So you think that African Taxidermy is a deal HUH?

Have you priced out the shipping cost of finished v dip and ship? And they all don't have to be done at once.
I did all of that and my taxidermy in a whole cost less than just a giraffe over here (I got a deal because of 10 animals and paying cash).
First off, Waldon Thank you, was glad I personally could deliver your trophies to you at your home , rain and all....LOL and I enjoyed working with you, Royal same here and our late night in the dark loading, now working on more of them Thanks.... and Dan, you are not at the top of my list of PIA , You don't get a trophy....LOL You are quite the handful but love you for it !! We work well together and have done Dozens + pieces for you and it keeps me on my toes !!! :Banghead:
Huntinlabs, I guess I'm not following this correctly. The Average price for Giraffe shoulder mount in SA is 3K some little more, Pedestal even more and you got 10 animals including giraffe for under 6,500 for the cost of a giraffe mounted? I am shaking my head on that one. Average kudu in SA runs 900 to 1000. A blesbok or Impala 600 each add a wildebeest or waterbuck at 900 each on average there and your already way over what a giraffe mount costs? 10 animals for under 650o. I would like to see the numbers?
10 pieces shipped to a broker in Alt , New York or Chicago volumetric weight on a 9' by 4' by 4' crate will be in the range of 3,00o+ Maybe up way more just to the broker. Then you got ground freight to your location, or your time and expense to pick it up. You'll still have documentation fees and paperwork out of SA Another $300 or more and your Broker fees 400 to 650 some as high as 995 . If you could sometime if you have them in country already or get them soon, honestly post the complete final numbers and some pics of the work . Thanks !!!
One thing Waldon mentioned above you can here in the US or with me to them as you like over time.
First off, Waldon Thank you, was glad I personally could deliver your trophies to you at your home , rain and all....LOL and I enjoyed working with you, Royal same here and our late night in the dark loading, now working on more of them Thanks.... and Dan, you are not at the top of my list of PIA , You don't get a trophy....LOL You are quite the handful but love you for it !! We work well together and have done Dozens + pieces for you and it keeps me on my toes !!! :Banghead:
Huntinlabs, I guess I'm not following this correctly. The Average price for Giraffe shoulder mount in SA is 3K some little more, Pedestal even more and you got 10 animals including giraffe for under 6,500 for the cost of a giraffe mounted? I am shaking my head on that one. Average kudu in SA runs 900 to 1000. A blesbok or Impala 600 each add a wildebeest or waterbuck at 900 each on average there and your already way over what a giraffe mount costs? 10 animals for under 650o. I would like to see the numbers?
10 pieces shipped to a broker in Alt , New York or Chicago volumetric weight on a 9' by 4' by 4' crate will be in the range of 3,00o+ Maybe up way more just to the broker. Then you got ground freight to your location, or your time and expense to pick it up. You'll still have documentation fees and paperwork out of SA Another $300 or more and your Broker fees 400 to 650 some as high as 995 . If you could sometime if you have them in country already or get them soon, honestly post the complete final numbers and some pics of the work . Thanks !!!
One thing Waldon mentioned above you can here in the US or with me to them as you like over time.

Dennis, I can send you the numbers if you want but yes I got 10 animals for under 6500. Well under actually. When shipping is all done and they get here I can post final numbers.
RSA has many taxidermists...a lot of them are fly by nights and causing a bad name to the industry here, in general.
As a local Hunter living in RSA, I have no choice but to use local choice comes into WHICH taxidermists to use!!
Like you all, I hunt a lot and have a lot of trophies at home and in my gun shop...I can guarantee you that not ONE of my trophies is not perfect looking, is exactly like I wanted it and all are standing the test of time!! My oldest trophy is pushing 30 yrs and still perfect.
My trophy room is mostly compiled of work from 3x different taxidermists ..Lifeform, Bullseye and Buck 'n Bass.
For logistical reasons, I used Karoo Art for a sable full mount which was So good that I now regularly use them. My current go to guys are Buck 'n Bass and Karoo Art with turn around +- 12 months.
I have seen some local work( no names) that is SHAMEFUL and embarrassing...doesn't even look like the real thing. You need to research taxidermy work the same way you research outfitters/ PH's.
RSA has many taxidermists...a lot of them are fly by nights and causing a bad name to the industry here, in general.
As a local Hunter living in RSA, I have no choice but to use local choice comes into WHICH taxidermists to use!!
Like you all, I hunt a lot and have a lot of trophies at home and in my gun shop...I can guarantee you that not ONE of my trophies is not perfect looking, is exactly like I wanted it and all are standing the test of time!! My oldest trophy is pushing 30 yrs and still perfect.
My trophy room is mostly compiled of work from 3x different taxidermists ..Lifeform, Bullseye and Buck 'n Bass.
For logistical reasons, I used Karoo Art for a sable full mount which was So good that I now regularly use them. My current go to guys are Buck 'n Bass and Karoo Art with turn around +- 12 months.
I have seen some local work( no names) that is SHAMEFUL and embarrassing...doesn't even look like the real thing. You need to research taxidermy work the same way you research outfitters/ PH's.

Totally agree. I have had great work done in RSA but you must choose carefully. I’m sure that there are more bad taxidermists in the USA than RSA just based on sheer numbers. Who hasn’t walked into a friends home and cringed at what used to be an elk or deer but now looks like a failed Frankenstein experiment. Comparing the best of the USA with the worst of RSA is a ridiculous exercise.
Thanks for your response Huntinlabs, Appreciate your time on this . Please send me the numbers if you would if you don't want to post. I will not post them if you request. T Tundra gave me permission. I would like to work with you sometime!

I wish someone would post some close ups of what you are getting. Like I do of my pieces. but nobody will do it. I understand. The close ups of Eyes, Noses and Ear butts. the connection of the horns to the base of the skin and the gap Africans always leave open or unfinished. The seams and all the details. Most will post pics from 5 -10 or more feet away, I prefer 5" to 10" away. The quality of mounts IS IN THE EYE of the beholder.
and some don't want to admit getting sub standard work, or know what it is.

I myself I cringe at what your going to get at these numbers huntinlabs as a quality concerned business person. I don't care if a guy supposedly tans his own in african and makes his forms he's still got expenses.... The COST of tanning a giraffe is labor chemicals and time, In then states 1,500 for tuning , form shipped in 1,500 more supplies ears glue eyes rods for support epoxy for finishing etc and shipping tanned skin back and forth to tannery another 500 , 3500+ JUST IN EXPENSE. Then to do it it RIGHT 40 hours labor total , hourly it comes out to what you pay the landscaping guy to do your -2 acre lawn and weed wack, that's all we get, Average $75 per hour. You can't get a mechanic to work 0n your car for that, or a Plumber or Painter or just about ANY professional service for that.

A simple KUDU mount or any other mount we have about 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of any Mount into forms and tanning and finishing supplies. Taxidermy is NOT a business to get into to get rich.

BRUCE, you stated , quote" I can guarantee you that not ONE of my trophies is not perfect looking" these comparisons are directly off Karoo's site, if you like there work and are happy with it, Great ! I understand your not a taxidermist and only have limited exposure to it. I won't mind if someone puts my pics next to there's. But these to me as a taxidermists and judge of taxidermy in the industry are not perfect , just everyday production african work, get what you get taxidermy in my opinion . Dead looking stuffed animals to me anyway. These are put up for comparison as you have opened the door with just one of your recommendations. Some would be happy with these mounts. I understand people spend there money is different ways and it's perfectly fine, but when non taxidermy industry people judge taxidermy it's again all in an OPINON. I as a judge and world champion judge it as to how lifelike and anatomically correct it is by fact. I wouldn't think of giving a client any of these pieces. Teeth set wrong, eyes wrong placement, even the color , Ears set inproply on head, no symmetry. Grooming terrible hair patterns wrong, Lots of issues to many to type, and side by side to mine.
If your buying a product look at them side by side. Not what you see two months ago in one studio and another 6 months later. This is all an opinion but a highly educated one. I'm trying to pass along to people that have low exposure to taxidermy and it's finer details.

Cape buff.

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Sable .



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Your going to find some SO SO GOOD pieces on anyones African site. But trust me the owner did those pieces for the internet gallery, not the guys in the back who now do the work . WHO's mounting your trophy??? Not where its getting mounted.
Here I DO EVERY ONE. Not a guy, or 10 guys I hired in the back room.
Check the thread, the statement you are quoting was not from me. I have no doubt your work is first rate. I also know that first rate work is done in Africa. There is crap work done in Africa and the USA, likely more in the USA than Africa due to the sheer number of taxidermists here. What I stated was that comparing first rate work like yours out of the USA, to second or third rate work out of RSA is a ridiculous exercise.
MY UTMOST APOLOGIES WAB, I AM TRULY SORRY for my mistake I am asking the moderator to correct this misrepresentation of the quote . I humbly apologize !!! I agree with you on the quality work out of africa BUT have seen it in only a handful of studios in the whole country out of the many I have visited and seen and that's in all 8 country of the lower continent and IT would cost the same for that quality at the studios as mine.
I agree with you. There are quality studios but you have to know who they are.
Only my opinion but they "ARE" needles in the haystack virtually.
Still rank my work over them. I have repaired and redone many from lots of places and even some HUGE well known name shops. It's all about who mounts it NOT WHERE. Taxidermist come and go under studio roofs all the time . It will NEVER CHANGE here. I hire no one to mount anything in my shop.
From what I have seen I believe that after my ankle and calf are 100% and I get to go hunt, The Artistry of Wildlife is my first choice.
Not that I am disagreeing, but is alcohol or extreme fatigue involved in these post? Your sentences are rather rambling, which is not normal for you.
You could argue this for years and not make any difference, fact of the matter there will be a segment of folks who just want a head on the wall. They don't recognize and differentiate between good or bad just cost.

I just renovated a bathroom for a client who is a co worker for a VERY particular long term client of mine who has exceptional taste. Show the friend extensive pics of my work, and send them to my tile place who I've been sending customers to for 20 years.

They came back with 4x4 white ceramic, cheapest you can get from Home Depot, and soap dish that isn't even same white by some off brand at the Dollar Store.

I could spend the time to explain it costs the same for me to stick crap up with no imagination as something tasteful and what she keeps asking for "it needs to be perfect".....

But in the end they can't see the difference so I got paid to plop this crap on the walls.

It is what it is, they are happy its done for what I told them it would be and on time. If you looked at the wall color picked out, holy crap. Ugliest renovation of a master suite I have ever done. I won't even take a pic, its that bad.

I'm OK with the money its for Dennis and some taxidermy we have been sitting on for a spell. LOL
DINS, My brain works faster than my hands, and fatique it has to be I don't drink....I forget punctuation flunked English in school, ACED art classes tho' and I never finished High School. Call you MONDAY ! Thanks
And I don't have an issue with people getting what they want to pay for. Showing off your Taxidermy Mounts to your friends IS LIKE SHOWING baby pictures, They are all beautiful....if you know what I mean.....
I know this is Denise's thread but what is even more important than comparing one taxidermist to another, is comparing the piece to real life. Don't get caught up in slight variations in colors like the nose is different, the eye color, ears etc, because i can show you 10 different colored cape buff noses, but does it look like the real animal? That should be the test of great taxidermy !




We use reference and is shows in out work , these African taxidermist think since they live in country they know the animals. Cheap bad taxidermy is when you take a can of black spray paint can and paint a the whole cape buffalo black as above.
Many people can't tell the difference from ok work and excellent work but everyone thinks they can and do, so are satisfied with what they get. But in 17 safaris I've never seen excellent work at any of the lodges I've stayed at, most outfitters and PHs didn't really know the difference and thought their mounts were fine.
Check the thread, the statement you are quoting was not from me. I have no doubt your work is first rate. I also know that first rate work is done in Africa. There is crap work done in Africa and the USA, likely more in the USA than Africa due to the sheer number of taxidermists here. What I stated was that comparing first rate work like yours out of the USA, to second or third rate work out of RSA is a ridiculous exercise.

Any industry, be it Taxidermy, hunting outfitters, construction, carpentry or medicine have service providers that are on par, below, or above standard.

Perhaps I grew up differently, but I believe the quality of your work should speak for itself, and that constantly badmouthing others’ work to promote your own is poor style.

Ps. Had I lived in the states or Canada, I would also dip, pack and ship my trophies to be done there, if only for the convenience regarding logistics.
Many people can't tell the difference from ok work and excellent work but everyone thinks they can and do, so are satisfied with what they get. But in 17 safaris I've never seen excellent work at any of the lodges I've stayed at, most outfitters and PHs didn't really know the difference and thought their mounts were fine.
Agree Jeff, my limited mounts done in Africa were not at a level I expected. After 20 years of tutelage I am happy with what I can now complete. What I see from Dennis is outstanding work and I agree with his paint statement whole heartedly. Myself I prefer my mounts natural as I shot them. My horns were not black, nor were the animals in perfect condition, buff, warthog ears torn, scares, wounds, natural cuts and blemishes left unrepaired. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, hunter or owner of mounts. Also some pocket books are not so deep, mounts at a lower quality and lower price but dollars left for another safari OR top quality mounts and a way longer time between returns. Choices we all must make.

Perhaps I grew up differently, but I believe the quality of your work should speak for itself, and that constantly badmouthing others’ work to promote your own is poor style.

It's that poor style that has caused me to write off more than one taxidermist.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)