AH ambassador
The is a huge difference between releasing lions into a relatively small fenced property as a publicity stunt without future follow up vs the 24 lions introduced into Mozambique as a permanent conservation effort.
So, what is the difference?
In South Africa, fenced hunting areas are typical. How do we (on another continent) determeine the diference?
We also know, is that lion after release, wil start hunting very soon, generally after few days.
And after that will start getting all wild lion habbits in time. (territory, breeding, forming packs, etc)
From the perspective of overseas client, it is very hard to get to establish the actual difference, with limited resources.
The differences that I see at this moment are following:
- We have, wild managed lion, which is supposed to be living in a natural way, selfsustained in large fenced areas.
- we have lions raised in pen, and later released in large fenced areas, getting quickly all wild lion habbits.
And if this is true, than they do have conservation value.
Because they adapt. Release to wild can also be controlled, monitored, etc... from smaller enclosure to medium size property, then to large areas.
- and most probably, there are some bad practises like put an take,, releaseing just before the hunt in areas of smaller sizes, etc etc... giving indutry a bad rep, and zero conservation value.
But it is the bad practise that destroys conservation value, not the captive bred lions, that given the chance will adapt to wild very quickly.