AH legend
By now Lunchtime was pst and I wa s getting hangry. Wik found a neat little ram and we sat and had our cold nyala sandwiches and sunbathing chips and Coke Zero. I said no to crunchies for dessert but ate two oranges instead. Maybe these oranges are not better than back home, but fresh sweet oranges in late July is magic.
Traveled a dirt road looking for lechwe or hogs or whatever. Saw a nice herd of gemsbok-cows mostly and half grown reddish calves. Saw a nice group of kudu cows and a couple half curl bulls trying to hide in the scrub. Wik said there was a dam a couple kilometers ahead and the wind was in our faces so we opted to walk the road into the wind and just see what we could see. We flushed a female steenbok and Wik said there should be a male here somewhere. Maybe fifty yards later there was one and he ran through the knee high grass until I could no longer see him. Wik was still behind his Leicas though and saw him abruptly lay down. I encouraged the stalk and off we went. In a moment of mastery I spotted a giant hog-a black and white one escaped from a farm some kilometers away. Wik seemed unimpressed or maybe amused at my spotting prowess. He found the horns ears of the little buck lying in the grass 150 yards off. We duckwalked to 75 and Wik saw it’s ears lay back down-very flat and sneaky. We determined it we continued he would bolt, so discussed a shot through the grass into what we could not see but hoped to be vitals. On an animal that small and a bullet this big I think it is all vitals! In the scope I could see the white throat patch and Wik said to aim a couple inches low of that patch. I did and the little guy was bowled over backward, his white belly revealing his place of death. Such an amazing tiny animal, I spent a long time manhandling him. I’m on my knees shooting his hair and liking at his hooves when Wik drops an “oh shit!” He is behind glass again and not all that far off is a lechwe watching us. I put my inferior glass on him-“monster bull!” But by now the jig is up-he has seen us and the tracker is bringing the truck and we still must care for my tiny trophy. But during all the following photos and silliness Wik is tracking the massive bull as he trot walks up the valley toward more open country.
Traveled a dirt road looking for lechwe or hogs or whatever. Saw a nice herd of gemsbok-cows mostly and half grown reddish calves. Saw a nice group of kudu cows and a couple half curl bulls trying to hide in the scrub. Wik said there was a dam a couple kilometers ahead and the wind was in our faces so we opted to walk the road into the wind and just see what we could see. We flushed a female steenbok and Wik said there should be a male here somewhere. Maybe fifty yards later there was one and he ran through the knee high grass until I could no longer see him. Wik was still behind his Leicas though and saw him abruptly lay down. I encouraged the stalk and off we went. In a moment of mastery I spotted a giant hog-a black and white one escaped from a farm some kilometers away. Wik seemed unimpressed or maybe amused at my spotting prowess. He found the horns ears of the little buck lying in the grass 150 yards off. We duckwalked to 75 and Wik saw it’s ears lay back down-very flat and sneaky. We determined it we continued he would bolt, so discussed a shot through the grass into what we could not see but hoped to be vitals. On an animal that small and a bullet this big I think it is all vitals! In the scope I could see the white throat patch and Wik said to aim a couple inches low of that patch. I did and the little guy was bowled over backward, his white belly revealing his place of death. Such an amazing tiny animal, I spent a long time manhandling him. I’m on my knees shooting his hair and liking at his hooves when Wik drops an “oh shit!” He is behind glass again and not all that far off is a lechwe watching us. I put my inferior glass on him-“monster bull!” But by now the jig is up-he has seen us and the tracker is bringing the truck and we still must care for my tiny trophy. But during all the following photos and silliness Wik is tracking the massive bull as he trot walks up the valley toward more open country.