Thanks for your response Huntinlabs, Appreciate your time on this . Please send me the numbers if you would if you don't want to post. I will not post them if you request. T Tundra gave me permission. I would like to work with you sometime!
I wish someone would post some close ups of what you are getting. Like I do of my pieces. but nobody will do it. I understand. The close ups of Eyes, Noses and Ear butts. the connection of the horns to the base of the skin and the gap Africans always leave open or unfinished. The seams and all the details. Most will post pics from 5 -10 or more feet away, I prefer 5" to 10" away. The quality of mounts IS IN THE EYE of the beholder.
and some don't want to admit getting sub standard work, or know what it is.
I myself I cringe at what your going to get at these numbers huntinlabs as a quality concerned business person. I don't care if a guy supposedly tans his own in african and makes his forms he's still got expenses.... The COST of tanning a giraffe is labor chemicals and time, In then states 1,500 for tuning , form shipped in 1,500 more supplies ears glue eyes rods for support epoxy for finishing etc and shipping tanned skin back and forth to tannery another 500 , 3500+ JUST IN EXPENSE. Then to do it it RIGHT 40 hours labor total , hourly it comes out to what you pay the landscaping guy to do your -2 acre lawn and weed wack, that's all we get, Average $75 per hour. You can't get a mechanic to work 0n your car for that, or a Plumber or Painter or just about ANY professional service for that.
A simple KUDU mount or any other mount we have about 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of any Mount into forms and tanning and finishing supplies. Taxidermy is NOT a business to get into to get rich.
BRUCE, you stated , quote" I can guarantee you that not ONE of my trophies is not perfect looking" these comparisons are directly off Karoo's site, if you like there work and are happy with it, Great ! I understand your not a taxidermist and only have limited exposure to it. I won't mind if someone puts my pics next to there's. But these to me as a taxidermists and judge of taxidermy in the industry are not perfect , just everyday production african work, get what you get taxidermy in my opinion . Dead looking stuffed animals to me anyway. These are put up for comparison as you have opened the door with just one of your recommendations. Some would be happy with these mounts. I understand people spend there money is different ways and it's perfectly fine, but when non taxidermy industry people judge taxidermy it's again all in an OPINON. I as a judge and world champion judge it as to how lifelike and anatomically correct it is by fact. I wouldn't think of giving a client any of these pieces. Teeth set wrong, eyes wrong placement, even the color , Ears set inproply on head, no symmetry. Grooming terrible hair patterns wrong, Lots of issues to many to type, and side by side to mine.
If your buying a product look at them side by side. Not what you see two months ago in one studio and another 6 months later. This is all an opinion but a highly educated one. I'm trying to pass along to people that have low exposure to taxidermy and it's finer details.
Cape buff.
Sable .
Your going to find some SO SO GOOD pieces on anyones African site. But trust me the owner did those pieces for the internet gallery, not the guys in the back who now do the work . WHO's mounting your trophy??? Not where its getting mounted.
Here I DO EVERY ONE. Not a guy, or 10 guys I hired in the back room.