
AH senior member
Apr 19, 2011
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As promised here is my short report of my latest trip with KMG.
We, my friend Ingo and I had 8 wonderful and special hunting days. I took all of them to be out in the bush, knowing that I will miss it from the very first day after returning home...
Ingo was satisfied after 6 days and relaxed the last two days with golfing and so.

We were lucky enough to take some very nice animals like Nyala, Bontebok, Buffalo, Caracal, Ostrich, Common and Black Springbuck, Mountain Reedbuck, Steenbuck, Warthog.

As this was our second trip to KMG, I felt like coming home!
It started well by flying from Frankfurt to JoBurg and than to Port Elisabeth. I was a little bit upset because we were asked for tips permanently at JoBurg Airport.
(I have no problems with giving tip, but I decide when to give it.)

OK. So on the first day, after some practise shootings we went out in different areas. My first goal was a Nyala Bull. We found a few mature bulls, but no real dandy.
But it was so nice to see those majestetic animlas in the bush.
Ingo came home that night with a fine steenbuck ram.
On the next day we went out for Nyala again and by surprise we saw a Grysbok just for a second and than tried to stalk him, but unfortunately it was gone. Damn, that would have been nice...
Third day. As Marius got an info about a cape buffalo bull who was trouble making in another area it was no question to go there and have a look :)
To make the story short: After Walking and Stalking for a while we finally spotted him in thick bush. I got him, a nice old Dugga Boy. He got three bullets, the first two went right through lung and heart, than he started running straight towards us, but only a few meters (we were already in position :) ), than he felt and got the third shot.
During the following days I got a beautiful Nyala Bull, we went for ostrich hunting, Ingo got his Mt Reedbuck, Common and Black Springbuck and some more.
We were really satisfied!
A special was happening on the second last day, as the owner of another area told us that there was a non-typical Hartebeest. Yes, I really like those uniques. And we tried! The problem was first of all the weather, we had rain, sunshine, storm and always direction changing wind.
It took a while when we spotted that big herd, many females and calfs, some bulls. "My" Hartebeest was a female, old cow. We came close a few times, but without any chance for a shot. Stalking, walking. We were ready to stop that hunt when we spotted them again. After following for a while I took the last chance. Sitting on the ground, the animals still walking away from us I waited for a gab. And yes I got that gab and shot on more than 300 meters, she immediatly went down.
Lucky hunter. A very old Hartebeest cow with a broken leg and a unique trophy.
A big big thanks goes again to Marius Goosen and his crew, PH Louw Pieterse, to Hendrik and to all others involved.
This was my second trip with KMG, I am sure we will meet again soon.


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Congrats for a great hunt and very trophies.

That hartebeest is really unique !
Great lesson: Take those opportunities that present themselves.

Well done.

Thanks for the report.
Well done Martin, that buff and Nyala are beauties! Brian
Good looking trophies. Looks like you had a great time. Love the hartebeest. Bruce
Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. Congratulations.
Congrats on the hunt, looks like you had a great time, thanks for sharing!
Congratulations Martin. Great trophies, although I am afraid that he accidentally let you shoot the Nyala I was planning to get next year.

love the hartebeest.
Way cool story and thanks for sharing! We had a good time with Marius as well.
Hey Martin, had you already planned to hunt a buff on this trip or decide to once you were there?
Thanks for the hunt report, really nice trophies, love the hartebeest and bosses on the cape buffalo
Thanks for sharing martin, Awesome trophies!
Hey Martin, had you already planned to hunt a buff on this trip or decide to once you were there?

Marius found out about it a little while before I arrived.

Thanks guys.
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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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