SOUTH AFRICA: Kuche Safaris

I'm probably not as much help as my wife went out with me pretty much every day. However, I understand there are spas and other activities for non-hunting guests.
Do not spend money with Kuche. Go elsewhere
Also, if you were expecting to shoot a kudu bull with bow, your expectations were indeed high. You might get one to come in to a citrus bait pile right at dark or just after dark but only a crappy PH would let you shoot at it then. They are difficult to hunt with a rifle.
Kuche is a horrible operation.
Just by the tone of this post we see what kind of member you are. People here share information so that they can share each other. The initial interest in your post was in the vain of supporting you. And you behave like this?! No manners at all.

Manners go out the window when you fly all the way to South Africa to get treated like crap from Koos.
Nope...spill it or you are wasting everyone's time.
Three buddies and I went over last May and overall had a great time. Great food, great PH's, and a great time. However, I will not go back with Kuche.

We arrived in camp and began hunting the next day. We were split into pairs so two hunters with one PH, which is perfect. So, my cousin and I started hunting on a Sunday and by lunch got one animal down. Our wish list between the two of us was about 8-10 animals. We continued hunting that same property the rest of the and did not see anything.

So, we went back to the same property the next day and did not see a single animal. Now, we understand fully this is hunting, not killing and nothing is guaranteed. We fully understand that, so lets get that out of the way and any comments that come with it. However, when we came back to camp at the end of the day, other clients (who were obviously much more high paying than us) were coming back with truck loads of animals. Just dumping nice trophies at the skinning rack and having a good time. Again, we know nothing is guaranteed.

So the next two days we went back to these same properties. The same properties that were very thick and we saw nothing.... absolutely nothing. So, my cousin and I had an honest conversation with our PH about what to do. At this point it was Wednesday night and we were scheduled to leave Saturday morning. We had only killed one animal, which was on Sunday morning. So reasonably we were frustrated and wished to talk with Koos to see if we could get sent to another property.

Our PH went and found Koos and told him we would like a private meeting with him. Right away Koos was upset. We explained to Koos our concerns and he proceeded to pull out his phone and number off the amount of animals at the properties we were hunting. We were not disputing the animals that were there, we were just not seeing anything. Driving or stalking. For three full days we saw nothing. So, he proceeded to get upset and started to yell a little and we just ended the conversation. For someone who uses the business line "Where it's all about you" it was very disgusting to see his reaction. All we simply asked was if there was another property we could try because we were not seeing anything. Sounds straight forward right? maybe not to some.

So the next day and a half...two days we went to locations that actually produced animals and we took down the rest of our animals. Again, it's not called killing it's called hunting. We understand that. But, when you're seeing other clients coming back for the day with a truck bed full of animals and you do not see anything day after day. It gets frustrating.

So we finish our hunting and leave for the states. We never saw Koos after the night of the conversation about the hunting properties because he had to go pick up another high paying client, which is what was told to us by our PH. No thanks for coming, hope you guys had a great time. Nothing. Whatever, it was what it was.

So we get home and about 9 months go by and we learn our taxidermy is finished. Koos sends us our final bills and we pay. Communication was great regarding the taxidermy being complete and him getting his money. About another month goes by and I started messaging Koos about our taxidermy. We were unfamiliar with how to get it shipped back, does he have a shipping agent, do we need to get one...numerous questions. I would get no response, through WhatsApp or email. So, I made a post on here asking if anyone has heard from Koos and how does everything get shipped.

Right away Koos contacts me requesting me to remove my post and how it is bad publicity for him. I was shocked and said I have been trying to contact you regarding our stuff and you only responded to me because someone told you about this post. So he answered my questions regarding the shipping only to find out he was wrong.

I was being told stuff completely different from the shipping company, Eagle Eye shipping. The biggest/scariest thing is the packing list showed some animals were not property mounted, just the skull cape and horns were in the crate. So we really don't know what we are getting.

As this continues, I notice some other things are off with the packing contents and Koos assured me everything was packaged and completed properly. I receive an email from Eagle Eye last week telling me they just received another crate with animals that was supposed to be with my group. Everything was set to leave SA this Monday September 11, 2023. So thankfully, Eagle Eye was able to get everything in place.

So again, I ask Koos what is going on here? Why is it you tell me one thing, and I find out something completely different from the shippers? So he gives me this story about how he is out of camp and will be back Sunday. At this point, whatever, just ship me whatever is in our crates and we will go our own separate ways.

Koos uses Kuche Safari's...where it's all about you. Its absolutely not. He reaction was among one of the most arrogant and unprofessional responses when we asked him to switch properties. And as far as the communication after we left, it was clear he did not care about our animals, what happened to them, or if they are done correctly.

I hope you guys have fun, but just watch out. If there are other big name, big paying clients in camp, they will take priority over anyone else.
Not fair to the outfitters or potential clients, say what you have to say. That's what the internet is for lol
Three buddies and I went over last May and overall had a great time. Great food, great PH's, and a great time. However, I will not go back with Kuche.

We arrived in camp and began hunting the next day. We were split into pairs so two hunters with one PH, which is perfect. So, my cousin and I started hunting on a Sunday and by lunch got one animal down. Our wish list between the two of us was about 8-10 animals. We continued hunting that same property the rest of the and did not see anything.

So, we went back to the same property the next day and did not see a single animal. Now, we understand fully this is hunting and not killing and nothing is guaranteed. We fully understand that, so lets get that out of the way and any comments that come with it. However, when we came back to camp at the end of the day, other clients (who were obviously much more high paying than us) were coming back with truck loads of animals. Just dumping nice trophies at the skinning rack and having a good time. Again, we know nothing is guaranteed.

So the next two days we went back to these same properties. The same properties that were very thick and we saw nothing.... absolutely nothing. So, my cousin and I had an honest conversation with our PH about what to do. At this point it was Wednesday night and we were scheduled to leave Saturday morning. We had only killed one animal, which was on Sunday morning. So reasonably we were frustrated and wished to talk with Koos to see if we could get sent to another property.

Our PH went and found Koos and told him we would like a private meeting with him. Right away Koos was upset. We explained to Koos our concerns and he proceeded to pull out his phone and number off the amount of animals at the properties we were hunting. We were not disputing the animals that were there, we were just not seeing anything. Driving or stalking. For three full days we saw nothing. So, he proceeded to get upset and started to yell a little and we just ended the conversation. For someone who uses the business line "Where it's all about you" it was very disgusting to see his reaction. All we simply asked was if there was another property we could try because we were not seeing anything. Sounds straight forward right? maybe not to some.

So the next day and a half...two days we went to locations that actually produced animals and we took down the rest of our animals. Again, it's not called killing it's called hunting. We understand that. But, when you're seeing other clients coming back for the day with a truck bed full of animals and you do not see anything day after day. It gets frustrating.

So we finish our hunting and leave for the states. We never saw Koos after the night of the conversation about the hunting properties because he had to go pick up another high paying client, which is what was told to us by our PH. No thanks for coming, hope you guys had a great time. Nothing. Whatever, it was what it was.

So we get home and about 9 months go by and we learn our taxidermy is finished. Koos sends us our final bills and we pay. Communication was great regarding the taxidermy being complete and him getting his money. About another month goes by and I started messaging Koos about our taxidermy. We were unfamiliar with how to get it shipped back, does he have a shipping agent, do we need to get one...numerous questions. I would get no response, through WhatsApp or email. So, I made a post on here asking if anyone has heard from Koos and how does everything get shipped.

Right away Koos contacts me requesting me to remove my post and how it is bad publicity for him. I was shocked and said I have been trying to contact you regarding our stuff and you only responded to me because someone told you about this post. So he answered my questions regarding the shipping only to find out he was wrong.

I was being told stuff completely different from the shipping company, Eagle Eye shipping. The biggest/scariest thing is the packing list showed some animals were not property mounted, just the skull cape and horns were in the crate. So we really don't know what we are getting.

As this continues, I notice some other things are off with the packing contents and Koos assured me everything was packaged and completed properly. I receive an email from Eagle Eye last week telling me they just received another crate with animals that was supposed to be with my group. Everything was set to leave SA this Monday September 11, 2023. So thankfully, Eagle Eye was able to get everything in place.

So again, I ask Koos what is going on here? Why is it you tell me one thing, and I find out something completely different from the shippers? So he gives me this story about how he is out of camp and will be back Sunday. At this point, whatever, just ship me whatever is in our crates and we will go our own separate ways.

Koos uses Kuche Safari's...where it's all about you. Its absolutely not. He reaction was among one of the most arrogant and unprofessional responses when we asked him to switch properties. And as far as the communication after we left, it was clear he did not care about our animals, what happened to them, or if they are done correctly.

I hope you guys have fun, but just watch out. If there are other big name, big paying clients in camp, they will take priority over anyone else.
You are not doing the favors for kuche safaris you think you are with your posts. The information is out there if you’d like remove the emotion and do some critical thinking with the information provided. I’m glad you had a good first hunt. There are better options available for a second hunt.
I agree. Koos and Kobus run a horrible operation and do not care about many things. Spend the money and go elsewhere.
Three buddies and I went over last May and overall had a great time. Great food, great PH's, and a great time. However, I will not go back with Kuche.

We arrived in camp and began hunting the next day. We were split into pairs so two hunters with one PH, which is perfect. So, my cousin and I started hunting on a Sunday and by lunch got one animal down. Our wish list between the two of us was about 8-10 animals. We continued hunting that same property the rest of the and did not see anything.

So, we went back to the same property the next day and did not see a single animal. Now, we understand fully this is hunting and not killing and nothing is guaranteed. We fully understand that, so lets get that out of the way and any comments that come with it. However, when we came back to camp at the end of the day, other clients (who were obviously much more high paying than us) were coming back with truck loads of animals. Just dumping nice trophies at the skinning rack and having a good time. Again, we know nothing is guaranteed.

So the next two days we went back to these same properties. The same properties that were very thick and we saw nothing.... absolutely nothing. So, my cousin and I had an honest conversation with our PH about what to do. At this point it was Wednesday night and we were scheduled to leave Saturday morning. We had only killed one animal, which was on Sunday morning. So reasonably we were frustrated and wished to talk with Koos to see if we could get sent to another property.

Our PH went and found Koos and told him we would like a private meeting with him. Right away Koos was upset. We explained to Koos our concerns and he proceeded to pull out his phone and number off the amount of animals at the properties we were hunting. We were not disputing the animals that were there, we were just not seeing anything. Driving or stalking. For three full days we saw nothing. So, he proceeded to get upset and started to yell a little and we just ended the conversation. For someone who uses the business line "Where it's all about you" it was very disgusting to see his reaction. All we simply asked was if there was another property we could try because we were not seeing anything. Sounds straight forward right? maybe not to some.

So the next day and a half...two days we went to locations that actually produced animals and we took down the rest of our animals. Again, it's not called killing it's called hunting. We understand that. But, when you're seeing other clients coming back for the day with a truck bed full of animals and you do not see anything day after day. It gets frustrating.

So we finish our hunting and leave for the states. We never saw Koos after the night of the conversation about the hunting properties because he had to go pick up another high paying client, which is what was told to us by our PH. No thanks for coming, hope you guys had a great time. Nothing. Whatever, it was what it was.

So we get home and about 9 months go by and we learn our taxidermy is finished. Koos sends us our final bills and we pay. Communication was great regarding the taxidermy being complete and him getting his money. About another month goes by and I started messaging Koos about our taxidermy. We were unfamiliar with how to get it shipped back, does he have a shipping agent, do we need to get one...numerous questions. I would get no response, through WhatsApp or email. So, I made a post on here asking if anyone has heard from Koos and how does everything get shipped.

Right away Koos contacts me requesting me to remove my post and how it is bad publicity for him. I was shocked and said I have been trying to contact you regarding our stuff and you only responded to me because someone told you about this post. So he answered my questions regarding the shipping only to find out he was wrong.

I was being told stuff completely different from the shipping company, Eagle Eye shipping. The biggest/scariest thing is the packing list showed some animals were not property mounted, just the skull cape and horns were in the crate. So we really don't know what we are getting.

As this continues, I notice some other things are off with the packing contents and Koos assured me everything was packaged and completed properly. I receive an email from Eagle Eye last week telling me they just received another crate with animals that was supposed to be with my group. Everything was set to leave SA this Monday September 11, 2023. So thankfully, Eagle Eye was able to get everything in place.

So again, I ask Koos what is going on here? Why is it you tell me one thing, and I find out something completely different from the shippers? So he gives me this story about how he is out of camp and will be back Sunday. At this point, whatever, just ship me whatever is in our crates and we will go our own separate ways.

Koos uses Kuche Safari's...where it's all about you. Its absolutely not. He reaction was among one of the most arrogant and unprofessional responses when we asked him to switch properties. And as far as the communication after we left, it was clear he did not care about our animals, what happened to them, or if they are done correctly.

I hope you guys have fun, but just watch out. If there are other big name, big paying clients in camp, they will take priority over anyone else.
Thank you for the reply. I can't imagine driving around and stalking for three days in a row and not spot a game animal in RSA. Incredible.
I strongly disagree with JBall, I have hunted with Koos and Cobus at Kuchi Safari 3 times and have rebooked for 2025 and 2026. They run a great business and have been very fare and professional to me. My trophy game harvested have been fantastic and of great size and quality. To that point Cobus (PH) has refused to let me shoot many animals that he considered non trophy quality. He told me on many occasions that he would rather have you return than send you home with a lower quality animal. My son and I were rewarded for Cobus restraint often later in the hunts with better trophys.
Great staff, food, lodge (Limpopo and Free State), fun family and PH's at camp. Highly recommend them.
Respectfully, Eric Bates
Picture of trophy class Waterbuck taken with Kuche in August when I was there having a great time.

Doesn’t look like a bad hunt to me.
I have been on more than 20 guided hunts in 20 states and provinces of three countries.

Kuche was the best of them all. Hands down.
I consider this old guy trophy of a lifetime.

That hunt was fun too.Another great memory from the same hunt with Kuche.

My detailed hunt report is posted here if anyone wants the facts.

I had a great experience and that is a fact that is not in dispute. The six people hunting with me felt the same way.
Kuche safaris is like the Golden Corral of the African hunting world.

Lots of people will tell you it’s great, but I’d much rather spend my money elsewhere.

Man.... *sigh* I get your point, and it was funny. But I actually LIKE Golden Corral from time to time. :p
I strongly disagree with JBall, I have hunted with Koos and Cobus at Kuchi Safari 3 times and have rebooked for 2025 and 2026. They run a great business and have been very fare and professional to me. My trophy game harvested have been fantastic and of great size and quality. To that point Cobus (PH) has refused to let me shoot many animals that he considered non trophy quality. He told me on many occasions that he would rather have you return than send you home with a lower quality animal. My son and I were rewarded for Cobus restraint often later in the hunts with better trophys.
Great staff, food, lodge (Limpopo and Free State), fun family and PH's at camp. Highly recommend them.
Respectfully, Eric Bates
Very interesting first post. Did you hunt anywhere else in Africa to compare? What's your yardstick?

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Here are an update on available dates for 2025

Hunting dates available 2025
1-18 March
2-10 April
17-26 April
13-24 May
2 -30 June
8-16 July
26 July - 7 August
23 August - 30 September
LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS wrote on RStien321's profile.
Dear RStien321

I noticed your thread this morning.

We would be thrilled to assit you as mentioned in my comment on your thread.

We as Limpopo North Safaris has numerous areas in limpopo that vary between 10 000 to 24 000 acres that we hunt that has all of the animals on your wish list furthermore we have great deal on cull buffalo cows and bulls.

Please let me know if you might be intrested.

John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia