AH fanatic
Afternoon pack up a dinner and eat at Justin's house in Thabazimbi before the evening bushbuck hunt. Will be hunting an alfalfa field along the river, get to the property and find a nice place to sit in the grass beneath a tree to watch a nice dark corner of the field till dark and a little after. We sit and watch the daylight end and see two bushbuck females but no rams but a great afternoon and was nice to see some different country and an area that really becomes hilly and what I call small mountains. On the way out of the property on the road in the headlights a nice bushbuck rams crosses the road so the plan was good but the the little secretive antelope decide not to cooperate with the program. Beautiful evening in a nice setting, cool temps and the sound of distant irrigation systems working almost puts you to sleep. I was really glad to get out of the grass as I was not sure what was in there with us sitting on the ground and another reason for wearing long pants tucked in my boots... ; )