SOUTH AFRICA: Africa Has the Last Laugh


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Sep 24, 2015
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Perth Western Australia
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RSA, New Zealand.
The finale to my African Hunting Adventure.
Africa once again throws up a surprise!!

A Hunters Reflections

Africa has the last laugh!!!

We all slept well after the previous days events but were up early as we had a long way to travel, we would be driving all the way back to Port Elizabeth. We had pre packed the afternoon before as we knew we would be having an early start, and after loading all our gear and ensuring everything was secured we set off into the predawn darkness. We spent the first couple of hours of the journey reliving the events of the previous few days, we watched the sun rise over the Kalahari one last time and had a quick bite to eat in the town of Kuruman.

Not long after leaving Kuruman our troubles started, first we started loosing air from one of the front tyres, not a big deal we would just keep an eye on it and pump it up every time we stopped, besides we had a spare. Then a little while later Greg noticed the Landy was running a little hotter than usual and as the day warmed up it got worse until, when we stopped to pump up the tyre it boiled over.


Greg Pumping up the tyre and looking at the radiator fluid overflowing.

It's not looking too good at this point.

We did a bit of roadside fault finding and decided the engine was just working a little hard and the radiator wasn't quite coping due to the heat, as it was quite hot, so we topped up the radiator and once again set off. We made it to the next town ok and despite the engine heating up again it didnt overheat and we decided to see if a local tyre shop could repair the tyre.

Greg checking the engine over while the tyre is getting repaired.

The Tyre shop guys fixing the tyre.
The tyre guys did the best they could but warned us to get a new tyre at the first opportunity as they could not say how long the repair would last. With this in mind we made plans to get a new tyre when we passed through Kimberly.We set off again hoping things would be ok but unfortunately about half an hour later the tyre gave out and we had to stop and change it by the side of the road. Then the radiator boiled over again, things were not looking too good at this point. Jack and I had a flight to catch in Port Elizabeth the next morning and I was starting to wonder if we would make it?.

After a quick discussion we decided that we would have some lunch in Kimberly while Greg got a new tyre fitted. We slowly made our way to Kimberly and had lunch at a great little shop and then headed off after Greg had a new tyre fitted only to have the radiator boil over again about 10 km down the road. At this point we decided to head back to Kimberly and explore some options to get Jack and I to Johannesburg the next day for our flight home. It certainly looked like we would not make Port Elizabeth the way we were going.

We tried flights from Kimberly and rental car companies and settled on a rental car. We found a rental car company that said they were open at the airport so we decided Jack and I would overnight in Kimberly. Then in the morning we would drive to Johannesburg in time to make our flight home, while the others continued to Port Elizabeth, we then headed out to the airport only to find the rental car company office all locked up and closed. Looking around I noticed an Avis office that was being renovated and asked one of the staff if they would be able to help us out, well a big thumbs up to Avis they had us sorted out with a rental car in next to no time. While I was sorting out the car Richard was looking for a hotel for us and found one not too far away, with a rental car and a room for the night we were all set to make our flight in Johannesburg the following day.

We transferred our luggage from the Landy to the rental car and followed Richard Greg and Jacu to the hotel. Our adventure together was now over as we said our goodbyes in the hotel car park. Our adventure had ended not as we had wanted but still we had done so much together in the short time we had Smelled the smoke of Africa and Walked the Kalahari Sands.Jack and I felt a little depressed to end our adventure like this waving goodbye as Richard,Greg and Jacu drove away. We hoped they would make it to Port Elizabeth ok, with some luck and a lighter load in the Landy they may be ok.
Jack and I headed inside to our room and showered before making our way to the hotel restaurant for some dinner and a few drinks in the bar, then we turned in for the night.

We had an easy start to the day and took our time driving into Johannesburg, and returned our rental car to the Avis counter at O.R.Tambo airport mid afternoon. We then checked in a little early for our flight and did some last minute duty free shopping for gifts and small keepsakes. We then settled into one of the airline lounges and were fortunate enough to be able to watch the first half of the Rugby World Cup Final before we were called to board our flight. Once settled in and in the air we spent a fair bit of time talking over our trip and planning a return in the not too distant future. What will I hunt on my next trip, well Buffalo is high on the list but will have to wait a while, I have yet to get a Kudu so will probably try for a trio of spiral horns, Kudu, Nyala and Bushbuck.

I later found out that from Richard that they made it safely into Port Elizabeth a little after 6am having traveled all night, and the problem with the Landy turned out to be a blocked radiator that needed replacing. Well everything worked out in the end and I have since booked a return trip in 2016 so stay tuned, for more adventure soon.

Thank you all for following my Adventure and all the positive comments.


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Kuruman......wasn't sure I'd ever talk to someone not from RSA to have passed through there. PE is a long way from Kimberley much less Kuruman.
I'm glad you didn't miss you flights, I'm always happy for someone else to do the driving in Africa.
Memories, i did a trip in '91 from Joberg to Maun with a stop in Kuruman! Those road trips make for great times, you get to see a lot of country and meet some great people.

Unfortunately, most folks are in such a hurry they miss out on a lot by flying over much of South Africa. It's a great country, you should see as much of it as you can when you are here.

BTW - any if you been to Hotazel? Stayed there one night on the same trip.
Looking at the rusty water(and lack of coolant) in the photo I say they have poor maintenance of their equipment. I was a mechanic for years and know what I am talking about. The engine and radiator needs an good flushing then add coolant and not just water. Also by now(by looking at the boil over) the radiator needs rodding out or replaced.
SORRY - I did not read your last part before posting. But I was right about it needing replaced. I do hope they flushed the motor/heater core out before placing the new radiator in it. Then put some Coolant/antifreeze in so it does not just rust up again.
Tires happen---but may also be a reflection on the maintenance given to the equipment.

You do need to do more than just turn the key and go all the time. Some preventive maintenance will go a long way to giving you years and many 1000's of miles of trouble free service. Oh and try changing the oil and filters. :)

Glad you made it to you flight and had a good trip. :)
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Some days are like that. Seems they happen more often in Africa. TIA.:sneaky:
The writer seems ok with the events. I would have been pi***d! Like Drivenhunter said poor maintenance caused this problem! And he is right when you look at the water coming out of that thing.
I wont say I wasn't a little concerned with the situation but it takes a lot more than that to get me Pi##ed, besides the guys did everything they could to get me to my flight on time and I was not out of pocket at all so I wont complain. I have had a lot worse over the years, and you have to expect the odd curve ball in Africa. I suppose I am just way more laid back than most people and see some events as all part of the adventure.
Now drifting around the middle of the Mozambique Channel in a yacht with busted steering 200 miles from land in a cyclone, and getting stranded in a long boat 30 miles off the coast of Madagascar when the motor blew up and finding out the radio was just a fake look good face plate that got me a little worried !!! but that's another story.
Once again guys thanks for all the comments and thanks for following my story.
I hope to run into some of you some day.
I suppose I am just way more laid back than most people and see some events as all part of the adventure.

Totally agree. Might as well enjoy the ride.

Now drifting around the middle of the Mozambique Channel in a yacht with busted steering 200 miles from land in a cyclone, and getting stranded in a long boat 30 miles off the coast of Madagascar when the motor blew up and finding out the radio was just a fake look good face plate that got me a little worried !!! but that's another story.

Now that is a story I'd like to hear...
I understand you feeling and probably would have been the same.
Plus it makes for a good story.
HOWEVER: They really did not do everything they could. You would not have been in that position if they took proper care of their equipment. Also I WOULD have been unhappy had the problem come during my limited time hunting and I lost part or all the day over the radiator or the tire if they knew it had a problem and still used it.

So who is the outfitter who takes so poor care of their equipment??:)
Kuruman......wasn't sure I'd ever talk to someone not from RSA to have passed through there. PE is a long way from Kimberley much less Kuruman.

Been through Kuruman a couple of times. Wouldn't say it's a lovely place exactly, but the mines in the area are sure impressive.

We went through Hotazel, I had to stop and get a picture of the sign, I love road trips I think they are the best as you see and experience so much more.

And then there's Hotazel, or Hot-as-Hell as the local seem to like to pronounce it. I arrived there a day after hunting Vaal Rehbok in the Karoo, where the temperature had gotten to about -10 degrees C. As my PH said, from Cold-as-hell to Hot-as-hell in the same day. Only in Africa.

Given where you were driving, I have to say I think you guys were very lucky to have made it to Kimberley - you would have driven through some pretty lonely areas on the way there - not great places for a breakdown!
So who is the outfitter who takes so poor care of their equipment?

There is no outfitter to name, I didn,t use one without going into too many details. I had originally planned on 14 day spearfishing trip out of Inhaca Island Mozambique for Dogtooth Tuna and had booked and paid for someone to film the trip. When that fell through at the last minute I asked one of the film crew what we could organize for the same budget, he had some contacts at the places we hunted and we put together a 14 day trip. One of the film crew offered his private vehicle for the duration of the trip, and had it serviced the week before departure, I saw the receipts and was privy to the angry roadside phone calls to the mechanic when we started having trouble (trust me he was very apologetic and upset) so i cant blame him, besides he's a camera guy not a mechanic. The tyre well that's unavoidable on African roads and we had a spare.
So essentially the whole trip was put together as a last minute thing, I had already paid for flights and the Inhacca trip, when at the last minute the other guy's accompanying me had to pull out and I would have lost my money over such a late cancellation, so I thought what the heck i'm going on an adventure.
So we changed from a 14 day spearfishing and underwater filming trip to a hunting trip. All things considered I think things went very well, and I wont be bagging anyone, they are extremely nice guy's and gave me one heck of an adventure at extremely short notice.
Now the Mechanic's in Port Elizabeth where the vehicle was serviced the previous week, he replaced the radiator free of charge and quite possibly replaced a staff member or two I imagine.

If I had set out on a hunt at the start and paid an outfitter then I probably would have been upset, but I hadn't and I ended up having a wonderful adventure with my son and a great film crew.
I cant wait to do it again and yes I will certainly use the same film crew again.

Well that does change a few things. The so called mech that was to take care of the car should be fired but that was not your fault or even maybe the owner of the car.
That would be making a silk purse out of a sows ear story
There is no outfitter to name, I didn,t use one without going into too many details. I had originally planned on 14 day spearfishing trip out of Inhaca Island Mozambique for Dogtooth Tuna and had booked and paid for someone to film the trip. When that fell through at the last minute I asked one of the film crew what we could organize for the same budget, he had some contacts at the places we hunted and we put together a 14 day trip. One of the film crew offered his private vehicle for the duration of the trip, and had it serviced the week before departure, I saw the receipts and was privy to the angry roadside phone calls to the mechanic when we started having trouble (trust me he was very apologetic and upset) so i cant blame him, besides he's a camera guy not a mechanic. The tyre well that's unavoidable on African roads and we had a spare.
So essentially the whole trip was put together as a last minute thing, I had already paid for flights and the Inhacca trip, when at the last minute the other guy's accompanying me had to pull out and I would have lost my money over such a late cancellation, so I thought what the heck i'm going on an adventure.
So we changed from a 14 day spearfishing and underwater filming trip to a hunting trip. All things considered I think things went very well, and I wont be bagging anyone, they are extremely nice guy's and gave me one heck of an adventure at extremely short notice.
Now the Mechanic's in Port Elizabeth where the vehicle was serviced the previous week, he replaced the radiator free of charge and quite possibly replaced a staff member or two I imagine.

If I had set out on a hunt at the start and paid an outfitter then I probably would have been upset, but I hadn't and I ended up having a wonderful adventure with my son and a great film crew.
I cant wait to do it again and yes I will certainly use the same film crew again.

This is a great story Chris. A wonderful example of the right attitude to take to Africa. Things will go wrong. We can't control that. We can control how we react, and you reacted wonderfully.
You said it Hank2211, if something's out of your control, roll with the punches and overcome adversity. When you take on nature, in remote places, stuff happens. On my recent safari in the Cameroon, we were in a spare car, got a flat and the bottle jack was stuffed. There was a hi-lift jack tied to the front bumper but my Spanish PH nor the driver had never used one. Of course, it had problems as well but I'd been around enough of them in Texas to get her working and we got the tire changed.

If I had just sat there in the shade, p.o.'d then I would've lost more hunting time. Pitch in, adapt and overcome - the keys to a successful adventure anywhere.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?