Second Wind, you need to realize Africa is a different world, first basic mistake is assuming that government is functional, if you just look at the rhino poaching stats for 2012 you will be surprised to find that a large percentage are from Government owned property - Nature reserves.
So if Government cannot manage game or prosecute poachers on their own properties i would not want them to look at private property.
Poaching is a criminal offense in South Africa as well, the problem is not catching and arresting the poacher, it is where the legal system kicks in.. that guy is out on bail in a few days, with a system flooded with way more serious crimes they tend to not want the prisons overcrowded with petty crimes, thus poachers get away..
now this is the same legal system you are suggesting that should own the game.. that will never work in Africa...
No matter how you look at Africa the unmistakable fact is that it is Lawless, by that i do not mean we have no laws, they think of new ones every five minutes, the fact is that it is not enforced.. so you can compare Africa to the Wild West (i only know the Hollywood version
![Smile :-) :-)](
No imagine implementing your proposed system in those times..
We already have the problem that if you are white and own something your predecessor(Colonialist's) stole it so it belongs to the "Africans", or at least that is a mindset in rural Africa..
now combine that mindset with unemployment and you understand why poaching is a large problem(not only poaching but more serious things like stealing in general, farm murders ext), and if government cannot manage basic service delivery how will they be able to mange the game as well.
I know if it was not for private ownership of the game you guys would have paid way more for game in South Africa because it would not be so available.. and you would have paid highly escalated Safari & Lodging fees like in other African countries to make up for the fact that you cannot make a living on reselling permits alone... that is basically how Zambia works if you do not own the property, my understanding and please correct em if i am wrong here spike.t
As for the High fencing, in South Africa high fencing does not automatically mean you own the game and can do as you please, non high fenced and farms which does not have exemption still has to apply for a permit to hunt the game on the farm, but farmers with high fences (Strictly inspected as well) can apply for a exemption permit, only once you have a exemption permit you are allowed to manage the game without permit applications ext.. so strictly by that it means that only farm owners with Exemption has full ownership of the game.
Game farming is a business in South Africa, many cattle farmers switched to Game farming as a primary business, and that is why you have such diverse species and large numbers in SA.
Just my perspective.