SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting With KMG Hunting Safaris In February 2020

Great steak for dinner

Look for buffalo tomorrow starting at 5.30 AM
Great start to the trip! Good luck tomorrow and keep the updates coming!
Best of luck Sjakon! Absolutely loving the "real time" nature of your posts. Enjoying the images of sights and scenery too. You must know we are hanging on in great anticipation. By the way, really nice Impala! - Bill
How I want to be there right now!!! Thanks for letting us ride along.
Nice updates enjoy the hunt its a special place close to the border of Zim and Botswana.
Tell Marius "Pasop vir die slange en bosluise!" (y)

Yes we cannot complain about the rain and it being green we had a long enough drought.
Worst thing that can happen is that you have to get closer to the buff.
Thursday 20 Feb 2020

We started the day with coffee at 5.15 AM and were on the road before 6 AM.

It was nice and cool when we started but got very hot by mid morning.

We looked for tracks from the car and when we found fresh ones we started tracking.

Our other PH had a drone which he sent up looking for buffalo in the dense green bush but had difficult spotting them.

It got hotter and hotter however Marius and our tracker Bedwell finally found or rather heard the buffalos which consisted of cows and calves and 1 bull.

We waited hours but saw only females and since we did not have breakfast we returned to camp at 2 PM and will be back to checkout the buffalo at 4.30 PM
Nice Impala. Thanks for keeping us in the loop about your hunt. The bush looks nice and green. Good for the animals.
Nice start to the hunt. Good luck!
Best of luck on the buff. Looks like a good time thusfar.
Thrusday 20 Feb PM

Well we drove past a water hole and saw a giant buffalo running away.

We drove away and later stalked for a couple of Km.

Marius got me into position and gestured to me to get up. There was this huge black buffalo walking quickly to the right at 20m. All those pointers on avoiding wounding a buffalo and the correct killing shot went through my head and I hesitated and he was covered by a bush. Marius was very gracious about the whole episode.

Lets see what happens tomorrow

Having a double shot whisky tonight
Enjoying your report, hunting buff is not for the weak of heart, good luck and shoot straight.
Patience pays, it took me four days to shoot mine !
Sjakon, this is exciting! Partly because I hunted near Alldays on my first Africa adventure, but it was much dryer back then. It looks very lush in your pictures. Nice!
Sjakon, this is exciting! Partly because I hunted near Alldays on my first Africa adventure, but it was much dryer back then. It looks very lush in your pictures. Nice!

Yes Ridgewalker I had to cancel my August trip due to the arrival of grandchildren and ended up going this month with dense foliage.

The game is all pretty close range and it is very hot in the morning.

Certainly makes you work for your trophies.

Best wishes

Sjakon, I feel for you on that brief opportunity at the waterhole. But the old saying is true; "discretion is the better part of valor". You'll get another crack at one. We're all raising our glass tonight and pulling for you guys tomorrow!

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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