So Bye-Bye Miss American Pie

That would be even better an overlapping season for two species, realistically what is the success rate on public land in the over the counter seasons? Especially if someone was not overly fussy on the size of trophies ?
Success rate varies greatly on where and what season you hunt but DIY hunts here on public National Forests usually have exceedingly low (10-15 percent?) success rates. These are not the same as a guided trophy hunt on private property. I/we will shoot the first legal animal we can as you might not get another opportunity during a FIVE day hunting season. I’ve taken mostly cow elk as they’re easier to draw the 1st season which is elk only.
There is no "one size fits all" answer. Success varies by zone. The success rate for each zone stats are readily available through the wildlife departments in each State.
In my experience you will find Mulie/Whitey overlaps pretty clearly in both Montana and Idaho.
Without access to private ground, you'll have a LOT of company in both. A LOT.
As in most all hunting these the price...or have a nice well- armed nature hike...and pretend that you're hunting.
+1 on your last paragraph. It’s just the reality of it for the most part.
Oh, I’m so very sorry to hear this. I sincerely hope he pulls through. He is a very nice man.
I meant dog sorry. He didn’t seem like he had any health issues when I saw him?
Not far off of you.
I switched to Africa and Europe. Better experience, more fun, new places and people.
I can hunt in Namibia for 6 big animals for the same price as a guided elk hunt in Colorado, and fly business class....
Since some have derailed the thread I’ll just be brutal on the fact that Canadian whiskey is garbage! As in pure plastic bottle swill!!!
Anyone who has attended the World Whiskey Awards would gag and throw up a little if asked if that garbage could even be entered along side our best bourbon’s or Rye’s!
Aaaand anyone putting down Jack Daniel’s has obviously not tried the Coy Hill, 12yr, or 10ry let alone the Sinatra or Gold label? Hell good old Jack #7 is better than anything that Canada has to offer
Sorry! You hijacked so I had to tell it straight…
CZDiesel: Jack Daniel’s appeals to the sophisticated pallets at every College dorm party…and eventually gets puked up into a sink or toilet - that is it’s destiny !
CZDiesel: Jack Daniel’s appeals to the sophisticated pallets at every College dorm party…and eventually gets puked up into a sink or toilet - that is it’s destiny !
Ahhh yes, I see… Normally I try to be the peace maker here but due to recent events I’m in a particularly foul mood you see? You may have been poking in jest but being the aggrieved I find it necessary to answer.
Yes you must be right! I may have the sophisticated pallet of a college dorm room party? I’m sure I have not yet attained the sophistication where I merit an opinion so I apologize for giving one here on this thread.
Yet it is true that I am a member of the Southern Colorado Whiskey Club and been to numerous tastings. I’ve also attended the World Whiskey Awards!
Of course neither of these gives me anything more than a dorm party pallet you see? Nor does my very very meager dorm room collection as such


I’m sure your collection is much larger and sophisticated than this one small part of mine! And I’m sure you’re willing to display it here for us so we can be educated and expand our pallet so as to not be stuck in that dorm room party!

As to Jack Daniel’s?

But these are nothing but drunk dorm room opinions of course!



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Ahhh yes, I see… Normally I try to be the peace maker here but due to recent events I’m in a particularly foul mood you see? You may have been poking in jest but being the aggrieved I find it necessary to answer.
Yes you must be right! I may have the sophisticated pallet of a college dorm room party? I’m sure I have not yet attained the sophistication where I merit an opinion so I apologize for giving one here on this thread.
Yet it is true that I am a member of the Southern Colorado Whiskey Club and been to numerous tastings. I’ve also attended the World Whiskey Awards!
Of course neither of these gives me anything more than a dorm party pallet you see? Nor does my very very meager dorm room collection as such

View attachment 666463View attachment 666458View attachment 666457

I’m sure your collection is much larger and sophisticated than this one small part of mine! And I’m sure you’re willing to display it here for us so we can be educated and expand our pallet so as to not be stuck in that dorm room party!

As to Jack Daniel’s?

But these are nothing but drunk dorm room opinions of course!

View attachment 666460

I would assume @HankBuck was unaware of the trouble with your dog and made that post in jest.
If it is not to difficult to speak of how is Charly responding to the hyperbolic chamber?
Unfortunately I’ve never had the opportunity to hunt the states so I’m unable to offer much of an opinion. I will say your points system is very difficult to navigate from an outsider’s perspective. Our moose tags here are lottery but there is no preference system other than if you are successfully drawn you at ineligible for the following four years.
@Tubby’s Canteen - wouldn’t You prefer a “points system”? It seems more fair and even here in the US there are States like Maine with NO point system, only way to hunt Moose is get “Lottery Lucky” and draw a tag —- some residents have applied every year for 40+ years with NO success and others get a tag 1st time. Then out West there is a point system for Bighorn sheep but you could go 20-30+ years and still never get drawn…BUT if you have $300,000 you can “bid” and Buy one at auction - so only the wealthy hunt sheep. I know each system has it’s faults but I like the points system best —- seems fair.
Why would you hope that animal dies over the winter?

I don't have anywhere near enough money to buy any sort of Governor's or Statewide tag at a raffle but I do see the benefit to them.

That one New Mexico Sheep tag at $1.3 Mil and it's buyer just did more for conservation, specifically sheep habitat & conservation than you and I, plus most everyone else on this site combined ever will in our lifetimes.
I completely understand people being disgusted by the rich being able to buy something like this, that the rest of us "average" citizens can't afford. I get some people thinking that this tag should be available to everyone, BUT adding this 1 additional tag into the lottery increases everyone's odds by how much? It makes how many additional people apply and brings in how much additional revenue for sheep habitat and research compared to the single auction tag?

There's no perfect system but by having 1 or 2 tags up for auction as a fund raising tool for conservation it increases and adds value to those animals and the habitat they live on. Conversely if we start reducing draw numbers and adding additional raffle tags it lessens the maximum potential dollar value.
@Mtn_Infantry - I get your point and the concept makes sense - buying one Sheep tag at $1,000,000+ goes to the Sheep habitat/preservation etc.. But, how do You judge success? If within a few years there are still No over the counter tags or reasonable ‘point system’ tags drawn for average Hunters - Nothing meaningful has improved or changed. Also, doubtful all those $$ are going directly to sheep habitat —- and if they are can it result in a meaningful increase in sheep population?
Lastly, there are multiple ways to raise money for wildlife and the “auctions” are only one - an easy one because a few Wealthy Hunters can (and will) always by the tags and can claim moral high ground doing so —— moral high ground is donating the $$ and NOT hunting the sheep until population increases. I admit, if I had the $$ I would buy a tag too AND hunt the sheep. I just don’t believe this is the best way to conserve & improve sheep populations — why Not add $5-$10 to every Hunting license and also include a point system and lottery draw? I do NOT have the answers and the current procedure, while flawed is better then nothing
@Tubby’s Canteen - wouldn’t You prefer a “points system”? It seems more fair and even here in the US there are States like Maine with NO point system, only way to hunt Moose is get “Lottery Lucky” and draw a tag —- some residents have applied every year for 40+ years with NO success and others get a tag 1st time. Then out West there is a point system for Bighorn sheep but you could go 20-30+ years and still never get drawn…BUT if you have $300,000 you can “bid” and Buy one at auction - so only the wealthy hunt sheep. I know each system has it’s faults but I like the points system best —- seems fair.

Its a moot point right now anyway over hunting by the natives and a terrible winter combined to lower the population to the point our season is closed for four years minimum.

An average year saw 350 moose licenses issued with 4 hunters per license. It’s only open to residents

45000%350 licenses annually = 1/128 chance
It would actually be a higher chance than that as not everyone puts into the draw and anyone who is picked is ineligible for the following 4 years. Most hunters get a chance at some point in there hunting career to hunt one.

Besides that 5000$ +\- still buys a moose hunt in nfld 6500+\- gets you a moose with stumble on bear tags as well. Nfld being a ferry ride away.
Ahhh yes, I see… Normally I try to be the peace maker here but due to recent events I’m in a particularly foul mood you see? You may have been poking in jest but being the aggrieved I find it necessary to answer.
Yes you must be right! I may have the sophisticated pallet of a college dorm room party? I’m sure I have not yet attained the sophistication where I merit an opinion so I apologize for giving one here on this thread.
Yet it is true that I am a member of the Southern Colorado Whiskey Club and been to numerous tastings. I’ve also attended the World Whiskey Awards!
Of course neither of these gives me anything more than a dorm party pallet you see? Nor does my very very meager dorm room collection as such

View attachment 666463View attachment 666458View attachment 666457

I’m sure your collection is much larger and sophisticated than this one small part of mine! And I’m sure you’re willing to display it here for us so we can be educated and expand our pallet so as to not be stuck in that dorm room party!

As to Jack Daniel’s?

But these are nothing but drunk dorm room opinions of course!

View attachment 666460
@CZDiesel - WOW, compared to You I know NOTHING about whiskey….I obviously picked a fight with the wrong Guy ——the Mike Tyson of Rye !! SO, now that I’ve just gotten my Ass KICKED (and I’m not even drunk so I felt every punch!!) let me back away and save a spec of my dignity and hopefully no good looking women saw me get that beat down !!!
. I do know a little about Bourbon and Scotch - at least I’ve elevated above the entry level Johnnie Walker Black and snotty wanna be’s drinking “Blue” - also recognize Old Granddad as the “House Bourbon” of cheap bars.
Something very reasonably priced that I’ve found is worth a try: Scotch - Aberlour A’BUNADH cast strength $75 to $140 depending on availability… Bourbon - Bib & Tucker small batch, $60. [ I still don’t care for JD but always have a bottle in my house for those that do - most drink it in Coke…so that tells me a lot ].
One of my biggest issues with the points system is when you get drawn, that is your one opportunity. If it takes 10+, sometimes 20+ years to draw for certain areas, and something comes up where you can't go, you are SOL. If I'm paying for a hunt in Europe, Africa, or wherever and something happens, I'm out some money, but I can try again in the next year or two. I can make more money, but I can't make more time.

Maybe my priorities are messed up, but I'm not going to leave my wife to deal with a family emergency alone, and I'm not going to miss my kid's team going to state or something, to go on a hunt. Not even a once in a lifetime hunt. Not to mention injuries and medical issues that only seem to become more frequent as we get older.
One of my biggest issues with the points system is when you get drawn, that is your one opportunity. If it takes 10+, sometimes 20+ years to draw for certain areas, and something comes up where you can't go, you are SOL. If I'm paying for a hunt in Europe, Africa, or wherever and something happens, I'm out some money, but I can try again in the next year or two. I can make more money, but I can't make more time.

Maybe my priorities are messed up, but I'm not going to leave my wife to deal with a family emergency alone, and I'm not going to miss my kid's team going to state or something, to go on a hunt. Not even a once in a lifetime hunt. Not to mention injuries and medical issues that only seem to become more frequent as we get older.

Arizona has a point protection system where if you pay a few bucks the license goes back tot he state and you get your points back. Seems like a good system.
@Tubby’s Canteen - wouldn’t You prefer a “points system”? It seems more fair and even here in the US there are States like Maine with NO point system, only way to hunt Moose is get “Lottery Lucky” and draw a tag —- some residents have applied every year for 40+ years with NO success and others get a tag 1st time. Then out West there is a point system for Bighorn sheep but you could go 20-30+ years and still never get drawn…BUT if you have $300,000 you can “bid” and Buy one at auction - so only the wealthy hunt sheep. I know each system has it’s faults but I like the points system best —- seems fair.

No point system for Non Residents ever, if you get in the first year they are great if not you are never drawing a really special tag. It could work for Residents but as you said probably looking at 20 years.
@Mtn_Infantry - I get your point and the concept makes sense - buying one Sheep tag at $1,000,000+ goes to the Sheep habitat/preservation etc.. But, how do You judge success? If within a few years there are still No over the counter tags or reasonable ‘point system’ tags drawn for average Hunters - Nothing meaningful has improved or changed. Also, doubtful all those $$ are going directly to sheep habitat —- and if they are can it result in a meaningful increase in sheep population?
Lastly, there are multiple ways to raise money for wildlife and the “auctions” are only one - an easy one because a few Wealthy Hunters can (and will) always by the tags and can claim moral high ground doing so —— moral high ground is donating the $$ and NOT hunting the sheep until population increases. I admit, if I had the $$ I would buy a tag too AND hunt the sheep. I just don’t believe this is the best way to conserve & improve sheep populations — why Not add $5-$10 to every Hunting license and also include a point system and lottery draw? I do NOT have the answers and the current procedure, while flawed is better then nothing

That tag being sold for 1.3M will pretty much go to Sheep Conservation, it will 100% go to conservation efforts in that state. There are numerous herds right now across alot of states that people are DRAWING tags that are because of two main factors herd transplants and buying the grazing rights of ranchers to keep domestic sheep away. There is so much that goes into it, it isnt even funny.

As far as raises prices, how much more do you want them raised? How much more do you want points to cost? Licenses are going up, especially for Non Residents at a crazy rate. I have a friend that front 20k in licenses fees to APPLY in New Mexico.

Wyoming last year charged people 3k (refundable) plus 3% credit card fee (nonrefundable) plus 150 a point for sheep...and there were no random tags!

The whole western draw system is completely broken and they are going to kill the golden goose at some point. Once I burn the points I have now, I will be done with it, and I will probably drop a few other points as well. There is a lot of hunting to do, to worry about a state sponsor ponzi scheme!
Arizona has a point protection system where if you pay a few bucks the license goes back tot he state and you get your points back. Seems like a good system.

This is also bad, since some licenses are preference based in the first pass, but guys can turn it back in and get their points back but some have abused the system and go scouting or see moisture is off for the year. This adds to overall point creep.

So it was attended to help the guy who couldn't get off, or gets hurt or whatever but like any system it gets abused.
@CZDiesel - WOW, compared to You I know NOTHING about whiskey….I obviously picked a fight with the wrong Guy ——the Mike Tyson of Rye !! SO, now that I’ve just gotten my Ass KICKED (and I’m not even drunk so I felt every punch!!) let me back away and save a spec of my dignity and hopefully no good looking women saw me get that beat down !!!
. I do know a little about Bourbon and Scotch - at least I’ve elevated above the entry level Johnnie Walker Black and snotty wanna be’s drinking “Blue” - also recognize Old Granddad as the “House Bourbon” of cheap bars.
Something very reasonably priced that I’ve found is worth a try: Scotch - Aberlour A’BUNADH cast strength $75 to $140 depending on availability… Bourbon - Bib & Tucker small batch, $60. [ I still don’t care for JD but always have a bottle in my house for those that do - most drink it in Coke…so that tells me a lot ].
My apologies Hank! I should not have posted that it was childish of me. I was just tired, frustrated, and worried about Charlie.
I’m sure you know your way around the whiskey world very well! I hope your day is going well…
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I just got a Benelli knock off shotgun with a black plastic stock and a pistol grip. I figured I wouldn’t like it so I ordered a wood set. I couldn’t get the plastic one back on fast enough.

Stuff sure is expensive. That’s the truth.
My apologies Hank! I should not have posted that it was childish of me. I was just tired, frustrated, and worried about Charlie.
I’m sure you know your way around the whiskey world very well! I hope your day is going well…

CZ the only thing I could see wrong in your pictures there was that the bottles had too much in them

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ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you
Bighorn191 wrote on Mtn_Infantry's profile.
Booked with Harold Grinde - Gana River - they sure kill some good ones - who'd you get set up with?
85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!