honorable, I for one wouldn't hesitate to hunt with him!
@Tootabi Hunting Safaris , fantastic reply, you sure know how to gent every cent out of a lawyer. Bottom line you tried to screw your client over, you were going to lose money with Dave(yes, i know the Fords) and therefor billed your client. An honest reply would have been a lot better, not the hog wash press release.
I second what Jeff said. I'm all for giving one the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I'll need one someday. Kevin
@TMS Thank you for your spontaneous response, I hope one day we can share a coffee so that you can judge the book by what you see and not just what you understand and or hear. There were absolutely no Dave involved in the story however, there was a Jeff Ford FYI.

May God Bless you in your endeavours.

Take care and be safe.
Sorry, I made the honest mistake meant Adrian.
Thanks, but I think I will pass on the coffee. Moet net nie die Here se woorde op my probeer nie, ek ken my geloof.
Glad to see Royal will be refunded in full. I also commend Loodt for doing the right thing...but it's just a little too late IMO. It took a firestorm of posts to get things moving and shaking. I wonder if Royal never posted this what would have happened? Probably nothing..I wonder if Loodt somewhere down the road would have thought about the situation and said hey ya know I ve been thinking....We will never know I guess. Having had my share of good hunts and bad hunts and good outfitters and bad outfitters has made me a little cynical I guess. I don't think Loodt intentionally tried to take Royals money in bad faith. I think he acted on the info he had right then and there, and maybe a more experienced PH with more years would have handled it differently. Loodt this was a very tough lesson to learn. I need not tell you how fragile of an industry you are in and how ANY bad publicity will greatly effect your business. From my heart I wish you safety ,health and success.
Good for all parties in this unfortunate episode! Loodt response is reasonable and I don't think three days was too long. The man was hunting and engaged with his customer which is what he should have been doing. The refund was the right thing to do for Royal.
I'm glad Loodt responded. However, I'm disappointed that Royal27 had to post here. I believe Royal27, from his comments, took some time before posting. During that time period Tootabi could have done something. However, it didn't seem to happen until the posting. So, I don't agree that Loodt was responsive in getting onto the site within 3 days. This type of issue should not have come to this.

While in New Zealand in April, Ann and I were stuck on the mountain an extra 3 days due to weather. No fault of the outfitter or guides. The outfit drove us to Christchurch, bought us an airline ticket to Wellington and gave a credit against our hunt. They didn't need to do any of that, but did.

In my consulting business, I can be right all the way to end of the earth, but sometimes, I just need to take care of customer, maintain the relationship, and build it for the future. Every time I've done that, my customer has extended my engagements and/or provided me very strong references for my next project.
I'm glad Loodt responded. However, I'm disappointed that Royal27 had to post here. I believe Royal27, from his comments, took some time before posting. During that time period Tootabi could have done something. However, it didn't seem to happen until the posting. So, I don't agree that Loodt was responsive in getting onto the site within 3 days. This type of issue should not have come to this.

While in New Zealand in April, Ann and I were stuck on the mountain an extra 3 days due to weather. No fault of the outfitter or guides. The outfit drove us to Christchurch, bought us an airline ticket to Wellington and gave a credit against our hunt. They didn't need to do any of that, but did.

In my consulting business, I can be right all the way to end of the earth, but sometimes, I just need to take care of customer, maintain the relationship, and build it for the future. Every time I've done that, my customer has extended my engagements and/or provided me very strong references for my next project.
Well said sir. I agree with you. There was absolutely no need for it to come to this. On another note your outfitter in New Zealand surely went way above and beyond in what he did for you. Outstanding customer relationship. Who may I ask this that ? They deserve mention here.
Wilderness Quest New Zealand, Zion Pilgrim runs it.
I agree that Royal should get his refund. No blood, no pay.

However, I want to know if Royal contacted Loodt about this issue before posting on AH. So Royal, did you contact Loodt privately? Seems like it would be only fair to work it out in private like men before going public.
@Tootabi Hunting Safaris , fantastic reply, you sure know how to gent every cent out of a lawyer. Bottom line you tried to screw your client over, you were going to lose money with Dave(yes, i know the Fords) and therefor billed your client. An honest reply would have been a lot better, not the hog wash press release.
I agree. This entire situation could have been avoided had you chose to act with integrity from the very beginning. You are in a field where integrity and you word mean absolutely everything. I've seen a lack of this in, unfortunately, several instances. It should never have gotten to this point had honorable decisions been made from the very beginning. What I'm sure many realize is that this tarnishes all of our reputations and that of the site as well. One shouldn't be backed into a corner in order to to the right thing. I stand behind every comment I've posted as well as this one. This site is a place for outfitters to advertise, share experiences, and develop relationships with people. It is expected that the good people of this site should be able to book with outfitters, especially sponser outfitters, and not have to worry about ones motives or integrity. When dishonest decisions are made and it becomes an issue that blows up like this it effects all of us. I am a sponser, I pay dues to have the privilege to advertise in this site just as you do. You decisions effect not only your reputation but all of us sponsers and the website as a whole and I find your decisions seriously lacking in integrity. I do wish you success in the future but it needs to be success as a result of integrity, honesty, and good ethical business practices.
Wow...this sure was ugly.....glad it's over! Going Namibia in October.....planning on finishing my tiny ten with Dik Dik.
Now..that's important stuff!
In this case the hunter has never, not once voiced his concern over whether he disputed the fact that he wounded the animal.

So he comes on here to dispute it, so the whole world can see it. VERY odd!
@flyfishaz you are pretty new here so I think most of us will let that comment slide.
Royal is a stand up member here on AH and I suggest you go have a look at the member info to find your way around who is who here.
Welcome to AH,stick around its a interesting place to be.
@hunthardsafaris I don't care that I don't have hundreds of post counts. If it is true what Loodt said, in my opinion Royal isn't a stand up member.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
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TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
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Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

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