@Mark Biggerstaff I pass off the hurricane to you now. Looks like it has slid more east over the night and the track is no longer right over my house o_O

Thanks But No Thanks!
I know. Looks like Near Matagorda now. We are fixing get wet and winds. I started picking up stuff in yard and mow one last time.
@Mark Biggerstaff I pass off the hurricane to you now. Looks like it has slid more east over the night and the track is no longer right over my house o_O

Yes. It was a blast doing spot and stalk on the dams. I did have bad thoughts when he went in the water. But PH said it was his tail motion that put him in. His legs were folded back and never moved so he wasn't worried. Made me feel some better. But really good when they hooked him and rolled him up.
Heck of a hunt so far. Up until now, Glad you were able to get your heart restarted after that croc started going into the water. I really didn’t have a desire for a croc, but you may have changed my mind.
Up as usual 5 am and light breakfast. In truck and gone by 6:30 looking for Buff Cow. I am taking advantage of Gerrit's Buff cow special he posted here on AH. We spotted herd of about 30-35 around 9am. We were on road above them and they were headed down hill. Wind was wrong and decided haul butt in truck and try get below and ahead of them. We reached a more open area near the old boma. Jumped out grabbed rifles. Mad it about 100 yards and realized they were coming down faster than anticipated and a couple had spotted us already. Rikus said we need get back to truck and get way ahead of them. Most likely headed to Lister to water. We headed that way, parked and got in a ditch and started working to intercept where he thought would cross. When we reached the area they were already moving thru. Set up in ditch and looked for a management cow. This would be a cow that has no calf, or weaned calf, has bad horn genetics or body size for what Gerrit wants to keep in herd. Not the biggest widest cow. One was spotted that fit what was looking for and a clear shot presented at about 35-40 yards. 458 Lott was on the mark center of right shoulder. They all took off in a cloud of dust at the shot. About 2 min later we heard 1st of 3 death bellows. Made for a good feeling for sure. We eased out of the ditch for better look and could see about 50-60 yards away buff moving in the bush. Heard a bull making all kinds of grunting noises and new he was most likely near the down cow. Since just two of us we decided back track thru the ditch to the truck out of sight and come around in truck try to push them off. Well that kinda worked except for a big bull standing guard over the cow. After some persuading by rock throwing and hollering he finally moved off. Rikus radioed for Robert and Dugga to bring ATV and trailer into get her and help set up pics. Bush was pretty thick a couldn't get a lot of sunlight for pics. But hey. It's natural pics.
After loading buff cow we headed in for lunch. After lunch Gerrit was back in camp and asked if I would be interested in Giraffe. I have never really thought about one, but property about 4 miles or so down the road had a Giraffe Bull causing problems with the younger males and the drought they wanted the older bull removed. I said sure why not! So we headed over there. Large place, that actually Bos en Dal and them share the fence between in the back mountain area.
Not many roads in the property and we finally found the bull giraffe with some females but in back mountain on side of it. We tried figure out a way to them but there wasn't an easy way and if did it would be a nightmare trying to get him out. Watched them till almost dark. Back lodge for dinner
We will come back in morning.
Rikus,myself and skinners loaded up and headed back for Giraffe about 6:45 am
Started looking for them again. About 8am we found him, he was down and near a water hole. We made a long stalk in to water hole and he had moved off. We located him and sticks went up. But no shot ever presented itself for a head shot, he was moving around to much. Body was blocked by brush. He finally spotted us and was gone. This old boy has been hunted before we could tell. As soon as he saw a man he was gone. We located him again about an hour later over 600 yards away but in decent flat ground. We did a long stalk. Closed distance to about 175 yards. Saw him a pressed closer. He moved farther out and last time we saw him was about 300 yards going over a ridge. It was about 11:30 by now and we headed back main camp for lunch and decided give him a break for a few days and settle down.
Rikus and I headed out for afternoon about 2pm. We headed to Middlebrook dam to see what might come in. Parked and started walk in and ran into one young pissed off buff bull! He apparently had had his butt whooped by another bull. We aborted our plans and went back to truck. Came across some buff cows and tried a stalk but wind swirled and they took off. About 4:30 we spotted some zebra and made a long stalk on them. Got to about 90 yards and I made a clean shot on a big mare. Gerrit has them also on the management hit list. She went down hill about 50 yards and piled up. The 375HH was a pass thru that a blind man could follow blood trail.

We called it a day and headed back lodge for dinner and such.
What were some of your fav meals that trip? I always look forward to that!
Sounds like a great hunt so far!
What were some of your fav meals that trip? I always look forward to that!

Oh man there were a lot.
Brai with zebra, wildebeest and buffalo tenderloins.
Elna made red heartabeest bunny chows
Game burgers.
To many to name.
But have some pics








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Today is a big day!
Up 5 am light breakfast and on the road about 6:45. We have about a 2 hour or so drive from main camp. I had asked Gerrit to arrange a White Rhino Green Dart hunt. Property is fairly large and has many Rhino on it. As to the sensitivity of the species that's about all I will say on its location. When we arrived was met by owner and his staff along with veterinarian.
After paperwork signed and went over procedures of how the hunt will go. I was asked to take a practice shot with the dart gun. Luckily it was a Pneu-Dart 22 cal built on Marlin 22. We handle them at shop and very familiar with it. Red dot optics and hit where supposed to.
Owner advised he had 3 males at this time that could be darted. He needed updated info on them. We drove from the lodge about 1/2 mile and the. Started on foot. He had seen one of the males earlier before we arrived. We found 3 males about 30 min later and one of the three was on the list. After about 20 min of slow slow stalking we were within about 50 yards. Wind shifted and they took off. We waited for them to settle down a bit and continued on. As we were closing in on them again out of nowhere a huge male came up from behind us. Owner immediately switched over to this big boy. He was also on his list. He was agitated and really moving around. We got to within 18-20 yards and he went broad side and I fired the dart. He broke and ran luckily. We were in some semi thick bush. Myself and the rest stayed behind while owner and vet kept up with him. After about 15 min we were called to come to there location. He was groggy but not down yet. Owner and his team along with vet got him down and in upright position. I helped assist in medication, measurements, DNA sample and blood draw. Pictures taken and owner inserted wake up needle and allowed me to administer the wake up juice.
It only took about 2-3 min and he was up and looking for some revenge!!
What an experience and to help fund the anti poaching patrol, feed and conservation of the White Rhino!!
This big boy has a 30 1/2 inch main horn still!
First pic is him after waking up

This is my 6th trip with Gerrit and crew @Bos en Dal SAFARIS and my 61st birthday hunt.
I will do this report in stages.

Bos en Dal Safaris, PH's Gerrit, Rikus and Francois.
Travel: Jennifer @TRAVEL EXPRESS handled as always. Delta Premium Select Houston-Atlanta- Johannesburg.
Firearms and ammo: CZ 458 Lott, 500gr Swift Aframes: CZ 375 HH, 300gr Swift Aframes: Winchester 70, 300 Win Mag, 200gr Swift Aframes.
All packed in TuffPac case.

6/17 Departure day
Arrived Houston 3.5 hours before flight for check in. Delta counter busy as always in Houston. Delta check in Lady was very nice and pleasant. I had rifle case, and 2 more checked bags. All 3 were over the 50lb limit. Carrying a lot of stuff PH's asked for. I should have had $500 in overages on weight and extra bags. She was kind enough to let gun case go thru without extra weight fee. It was 55lbs with the 3 rifles. So I only had pay $400 in overages. All checked straight thru to Tambo. No TSA inspection in Houston. Delta just runs guns thru X-ray and says good to go on. Flight to Atlanta on time and had 3 hr layover was all then on to Johberg.
Premium Select was worth the upgrade to me. I am a big guy. I was in second row and isle seat. Trip over went smooth with great cabin service.

Arrived 6/18 7pm.
I used @Riflepermits like always and meet greet. They were waiting and speed thru customs and luggage gathered and on to front lobby. Gerrit and Anna with Riflepermits were waiting. SAPS done and off to hotel Gerrit had arranged for overnight stay. Very nice hotel with great rooms and big buffet dining room. We had a good meal and off to bed. We are headed to Limpopo in the morning.
Happy 61st birthday my friend!!!!! So excited for you!!! Like me Africa never gets old for you!!!! Looking forward to your adventure and report!!!
Today is a big day!
Up 5 am light breakfast and on the road about 6:45. We have about a 2 hour or so drive from main camp. I had asked Gerrit to arrange a White Rhino Green Dart hunt. Property is fairly large and has many Rhino on it. As to the sensitivity of the species that's about all I will say on its location. When we arrived was met by owner and his staff along with veterinarian.
After paperwork signed and went over procedures of how the hunt will go. I was asked to take a practice shot with the dart gun. Luckily it was a Pneu-Dart 22 cal built on Marlin 22. We handle them at shop and very familiar with it. Red dot optics and hit where supposed to.
Owner advised he had 3 males at this time that could be darted. He needed updated info on them. We drove from the lodge about 1/2 mile and the. Started on foot. He had seen one of the males earlier before we arrived. We found 3 males about 30 min later and one of the three was on the list. After about 20 min of slow slow stalking we were within about 50 yards. Wind shifted and they took off. We waited for them to settle down a bit and continued on. As we were closing in on them again out of nowhere a huge male came up from behind us. Owner immediately switched over to this big boy. He was also on his list. He was agitated and really moving around. We got to within 18-20 yards and he went broad side and I fired the dart. He broke and ran luckily. We were in some semi thick bush. Myself and the rest stayed behind while owner and vet kept up with him. After about 15 min we were called to come to there location. He was groggy but not down yet. Owner and his team along with vet got him down and in upright position. I helped assist in medication, measurements, DNA sample and blood draw. Pictures taken and owner inserted wake up needle and allowed me to administer the wake up juice.
It only took about 2-3 min and he was up and looking for some revenge!!
What an experience and to help fund the anti poaching patrol, feed and conservation of the White Rhino!!
This big boy has a 30 1/2 inch main horn still!
First pic is him after waking up
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View attachment 618145
WOW!!! What a bull!!!!
Today is a big day!
Up 5 am light breakfast and on the road about 6:45. We have about a 2 hour or so drive from main camp. I had asked Gerrit to arrange a White Rhino Green Dart hunt. Property is fairly large and has many Rhino on it. As to the sensitivity of the species that's about all I will say on its location. When we arrived was met by owner and his staff along with veterinarian.
After paperwork signed and went over procedures of how the hunt will go. I was asked to take a practice shot with the dart gun. Luckily it was a Pneu-Dart 22 cal built on Marlin 22. We handle them at shop and very familiar with it. Red dot optics and hit where supposed to.
Owner advised he had 3 males at this time that could be darted. He needed updated info on them. We drove from the lodge about 1/2 mile and the. Started on foot. He had seen one of the males earlier before we arrived. We found 3 males about 30 min later and one of the three was on the list. After about 20 min of slow slow stalking we were within about 50 yards. Wind shifted and they took off. We waited for them to settle down a bit and continued on. As we were closing in on them again out of nowhere a huge male came up from behind us. Owner immediately switched over to this big boy. He was also on his list. He was agitated and really moving around. We got to within 18-20 yards and he went broad side and I fired the dart. He broke and ran luckily. We were in some semi thick bush. Myself and the rest stayed behind while owner and vet kept up with him. After about 15 min we were called to come to there location. He was groggy but not down yet. Owner and his team along with vet got him down and in upright position. I helped assist in medication, measurements, DNA sample and blood draw. Pictures taken and owner inserted wake up needle and allowed me to administer the wake up juice.
It only took about 2-3 min and he was up and looking for some revenge!!
What an experience and to help fund the anti poaching patrol, feed and conservation of the White Rhino!!
This big boy has a 30 1/2 inch main horn still!
First pic is him after waking up
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Thats really cool! Congratulations Mark
Love the food photos. No oxtail?

I've been waiting for you to post the rhino photos! I was so jazzed that you did this and loved seeing your photos when I was a few hours from you at the same time. People don't give proper respect to the rhino darting. It's an amazing experience.
Today is a big day!
Up 5 am light breakfast and on the road about 6:45. We have about a 2 hour or so drive from main camp. I had asked Gerrit to arrange a White Rhino Green Dart hunt. Property is fairly large and has many Rhino on it. As to the sensitivity of the species that's about all I will say on its location. When we arrived was met by owner and his staff along with veterinarian.
After paperwork signed and went over procedures of how the hunt will go. I was asked to take a practice shot with the dart gun. Luckily it was a Pneu-Dart 22 cal built on Marlin 22. We handle them at shop and very familiar with it. Red dot optics and hit where supposed to.
Owner advised he had 3 males at this time that could be darted. He needed updated info on them. We drove from the lodge about 1/2 mile and the. Started on foot. He had seen one of the males earlier before we arrived. We found 3 males about 30 min later and one of the three was on the list. After about 20 min of slow slow stalking we were within about 50 yards. Wind shifted and they took off. We waited for them to settle down a bit and continued on. As we were closing in on them again out of nowhere a huge male came up from behind us. Owner immediately switched over to this big boy. He was also on his list. He was agitated and really moving around. We got to within 18-20 yards and he went broad side and I fired the dart. He broke and ran luckily. We were in some semi thick bush. Myself and the rest stayed behind while owner and vet kept up with him. After about 15 min we were called to come to there location. He was groggy but not down yet. Owner and his team along with vet got him down and in upright position. I helped assist in medication, measurements, DNA sample and blood draw. Pictures taken and owner inserted wake up needle and allowed me to administer the wake up juice.
It only took about 2-3 min and he was up and looking for some revenge!!
What an experience and to help fund the anti poaching patrol, feed and conservation of the White Rhino!!
This big boy has a 30 1/2 inch main horn still!
First pic is him after waking up
View attachment 618144
View attachment 618145
Absolutely amazing Mark. Glad it came to fruition
Wow that rhino! Congrats! I hope to follow in your footsteps June 2025. Loving this report!
Today is a big day!
Up 5 am light breakfast and on the road about 6:45. We have about a 2 hour or so drive from main camp. I had asked Gerrit to arrange a White Rhino Green Dart hunt. Property is fairly large and has many Rhino on it. As to the sensitivity of the species that's about all I will say on its location. When we arrived was met by owner and his staff along with veterinarian.
After paperwork signed and went over procedures of how the hunt will go. I was asked to take a practice shot with the dart gun. Luckily it was a Pneu-Dart 22 cal built on Marlin 22. We handle them at shop and very familiar with it. Red dot optics and hit where supposed to.
Owner advised he had 3 males at this time that could be darted. He needed updated info on them. We drove from the lodge about 1/2 mile and the. Started on foot. He had seen one of the males earlier before we arrived. We found 3 males about 30 min later and one of the three was on the list. After about 20 min of slow slow stalking we were within about 50 yards. Wind shifted and they took off. We waited for them to settle down a bit and continued on. As we were closing in on them again out of nowhere a huge male came up from behind us. Owner immediately switched over to this big boy. He was also on his list. He was agitated and really moving around. We got to within 18-20 yards and he went broad side and I fired the dart. He broke and ran luckily. We were in some semi thick bush. Myself and the rest stayed behind while owner and vet kept up with him. After about 15 min we were called to come to there location. He was groggy but not down yet. Owner and his team along with vet got him down and in upright position. I helped assist in medication, measurements, DNA sample and blood draw. Pictures taken and owner inserted wake up needle and allowed me to administer the wake up juice.
It only took about 2-3 min and he was up and looking for some revenge!!
What an experience and to help fund the anti poaching patrol, feed and conservation of the White Rhino!!
This big boy has a 30 1/2 inch main horn still!
First pic is him after waking up
View attachment 618144
View attachment 618145
WOW Mark, that is a fantastic rhino! You obviously had a Great hunt, can't wait for report on the Giraffe.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID