Internet has been a bit spotty the last couple of days, seems to be okay now. So the first cold weather of the winter came in with the wind. The animals have been holed up in the thick brush, which is of course still thick as the leaves have yet to fall.
So we've been playing cat and mouse walking into it and trying to put the sneak on. Fun and frustrating all at the same time. At one point yesterday morning we had zebra, wildebeest, eland, blesbok, gemsbok and who knows what else within 100 yards or less of us. Occasional glimpses of shooters but ever so fleeting. Eventually eyes, ears or noses pick up on your presence and off they go. But man it was fun, much like bowhunting.
At one point some blue wildebeest exposed themselves, but no shooter bull. But both Jacques and I wanted to see how these bullets in my .458B&M would do on a tough shot angle. Well a cow presented herself at a severe quartering away shot and I took it. Entry was way back around the flanks, this caused intestines to immediately shoot out. Cow went about 100 yards and dropped dead.
The cutting blades of these SOCOMs probably only marginal effect, but the shank kept moving forward and pierced the middle of the heart and passed thru. This I believe is the entry hole of the heart.
Exit hole of the heart. Bullet did not exit the animal but I'm sure lodged in the brisket somewhere. Hoping the skinners will find it.