100% spot on! I try and don't succeed....
but for the most part try to connect with each client prior to arrival, this entails a private visit by myself, or Reinhard as I simply can not get to everyone...
You are very correct in the sense that many hunters do not know what to expect, IT IS THE OUTFITTERS RESPONSIBILITY TO GET EACH AND EVERY CLIENT (HOPEFULLY FUTURE MATE) online, and to sketch a realistic picture of what it will be like, IMHO any lack of this is pure neglect on the outfitters part.
There are many companies that have this down to an art....(to connect and make each hunter/non hunter feel that she/he is your only client for the season... )
Connecting with a client should not be a major task I personally pick professional hunters that I know as far as integrity is concerned and that has people skills...... After all it is 85% of what we do, boils down to this... You spend 12 and in some case 20 hours a day with a hunter, if you don't have a personality it's just not going to work.....
We all grew up hunting so there is no need for me to second guess a friend as far as hunting ability and experience is concerned.
Unfortunately (and this might not be the case here) very often clients/hunters feel like very small fishes in great big ponds.... THIS IS AN ALL TO FAMILIAR REALITY WITH HIGH VOLUME HIGH TURN OVER OPERATIONS.... Unfortunate yes but a reality...
It is up to each outfitter to tame his beast, or you will get caught up in bad reviews and bad experiences... We see this every year, the flash is not all that it is made out to be.......
IMHO it boils down to who you are, are you doing what you were born to do? Is this your passion?
Or are you just a flat out turn over guy?
Answering this question when you book is a tough one to say the least, references, private visits with potential outfitters, hunting reports are the only things I can think of......
Sorry for the rant!
My very best always