AH legend
If it's Cody, he definitely has a terminal gun sickness!Bet I can guess who the sicko is.
If it's Cody, he definitely has a terminal gun sickness!Bet I can guess who the sicko is.
I completely saw that coming!A guy can't get by with nothing around here. I have tried to seek help from this affliction by getting married twice! But I found myself making fun deals in the middle of the night while they were asleep, even teaching my son to say we picked up a gun that was being worked on instead of Dad bought a new gun. I found myself telling them that I wasn't at a gun store, I was really in the arms of a prostitute named sweaty Betty banging heroin and betting on elections. But, I decided to dance with the one who brought me so much joy, never talked back and loved to burn copious amounts of gun powder as much as I. Sometimes when I snuggle up to a Winchester super grade I wish it was a little warmer but then again it doesn't bitch about my snoring or the hint of Oban on my breath from a sundowner. I will probably be the way I am until it truly turns terminal.
But seriously, my hopes for this rifle are that Tim will make a great comeback as so many do in the oil industry and he will return to Africa once again. His rifle will be just on the other side of town from him when he wants it back.
And I just so happen to run a 300H&H rescue it seems, I shelter them, feed them but can't seem to part with them. I am honored to own a rifle that has meant so much to Tim.
You da man Cody.
Sure Phil...That's your story and your sticking to it....Sweaty Betty?! Boy oh boy you're talking about a lot of lovin' right there!!! I think I knew her sister Mangy Mary when I was in Idaho. Knew as in met, not in the Biblical sense of the word of course.
Sure Phil...That's your story and your sticking to it....