SOUTH AFRICA: 04/24 Limpopo SA

Wow, congratulations on a fine buffalo, and a beautiful Ruger No.1. BTW, how are you feeling from dealing with Tick Fever?
Thank you for asking. I am still dealing with some issues related to the tick bite but getting a little better each day. My Bell’s palsy symptoms are giving me some grief but the dizziness is much better and the ear/headache pain has drastically decreased.

I’ve accepted the fact that this illness is just the price to pay for the fun I had.
Glad to hear you are getting better. I forward your post about medical advice to a member here, and it seems like had it also. He is getting treatment now.

I had a tick on me on my first safari in Limpopo, and the owner went ballistic. He would ask me every day how I was feeling, and the PH and him were ensuring I was fine. Never developed a fever, even though I had the red mark around the bite. I've been bitten by so many ticks; I'm surprise I don't have Lime Disease. As I'm getting older, I take better precautions, and spray my boots and pants.
Great Buffalo and first Safari wow!!

Thanks to @PARA45 and your thread I went to the doc and got antibiotics going after a couple days fever that Dr Para diagnosed! I had 4 big red bites seemingly develop when I got back, obviously from tick bites there (Eastern Cape). Prevention is easy, kicking myself for not taking the precautions but like you, feel if that was my payment for such a wonderful first Safari so be it.

I hope you continue to recover, man that’s a great buff! I’m thinking that’s on the list for my next trip.
Great Buffalo and first Safari wow!!

Thanks to @PARA45 and your thread I went to the doc and got antibiotics going after a couple days fever that Dr Para diagnosed! I had 4 big red bites seemingly develop when I got back, obviously from tick bites there (Eastern Cape). Prevention is easy, kicking myself for not taking the precautions but like you, feel if that was my payment for such a wonderful first Safari so be it.

I hope you continue to recover, man that’s a great buff! I’m thinking that’s on the list for my next trip.
I’m glad something good came from my post. I figured if there was any place on the whole internet to ask about health issues after a Safari it would be here. Thank you for the support and I hope you continue to recover as well. I highly recommend going after a buffalo.
I received the link from my photographer to the treasure chest of pictures he took. I don’t know what his total count was but I received 486 perfect photos documenting our trip. I will never go to Africa again without him behind the camera. Here are a few that stood out to me.

I was in love with that buffalo but the mud made it hard to tell if he was soft or not. We saw him a few days later and confirmed he wasn’t ready yet.

The little terrier was a great companion and a ruthless hunter.

Macro photo of an upland bird.

I had always dreamed of getting to shoot a 500 double and as I walked back from the target tossing that cartridge up in the air all was right in my world.

The crew getting ready to go to work.

A sunset view down the hot and dirty barrels of my shotgun.

A 400 grain drink.

The last photo really sums it up for me.

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Great buff, congrats :D Cheers:
Thank you for asking. I am still dealing with some issues related to the tick bite but getting a little better each day. My Bell’s palsy symptoms are giving me some grief but the dizziness is much better and the ear/headache pain has drastically decreased.

I’ve accepted the fact that this illness is just the price to pay for the fun I had.
Very nice buffalo! Sorry to hear that you also suffered tick bite fever! It is no fun at all! My case kicked in strong on the way to the airport. If anyone hates flying, try it with a high fever, nausea and dizziness. In my case, doxycicline kicked it in a couple of days. Although the site of the tick bite remained fugly and itched for 3 months! Still, Africa is worth it.
Very nice buffalo! Sorry to hear that you also suffered tick bite fever! It is no fun at all! My case kicked in strong on the way to the airport. If anyone hates flying, try it with a high fever, nausea and dizziness. In my case, doxycicline kicked it in a couple of days. Although the site of the tick bite remained fugly and itched for 3 months! Still, Africa is worth it.
I started developing an earache during the flight. I think what really set me back was waiting a week before I started Doxy. I was on Augmentin but that didn’t do anything for me. I still experience some dizzy spells but I can make do.
A part of the story I had left out happened one evening after a few Brandy’s and Castle Lights.

I had grown comfortable with shedding my boots once back in camp preferring the freedom that barefoot provides. As soon as we would return from a hunt I would relieve my feet from the clutches of leather and foam that kept them prisoner all day. The fire would already be lit and agreeable but being American more is always better. We ate supper, had some refreshments and I determined the fire needed tending. I ambled across the yard to the neatly stacked wood pile that was replenished daily. Being mindful of how you respect a woodpile in Texas I carefully selected a log I deemed appropriate and as soon as I brought the wood into the light I noticed a juvenile snake hitching a ride. I immediately tossed the log on the patio and voiced my concern. The snake assumed a defensive position and I really let the world know then. Being barefoot and cross eyed there wasn’t much else I could do.

My PH upon hearing my concern from across the yard lept into action, he sprinted from the dining area (with boots on) and without hesitation began to stomp on the snake. I thought it might have been an over exaggeration but I was in no position to judge.

Once the snake looked sufficiently crushed he picked it up with a limb and tossed it into the fire without hesitation. Judging by his violent response I didn’t ask too many questions as I was safe to resume fire and brandy duty. This evening a few months after the event unfolded I decided to bring it back up.

Attached is his response. In closing I want to thank the PH’s of this world who intentionally put themselves between the great White hunters and danger that the client never even suspects on a daily basis. You may hold yourself and your hunting / outdoorsman abilities in high regard but Africa isn’t Texas or Montana. With few exceptions no man in North America has reason to fear a bathroom break in the woods pre dawn. This cannot be said for our brothers in the southern hemisphere.

I’m closing, be safe, be mindful and embrace everyday day as a treasure to behold.

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Three friends and myself departed DFW on 4/15 and arrived in Joberg late in the evening on 4/16. We made the drive to Bela Bela that evening and once we got to camp we were greeted by the owners with a handshake and a cold Klipdrift brandy and coke.

We spent some time admiring the beauty of the lodge and then migrated to the camp fire to recount the travel experience and get to know the PH’s a little bit. After a few hours we left the fire burning and retired to bed excited about what the sunrise would bring.

I had to pinch myself as I settled down into my seat in the high rack of the Hilux. The sunrise was more beautiful than I could’ve imagined. The air was crisp and the sounds of birds I’ve never heard before are burned into my memory. Two of my friends were there for PG but I was there solely for a buffalo. I need to mention now that the fourth person in our group is a professional outdoor photographer from Nebraska. We all wanted him along to document our trip and are thankful he accepted the offer to come. For anyone with an Instagram check him out at joel_bo_jones. His work is magnificent.

When I first booked the hunt I was upfront with my PH about my desire to use a Ruger No1 with iron sights in 416 rem mag. I ordered my ammo from Superior and with @Green Chile speaking highly of North Fork bullets I decided on the 400gr SS and 400gr CS bullets.

Long story short and after many stalking attempts and looking over numerous buffalo I was able to connect with a beautiful old bull. The shot was approximately 40 yards quartering towards me. That bullet smacked him in the chest and he jumped and twisted around before taking off with the rest of the heard. I had practiced reloading quickly over the summer and can honestly say I didn’t have to take my eyes off the buff to reload and I have no clear memory of even reloading. He quickly began to slow down and once I was presented with a clear second shot I sent the second bullet behind his ribs quartering away. He half heartedly bucked again at the second shot and we watched him pile up in the brush another 20 yards away. Overall distance from the initial shot to the recovered animal was less than 100 yards.

Congrats on a nice buff for your first African animal.
Congrats and thanks for sharing!

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