Best try and finish this report before i forget and need to get some non hunting pictures done up as well.
Steenbok it was, the final animal i wanted. We Went to an area where we saw 5 different ones earlier in the week, well the spot didn't disappoint. Theres one - Zooooom, wait another, long slow stalk its a ewe, another - Zooom, long walk about and several more small rams and a few ewes seen, plus a one tusked warthog that got a pass. Lunch on the Baki again, great view, nice breeze and yup, had to make my own sammichs again lol
We went for another walk after watching 4 steenboks that were feeding together, by the time we got set up, quick stalk to where we last saw them, if they kept on their route they would literally walk into the gun. Half hour later and appears they turned left or right instead of straight. Did see a black footed cat slink away, was something i hadn't seen before, but too quick for a photo op.
Found a snake skin that made our tracker a little nervous, and by a little nervous he peered down at it, Warren suggested the hole right there is where the snake was, well he quickly jumped back about 6 feet and wanted nothing to do with the skin or any hole.
We walked back out in the veld and at one point we had a bruiser of a ram about 15 yards in front of us, but behind a bush, i had to sneak to the right to, on the sticks, eye to scope and between me looking and eye to scope - Zoom it was gone
More walking (about 3 miles on this little hike) and had duiker at 30 yards, but got a pass.
There, other side of the sheep fence, a nice ram, where, right there, where, 3rd post to the right, green bush, ahh i see it.
On the sticks, too short, move to the left on the sticks, too short, move closer and to the left, on the sticks i have him in the sites. Fixed scope that i swear makes things look twice as far away vs twice as close. Trying to get steady, deep breaths, on it. Ok squeeze the back trigger safety, no its the front one, am sure its the back one. Trigger didn't click, its not the right trigger, squeeze it harder so i will get the hair trigger set. One more second, get that dam safety trigger to cli*BOOM*ck #*@@&^!@)(<>#&@@@ - Note to self: if you squeeze the hair trigger enough it goes bang, takes a bit more pull though if you dont set the first trigger
Not happy with myself, we finished the hike back to the truck and about 70 yards past the truck there was a porcupine, so since the one i got last year has missing quills (seems everyone who visits the house wants a couple and my Quill vase was looking sad) it was offered up and easy enough set the first trigger correctly, fired and some local cuisine in the dirt