SOUTH AFRICA: Great Hunt With Game 4 Africa Safaris


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Aug 22, 2018
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Hunting reports
My son and I just returned from a 10 day scheduled hunt with Wikus Coetzee of Game 4 African Safaris. What a fantastic time and a wildly successful hunt. This was my third trip to Africa and my sons second and the animal species we desired to hunt was extremely varied; everything from Vaal Rhebok to Baboon.

I first contacted Wikus last year when I viewed a deal in the "Deals and Offers" section of Africa to which I sent a request for information. Wikus replied almost immediately and after minimal emails back and forth over available dates the hunt was set in motion. Wikus was always prompt with replies throughout the year, I never had to wait more than a day to receive an answer to a question I had or seeking clarification on the hunt. I scheduled a 10 day hunt but suggested a day break in the middle to visit Pumba Game Reserve and later I scheduled a shark cage dive outside of Cape Town, meaning I had scheduled a 10 day with only 7 days of hunting! This was really going to be difficult to hunt especially when my quarry included Vaal Rhebok, bushbuck, bush pig and caracal.

Wikus met us at the airport and promptly whisked us off for the approximately 2 hour drive to the lodge. On we made a stop at his butchery in Grahamstown to pick up some supplies and while there we toured the business which is an impressive operation in and of itself. After the supplies were loaded we headed to the lodge. Upon arrival we were greeted by the staff and shown to our chalets. The chalet's were very nicely adorned, clean and stocked with soap, shampoo, electrical adapters and heaters. The attention to detail was fantastic. We grabbed our guns and went to the range. My rifle shot true (3.5 inches high at 100 yards) Wikus showed some concern and thought that it might be too high. We discussed a bit and thankfully he persuaded me to turn it down to 2" high at 100, this small adjustment would later prove to be perhaps the most consequential decision we made during the hunt. After ensuring our rifles were zeroed we returned to the lodge and had dinner. There was another hunter in camp with us who was hunting with Wikus’s brother Colin and he was a hoot! A real great guy, friendly and he had a passion for hunting. Dinner consisted of BBQ game meat that was to die for! It was delicious and hearty, perhaps to hearty….lol I could tell my diet was going to suffer.

Day 1 of the hunt started early and our stated goal was to hunt kudu every morning until we found a good one for my son. We were hunting a ridgeline and would glass the valley below and walking and stalking along the way which is exactly my preferred hunting method; on foot, glassing, spot and stalk. I just knew this was going to be a fantastic hunt as the terrain favored this method of hunting. We moved along the ridgeline glassing nooks and crannies at each stop kudu were spotted. There were several bulls we looked over but Wikus thought they were to small so we continued on our hunt. Wikus finally spotted a bachelor herd of 3 bulls one of which he thought we should take. I stayed back while they made the final stalk on the bull. I heard a crack and ran to where they were. My son had shot the biggest bull at 200+ yards, it ran 20 yards and collapsed, 300 Weatherby with 200 grain Barnes TSX turns out to be pretty good combination. The trackers quickly field dressed the bull and got it ready to transport to the vehicle. The terrain on the property is not conducive to driving to the downed animal instead it is more appropriate to how they retrieve the game, it is typically placed on poles and carried by at least four trackers, A very unique but effective way of retrieving game. After the kudu was loaded we travelled to the ranch and unloaded the kudu to begin processing it. Wikus takes extremely good care of the meat. It was 10:30 and Wikus asked if we wanted to hunt or break for lunch; we jumped at the chance to hunt. Wikus stated a storm was coming so he was happy that we chose to take advantage of the time and hunt as hard as we could. We left the ranch and began looking for other animals. We again went to a high point and started glassing for animals. Wikus spotted a herd of Zebra and the hunt was on. We all stalked down the hill trying to get close to the zebra. We closed to within 220 yards and I saw Wikus put him on the sticks. At the sound of the shot the zebra dropped! Wow, another one shot animal for my son. The zebra was quickly set up for photos and taken to the preparation area. We had some lunch and then Wikus loaded us into the truck and we took off for an afternoon trip for bushbuck and our first evening of Bush pig hunting. Having been to Africa twice bushbuck was high on my list, I had tried two other times to hunt one and had yet to even see one. We were not in the area 10 minutes before we started seeing bushbuck. We looked at and passed several bushbuck before Wikus found a ram that was suitable. A quick stalk later and the bushbuck was down! At the end of the bushbuck hunt we had seen a total of 10 rams. I was stunned, in two other trips I had seen none, what a great place. Later that evening we went to the bush pig site to set up for what I thought would be the first of many nights. We originally set up within 60 yards fo the bait however the wind was wrong so we set up several hundred yards from the site. Within 30 minutes of the move we saw a group come into the bait. After a few minutes we decided on a large male closed the distance to 66 yards and let the hornady fly. The bush pig dropped immediately much to the relief of myself and Wikus. We took photos and loaded up and headed back to the lodge. I reflected on the day and was astounded, Kudu, zebra, bushbuck and a bush pig in one day? Utterly amazing to me.





Day 2- We were completely rained out until around 4:00 pm, we attempted to get out and hunt, We did spot a good Nyala bull but in the end could not get on him before dark, Still a fantastic day in South Africa. I am going to have to write a bit less or this will be a 400 page hunting report! I’ll narrow it down to the highlights

Day 3- Off to find Gemsbok and maybe other plains game. While searching we found some mountain reedbuck, we set up at 200 yards or so and I missed! Hmmm didn’t like it but I had to accept it; later I would be glad I missed this mountain reedbuck. We continued searching for game and soon we spotted a herd of Gemsbok that contained several that looked good to my untrained eye. So we went after them after stalking for some time I saw my son get on the sticks and a short time later bam! Gemsbok down! We took pictures, loaded up the Gemsbok and continued hunting. We rounded a hill and saw some hartebeests and springbok in the area, so we took a route that would keep us out of sight. We snuck up and got to within 200 yards and my son took a rest on an ant hill and let her rip, BAM springbok down! Again we set up for pictures and took care of the animal and began looking for other plains game. we searched from some time but it did not see any. We took a short nap ate some lunch and stood by a dam, and pretty soon some Hartebeests started wandering towards us. I was soon motioned to crawl towards Wikus and while doing so I was watching a hartebeest bull, I crawled up and he told me to turn around and get ready to shoot. I was confused because if I faced the way he wanted i would not be facing the hartebeests but I did as he said and whamo I saw them a herd of 6 or so Hartebeests I can’t believe I didn’t see them. We looked them over and soon Wikus told me which one to take, I had a great rest and at the shot the animal went down. After the excitement of the Hartebeest I thought the day was over but we kept moving, we saw a herd of several wildebeests way out in the open, we snuck as close as we could to them and got to within 300 yards, we picked out the biggest and 3 shots later (he was hit in the lungs all three times) he was down.





Day 4- We started the day looking for Nyala, we drove again to the top of a mountain and then stalked around it looking into the valleys below, while we were glassing I took my binocs down and a Nyala bull came into an opening right below, I grabbed Wikus attention he quickly looked and put the sticks up for my son. At the shot the Nyala jumped, I could see it was great shot and it was the bull went less than 20 yards. We went searching for sable. Wikus knew what I was looking for in a sable and after some time we found it. We made the stalk to within 150 yards and the 300 Weatherby roared. It was a solid hit and the bull laid down as we walked up, it stood up and I put another one in him and this time he was down for good. Sable are a special animal and I was and am to this day mesmerized by their beauty. It took some time for the adrenaline to subside, thank heavens we had time for a nap after that. Later that afternoon we went to another place in search of Black Wildebeest and Ostrich. We found the Wildebeest and put a stalk on the herd that I thought we would never get close enough to but we did! The Wildebeest dropped in its tracks at the sound of the shot. We took care of the animal then loaded up as daylight was fading. On the way out Wikus shut the land cruiser off and said "Lets walk" I dint hesitate but I was wondering what for. Soon we got on top of the hill and an Ostrich started running angled to us, Wikus put up the sticks I got on them and followed the Ostrich until it stopped at about 150 yards, as he stopped I shot and down he went. I asked Wikus how he knew to stop where he did and he said he saw the ostrich from where we shot the wildebeest. That explained why he knew to stop; mystery solved, I am now on par with Sherlock Holmes





Day 5- We went out this morning for Caracal but had no luck so we checked into Pumba Game reserve. The plan was to go to Pumba spend the night and then head to Cape Town to do some shark cage diving.

Day 6- Picke up from Pumba Lodge to find that the shark cage diving tour was cancelled, spent an hour or so cancelling flights etc. and headed back to the lodge. We had some time to kill so we went looking for baboons. After a few strokes of luck, I ended up taking a huge male baboon, talk about a bonus!

Day 7- We tried Caracal again this morning except this time we were successful. The afternoon we tried for baboon for my son and again as luck would have it he was successful on one as well. Man what a hunt so far.


Day 8- The plan was to hunt the morning then head to the ranch where we would hunt Vaal Rhebok. We spotted a great Steenbok and the hunt was on, I made a poor shot and a follow up was necessary on a magnificent 5" steenbok. We kept searching and we spotted a group of mountain reedbuck. We made a stalk on them and got to wing approx. 250 yards, I took the shot as he laid and I shot right below him, he stood up I shot again and down he went. When we got up to him Wikus had a hard time containing his excitement. This was a monster of a Mountain Reedbuck, late when we measured his horns he was 7.25. We had some time left before we were to head to the Vaal area so we kept looking and we found a herd of mountain reedbuck that had a nice ram in it. a stalk was made and I saw Wikus put my son on the sticks, at the sound the shot the ram just stood there, soon it began to wobble and down it went, another very nice ram was in the salt! It was getting close to noon and we were on our way out when a nice duiker ram ran across the road and stopped in some bushes. It didn’t take long until the hunt was on, we stalked and finally found the ram at around 100, I was on the sticks and squeezed the trigger when I found the target. What a day! Four trophies in one morning, wow, nothing short of fabulous.





Day 9- Vaal Rhebok, I had been dreaming about a hunt for these animals for years. It was Vaal and the thought of Marco Polo that drove me to switch from Barnes TSX to Hornady ELD-X bullets. Shots high in the mountains and at great distances. I did sight my rifle in at 200 yards prior to the trip and as was mentioned earlier we turned it down a bit which proved to be perhaps the best decision we made. Anyway, we made it to the farmhouse in time for a drink and dinner. The hosts were great!!!! Very nice people and gracious hosts! I would love to have spent more time at their farm and lovely home. We spent the evening prior talking and anticipating the hunt. This morning the day of the hunt found us with a weather report of snow and high wind in the afternoon. Imagine that? A storm in the winter in the Winterberg Mountains. We didn’t let that dampen our spirits we headed out in search of the Vaal. On the way in the trackers and Wikus saw several Vaal Rhebok but I was having difficulty finding them. We started up the hill when Wikus stopped the truck and started looking at the distant mountain. He asked me to get my gun and follow him, we started up the hill, Wikus was intently watching something on the hill. I glassed once and I finally saw my first Vaal Rhebok. I put the binoculars away and followed Wikus, he laid down and asked me to get down and crawl towards him. I set up in the prone position, Wikus took his coat off and I took my binoculars off and used them to gain the proper elevation to aim at the ram. when the crosshairs settled I began the squeeze of the trigger, the last thing I remember seeing in the scope was the ram looking our way, the gun jumped I reloaded and could see the ram running, and then it started to fall. I couldn’t believe it the dream animal was down!


Now that I am home and reflect upon this hunt I am just amazed at the success my son and I had. I didn’t expect to bag half the animals I did, I was much more interested in my son's success. I have hunted in Europe, Africa, Canada, the arctic and extensively across the western United States and I can state unequivocally that Wikus was the hardest working guide/PH that I have ever had the pleasure of hunting with. His actions were always measured, he never rushed us or put us on subpar animals, and in fact we turned many more down than we stalked. His thoughts and actions demonstrated a client first mentality. The food was great, lodging great, the condition of the vehicles was top notch. All in all if you want to hunt and hunt hard, be treated with respect, and fairly in all situations then I highly recommend Game 4 African Safaris and Wikus. I am already planning my next trip back it, you should plan your trip with them now!
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Congrats on your great success.
I would say without reservation that you guys took a lot of animals. Some really nice trophies too. Congrtats on your hunt. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us.
A father and son hunt...couldn’t get any better! Congratulations on some fine trophies! I’m a little partial to the caracal. They are such interesting cats!
Congrats on your hunt and some nice trophies!
@Live2hunt Excellent report and congratulations on a very successful hunt! My daughter and I hunted with Wik and @Game 4 Africa Safaris right before your hunt. Wik took us to the PE airport the same you arrived and I can tell you he was was a bit concerned because of your diverse list of animals you were hoping for. Looks like Wik came through and put you and your son onto the animals and you guys did your part on the shooting. Congratulations again!
@Live2hunt Excellent report and congratulations on a very successful hunt! My daughter and I hunted with Wik and @Game 4 Africa Safaris right before your hunt. Wik took us to the PE airport the same you arrived and I can tell you he was was a bit concerned because of your diverse list of animals you were hoping for. Looks like Wik came through and put you and your son onto the animals and you guys did your part on the shooting. Congratulations again!

Thanks Wik did an excellent job! Loved the hunt
Thanks for your report. You guys had a great hunt and many memories and trophies. Good stuff.
Excellent hunt!
Great Job, congrats to you and your son on a great adventure.
Congrats for a great hunt !

Hi Guys, Just thought I would add a Better Photo of the big Kudu your son shot, Thank you for the report and well done again on your shooting and hunting capabilities. Was a Pleasure as a PH to hunt with 2 fantastic guys.
Kind Regards
Wikus Coetzee
View attachment 246297

Hi Guys, Just thought I would add a Better Photo of the big Kudu your son shot, Thank you for the report and well done again on your shooting and hunting capabilities. Was a Pleasure as a PH to hunt with 2 fantastic guys.
Kind Regards
Wikus Coetzee
Great pic Wik. Love the sky background.
Nice work!
Nice report. Sounds like a great hunt, in a game rich area, with a good Safari outfitter. That Kudu is magnificent, along with the other trophies.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID