Here is a recap of the Impala I shot, as well as the one my buddy took. 2nd day of hunting we went to another property to chase impala rams. We drove a good distance through this property seeing lots of female Impala, but no good shooter rams. Finally came across a fence and saw an old Impala ram fighting a younger one through the fence, oblivious to the truck or us. We watched for a bit and decided he was a good one to take, so lined up sights and with one clean shot from 300 Win Mag with compressor on it, he fell at 35 yards. The younger ram stood on the other side of the fence, almost as if he thought he won the fight and took the old guy down. We drove up and young ram finally went 50 yards before stopping to watch us take photos with my big guy and load him in truck.
2nd Impala of the day was spotted in a herd a ways off, so our PH, my best friend Bowman, and I stalked through the bush to get within 65 yards. This took at least 20 minutes going brush to brush trying to get clean shot for Bowman since it would only be his 2nd animal ever hunted. Finally got a nice spot set up and on the herd, picked out a nice ram, and with one shot Bowman dropped his ram. We got over to inspect and would have taken photos right there, but the South African rain came in and we loaded up quickly and headed back to camp to take photos instead. All of this occurred before 10am on day 2 of safari, with my first African trophy in the salt and Bowman's 2nd animal. We spent the rest of that day at the lodge watching it rain heavily and enjoying hearing the other hunters stories with fire going and beverages flowing.
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